"It's just that they recognize me as the master, isn't it because I have the armor of the ancient supreme? Have I been recognized by the ancient supreme emperor's sword?" Hun Han was puzzled again.

As for the origin qi, not only the old Baoshan of Jianbaoshan, the suzerain of the Dixingzong, the master of the Kongxuanmen, but also the nine great beasts wanted it.Even Hun Han wanted it himself!

But is there a soul cold?No!

"Brother Bodhi."

Hunhan put away his mind, turned to look at the ancient Bodhi tree, his eyes showed a touch of eagerness, and said with a smile: "I know what you want to do, you want me to help you get rid of the curse on you, um, it is the curse left by Emperor Dou Negativity, isn't it?"

Uh. . .

The ancient bodhi tree was stunned for a while, as if it was shocked by Hunhan's words.After that, the tree pole vibrated very violently.It seems to be saying: Yes, yes, I just want you to help me get rid of the negative emotions left by Emperor Dou.

"Uh heh heh..."

Looking at the ancient Bodhi tree with a cold smile, Hunhan smiled slyly and said with some embarrassment: "Brother Bodhi, you also know that those are also the negative emotions left by the Doudi powerhouse. It is not easy to get rid of them?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

wow wow

When Hunhan's words just fell, the ancient tree trembled for a while, and then many light clusters flew out from the ancient tree.Among the light clusters, there are twenty-four!

These green light clusters are the Bodhi seeds that can increase the success rate of being promoted to Dou Sheng.Moreover, Hunhan noticed that the quality of these bodhi seeds was far higher than the one in his hand.If a bodhi seed of such high quality is lost, it will definitely cause a bloodbath on the mainland.

"Okay. Brother Bodhi, since you are so kind, I, Hunhan, will remove the negative emotions left by Emperor Dou for you."

After Hunhan said, he flipped with his empty hand and took out Qinglian's heart fire.With a wave of his hand, he threw the bodhi seed into the flames.


There was a thin crackling sound in the flames.After a while, the bodhi seeds were purified by the soul cold, forming a green smoke.The smoke penetrated into the ancient Bodhi tree, and black gas could be seen coming out of the ancient Bodhi tree.

The next job is much simpler.As long as this continues, the negative emotions left by Emperor Dou can be purified from the ancient Bodhi tree.

In this strange space, there is no scale of time passing.Hun Han didn't know how long he had been doing this.When the last smear of black air was purified, the ancient Bodhi tree in front of him had returned to its former glory.

The ancient bodhi tree in front of him undoubtedly became more emerald green than before.The difference from before is that faintly, the old Bodhi tree in front of him gives people a strange feeling of peace, holiness and wisdom.

The ancient Bodhi tree right now is the ancient Bodhi tree that people really praise.


A branch and leaf of the ancient tree stretched out, like a palm, touching Hunhan's head, as if saying: Brother Hunhan, you did a good job.I was able to banish that nasty negativity thanks to you.

"Brother Bodhi, should my relatives and friends be released?" Hunhan said with a smile.


The ancient Bodhi tree shook its branches gently, and suddenly, a strange wave was born in this space.Immediately afterwards, embarrassed figures were spat out from the ancient tree.

"What a terrifying ancient Bodhi tree. It turns out that the ancestors fell like this."

Looking at the completely different ancient Bodhi tree in front of them, Gu Xun'er and the others had a hint of horror and fear on their pretty faces.The previous illusion made them fall into it one by one, without knowing it, and unable to extricate themselves.

Thinking of everything they encountered just now, everyone couldn't help but sweat.

At the same time, Hun Han caught a look of disappointment in their eyes.

In fact, you can understand it if you think about it.Although it is an illusion, in the illusion, they can get what they want to the greatest extent.

"Brother Bodhi, can we release them?" Hun Han asked with a smile.

The ancient bodhi tree understood Hunhan's words, and the tree body shook slightly, causing ripples in the surrounding space.Queen Medusa, Gu Xun'er, Yun Yun and others were all released.

"This is... the ancient Bodhi tree?"

"It's such a comfortable breath."

Gu Xun'er and the others looked at the ancient bodhi tree in surprise.The ancient bodhi tree gave them the feeling that they no longer had the uncomfortable feeling before.Being in it feels like springtime.

The ancient Bodhi tree is on a branch.Branches extend towards the front, spiraling into a simple futon.

"You want me to sit on it?" Hun Han was overjoyed.He knew that the ancient Bodhi tree was going to give him a great opportunity!

The top of the ancient Bodhi tree moved, as if nodding.

Seeing this, Hunhan sat on the futon without hesitation.Pulling the branches, the old bodhi tree approached its tree spirit.

When Hun Han's body touched the mask outside the spirit of the ancient Bodhi tree, the mask made ripples.In the end, Hunhan's body miraculously submerged into the mask.

"Ding dong!"

"Congratulations, you have signed in among the tree spirits of the ancient Bodhi tree, and you have completed the task. Reward: Improve your cultivation by one star!"

As the system's voice fell, a terrifying energy flowed out of Hun Han's mind.Finally, it merged into the dantian of Hunhan.Hunhan's cultivation base has been raised by one star all of a sudden.

"Ding dong!"

"The system issued a new sign-in task. Please sign in in the cave of Emperor Tuoshe, do you want to receive a new sign-in task?"

"Take it!" Hunhan said without hesitation.

When he came out, Emperor Huntian had already told Hunhan.When he returns from here, Emperor Huntian will summon the cave of Emperor Tuoshe.Once Hunhan even obtained the two major treasures left in the ancient emperor's cave mansion in Tuoshe, Hunhan wanted to see what else Xiao Yan could find!

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