The appearance of the stone statue is very old, and it is as high as ten thousand feet. Standing here, it has a powerful aura as if it is descending from heaven and earth.Around the stone statue, there are many light groups flying, which are very dazzling from a distance.

"Is that a heavenly technique?"

Someone exclaimed.A single heaven-level exercise is enough to cause a bloodbath in the Dou Qi Continent, so many heaven-level exercises.Once spread out, wouldn't it turn the outside world upside down.

"Hey, someone actually came in?"

A suspicious old voice suddenly sounded from the sky.

Hunhan followed the prestige, and saw an old figure standing with his hands behind his back on the shoulder of the stone statue, staring at Hunhan with a little surprise.After the surprise, the eyes turned flat, as if staring at ants at the moment.

The old man was wearing plain robes, exactly the same as the huge stone statue in front of him.

"Emperor Tuoshe?"

Everyone looked solemn.

"No, he is not the ancient emperor Tuoshe, but the young emperor pill!" Hun Han corrected.The Taishang Nine Yuan Jue was perfect, and Hunhan found that he could see through the origin of the things in front of him at a glance.

Doudi, emperor-level soul, emperor-grade young pill.

But anything that is related to the word emperor is a level that many people cannot match and need to look up to.

"Void Swallowing Flame, you finally came in." Emperor Pin Chudan's eyes fell on Nothing Tunyan's body.

"Let's do it together. It's just a young emperor pill." Emperor Huntian looked at Gu Yuan.

"Okay." Gu Yuan nodded.

"I'll come too." Zhu Kun offered.

The three Nine-Star Fighting Saint peaks, the powerhouses whose soul realm has reached the Emperor Realm, joined forces to fight against the Emperor Grade Young Pill.The battle soon came to an end.The Emperor Grade Young Pill was beaten back to its original form.

"Let's go." Emperor Huntian held the Emperor Grade Young Pill in his hand and scanned his surroundings.There was nothing he was interested in here.

"And what you promised me!" Nothingness Tunyan replied.

The thing that swallows flames from nothingness promised by Emperor Huntian.what?Apart from another great opportunity in this cave, what else can there be!

Emperor Huntian hesitated.That thing is the inheritance of Ancient Emperor Tuoshe. Once it is obtained by the Void Swallowing Flame whose body is a different fire, it will make the latter become the second Ancient Emperor Tuoshe.

This is obviously not in the interests of Emperor Hun and the Hun Clan.

"Go and get it. Could it be that my father will still lie to you?" While Emperor Huntian was hesitating, Hunhan took the initiative to intervene.

"Han'er!" Hun Tiandi waited for Void Tunyan to find the inheritance of Ancient Emperor Tuoshe, calling Hunhan's name softly.

"Let it go, even if it becomes the second Tuoshe Ancient Emperor, so what!" Hunhan smiled.He didn't pay attention to the treasures in this cave at all.

Because, Hunhan knew a big secret of his exercises.When the dou qi of nine foreign objects is fused into one, it turns out to be the source qi that is said to be needed by a fighter to advance to Dou Di!

It is rumored that when the world was first opened, the chaotic energy was divided into four parts, nine parts in four parts, and ninety percent of all things.These nine refer to the energy of nine different attributes.They are: wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, light, darkness, space and other nine energies.

When these nine energies are fused into one, it turns out to be the vanished Primal Chaos Qi!

Origin Qi is actually the Qi of Chaos.When the world first opened, not all the energy of chaos was divided into nine kinds of energy.There are also some chaotic airs that continue to exist.Due to Emperor Dou's unrestrained consumption, the Qi of Primal Chaos, that is, Origin Qi, was exhausted on the Dou Qi Continent.

Chapter 254

"Brother Hunhan, can you hurry up?" Gu Xun'er stepped on the void, urging Hunhan who was flying slowly beside him.

"Sister Xun'er, are you in a hurry?" Hun Han asked.

"Brother Hunhan, I'm not in a hurry. I'm just in a hurry for him." Gu Xun'er looked at Gu Qingyang beside him.

"Don't worry, if you want to subdue the Jinglian demon fire, it's not about whoever enters the space of the Jinglian demon fire first, and whoever can get the Jinglian demon fire." Hunhan said lightly.

In the sky in front of them, there are two crescent moons, one up and one down, suspended somewhere.At the same time, the nine bright stars in the starry sky were already able to form a straight line.

The two moons appear at the same time, the nine stars are one, the tides of heaven and earth, and the demon fire come to the world!

The famous words that were rumored in the hearts of fighters in the past have appeared today.

Beside Hunhan and the others, a large group of figures passed by.After several days of rushing, Hunhan, Gu Xun'er, Gu Qingyang, and some elders of the Gu clan have arrived within a thousand miles of the demon fire's birth.

The residual heat released by the Jinglian demon fire has already caused many people to shy away.Only the powerhouses above the six-star Dou Zun continued to move forward.

It took Hunhan and the others an hour for the journey within a thousand miles before they slowly felt the destination.

In front of them was an area that had been burned into a desert.It used to be a lush mountain range.Being able to burn mountains into ashes is enough to show how terrifying the Jinglian Demon Fire, which ranks third on the Alien Fire List, is.

"Hunhan, when will we start entering?" Seeing Hunhan coming here, Gu Qingyang didn't immediately fly into the sky.Enter the space that has been deformed by high temperature.

"Don't worry. I said that I will help you obtain the Pure Lotus Demon Fire, so I will definitely help you obtain the Pure Lotus Demon Fire." Hun Han said, flicked his fingers, and took out four residual pictures from the ring.

Immediately afterwards, Hunhan flipped his empty hands again, calling out Qinglian's heart fire.Put the remnants of the picture into the fire of shame.

With a sound of thunderbolt, the four remnants of the pictures were burned by Hunhan.Finally a milky droplet appeared.The droplet contained terrifying energy, causing the space around it to appear distorted.

"What is this?" Gu Qingyang asked curiously.

"If you want to subdue the Jinglian Demon Fire, you absolutely cannot do without him. Otherwise, even if Gu Yuan and my father come, they will not be able to refine the Jinglian Demon Fire." Hunhan said seriously.

Gu Yuan?

Hearing this, Gu Xun'er frowned, and said with a smile: "Brother Hunhan, what did you say?"

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