Fortunately, there is now a chance to make up for all of this.

Tang Zhen looked at Xiao Yan and said, "Xiao Yan, don't forget the old man's request!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Zhen waved his hand, and the Nine Dragon Thunder Ganghuo in his hand turned into a stream of light and flew in front of Xiao Yan.


A shrill scream came from Tang Zhen's mouth.Without the protection of the strange fire, the surrounding blood mist quickly invaded Tang Zhen's body.Tang Zhen's meridians bulged at a speed visible to the naked eye.Finally, under the influence of the bloody mist, Tang Zhen exploded.

The blood-red mist was so strange that it eroded Tang Zhen's fragments.In the end, nothing was left, not a single bit of meat left.

"What a fool!" Xiao Yan whispered mockingly.Looking at the Nine Dragon Thunder Ganghuo in his hand, he was overjoyed: "I didn't expect that it would be this way to obtain the strange fire of Fenyan Valley."

Xiao Yan looked deeper into the blood-colored mist, and murmured: "I don't know how far ahead. To be on the safe side, it's better to refine this strange fire here first. If I can refine it, my burning formula will reach Let's go to the realm of heaven!"


The Soul Clan, the Study Room of Emperor Soul

"Congratulations, you have finally reached the realm of the emperor's soul." The Huntian Emperor, who was dressed in white, congratulated the black-clothed man in front of him.

"Haha!" The man in black smiled triumphantly.

The Soul Palace has been established for a long time, and after so many years of hard work, the source of souls collected, except for a part, was given to Hun Han.Others were swallowed by the Void Swallowing Flame.Now, the soul realm of nothingness swallowing flames has also reached the legendary emperor realm.

"Now that the young patriarch has returned, is it time to find out where the ancient Emperor Tuoshe's cave is?" Void Tunyan asked with concern.

For Void Swallowing Flame, the opportunity in Ancient Emperor Tuoshe was what he wanted most.

"Don't worry, I haven't forgotten the agreement back then. You and my soul clan are closely related, and I will never deceive you about this matter. If I want to deceive you, I will definitely not help you, and help your soul realm reach the legendary level." The Emperor Realm in the Middle Kingdom." Emperor Huntian said with a smile.

"Where's the ancient jade? Let me see, what will happen after the ancient jade is collected?" Xing Wu Tunyan asked curiously.

With a wave of Emperor Huntian's hand, eight fragments of Tuoshe ancient jade, emitting a faint light, were suspended in the midair.Faintly, there are strange fluctuations rippling.

Emperor Huntian patted his chest with his hands and spat out a mouthful of blood.Blood splashed onto the eight pieces of ancient jade, and the lines of the ancient jade began to light up.And make a slight buzzing sound.

"Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, let me, Huntian Emperor, gather you together today!" Huntiandi said lightly, and grabbed the eight pieces of ancient jade with a firm palm.

Accompanied by a sound.The eight pieces of ancient jade became a complete piece of ancient jade.An ancient, wild atmosphere slowly diffused from the ancient jade.

Immediately afterwards, a white mist floated above the ancient jade.The white mist condensed into an illusory figure of an old man.

The old man liked the black robe, and his hair appeared in various colors, which was extremely mysterious.His face was ordinary and ordinary, but his eyes, like the stars at night, were bright and deep.Looking at the old man in front of him, Hun Tiandi, Void Swallowing Flame, and Hunhan, even though the soul realm has reached the emperor realm, there is still a trembling feeling deep in his heart.

Hunhan knew that this old man was Ancient Emperor Tuoshe!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------


It has been a month since the ancient bodhi tree appeared.During this month, nothing special happened in the Central China Continent.

Hun Han mobilized all the people who looked around, but still did not find Yao Chen, Tang Zhen, Qing Lin, Xuan Yi and Jin Shi.Those people seemed to have evaporated from the world.

If Xiao Yan and the others make some noise, it will make Hunhan feel at ease.But Xiao Yan and the others didn't move at all.Could it be that they are already dead?

Hunhan didn't rule out the possibility.

Xiao Yan wants to defeat Hunhan, so he can only continue to search for the strange fire.Just as the different fire is air, can you get it if you want it?The different fire was born in a place of near death, and it will be full of risks when devoured.It is also understandable that Xiao Yan, Yao Chen and others were wiped out.

The sky over Canaan College was clear, except for a dark cloud standing in the sky.Gather your attention, and you will find that there are not any dark clouds there, but countless powerful men from the Zhongzhou Continent who have stepped into the void.

"Lei clan chief, Yan clan chief, Yao clan chief, Stone clan chief, Ling clan chief, Gu clan chief, and you guys. I'm going to start summoning the ancient emperor Tuoshe's cave!" Hun Tiandi glanced around. , reminded the people around him.

In the original story line, the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan were wiped out, and the Medicine Clan also suffered a catastrophe.Because the patriarchs of the Stone Clan, Spirit Clan, Medicine Clan, Yan Clan, and Thunder Clan knew the current affairs, they made friends with the Soul Clan one after another.They even took the initiative to take out the jade pieces of Emperor Tuoshe in their respective hands.This made Emperor Huntian finally give up the plan that he had planned for many years.

As for the ancients.Gu Yuan, the patriarch of the Gu Clan, and his daughter, Gu Xun'er, are already with Hun Han.As for Emperor Huntian, he wanted to open the cave of Emperor Tuoshe to find the legendary source of energy.Naturally, Gu Yuan would not object.What's more, Gu Yuan has been lingering at the peak of Nine Star Fighting Saint for a long time, and he has become impatient in his heart just like Hun Tiandi.Therefore, he also took the initiative to take out the fragments of the Tuoshe ancient jade that the ancient clan had been keeping in his hand.

Gu Yuan said: "Summon. In order to compete for this piece of ancient jade, we don't know how many bloody storms have been set off in the Zhongzhou Continent. All along, our eight ancient clans have been fighting openly and secretly for this. Today, let the cave of Emperor Tuoshe appear in the world, Kill the buds of discord in the cradle!"

"That's right, strangled in the cradle!"

Gu Yuan's words were unanimously approved by the patriarchs of the Stone, Spirit, Medicine, Yan, and Lei clans.

Of course, if there is a choice.The patriarchs of the Stone, Spirit, Medicine, Yan, and Thunder clans definitely would not choose this way.Once the cave of Emperor Tuoshe is opened, the people who will obtain the legendary source energy will not be Emperor Hun and Gu Yuan, but Gu Xun'er and Hun Han.For their race, this is not a good thing.

However, the Soul Clan and the Gu Clan joined forces, and the Pill Tower and the Soul Palace were in the hands of Hunhan.In addition, Huazong, Wudu Pavilion, plus Dixingzong, Jianbaoshan, Kongxuanmen and Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, they only look forward to it.

Due to the terrifying power of the opponent, the patriarchs of the Stone, Spirit, Medicine, Yan, and Thunder clans had no choice but to compromise.

Emperor Huntian waved his hand, and the Tuoshe ancient jade that had been fused into one piece floated in front of him.On the ground below him was an endless forest.Although there is some distance from the inner courtyard of Canaan College, before Hun Han came here, he had already notified the inner courtyard of Canaan College, so that the teachers and students had already evacuated.Today's Canaan Inner Court is just an empty college.

The place was also deliberately chosen by Hun Han.The purpose is to minimize the damage to the inner courtyard of Canaan Academy.

Initially, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade did not change at all.At a certain moment, Emperor Huntian suddenly opened his eyes, and energy surged out of his body, and the surging energy went straight into the ground.The ground undulated violently.Finally, a huge crack opened.

From the black crack, at first it was just steaming out.Finally, billowing crimson magma spurted out from there.Within a few breaths, the thousand-meter-long crack had already been filled.After a while, the originally lush ground below has turned into a magma lake.

On top of the magma lake, a huge magma fountain was constantly surging outward.It seems that at the end, something is about to be born.

"As expected of a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the Nine Star Fighting Emperor, he can easily create mountains and lakes."

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