Following the voice of the Great Elder of the Hun Clan, Yun Yun, Gu Xun'er, and Hun Han turned around and bowed heavily to the Huntian Emperor sitting on the jade throne.

"Bye husband and wife!"

For the wedding process, Hunhan chose the traditional wedding ceremony of the Chinese plane!The novel big wedding method feasted the eyes of everyone in the venue.Today's Hunhan will soon be the master of this heavenly palace.As a great man who created an era, Hunhan naturally wanted to create a different culture.

It takes too much brain cells to create a new culture.Therefore, Hunhan lazily moved over the ancient culture of the Huaxia Plane intact.

On one side, Yun Yun's master, Yun Shan, and Gu Yuan, the original patriarch of the Gu Clan, looked at each other and smiled.Especially Yunshan, he never dreamed that he would have such luck in his later years.Being able to be awed by those famous forces on the mainland.

Yun Shan knew that with his cultivation base of Dou Zong, all the glory and wealth were brought to him by his good disciple Yun Yun.


Just when Hunhan was about to pay respects to Yun Yun and Gu Xun'er, a strong fluctuation came from the distant space.A bright red glow shot up into the sky, straight into the sky.As a result, the continent shook violently a few times.Even this heavenly palace in the sky was shaking violently.

"Who is so presumptuous to make such a big commotion on the day of the great emperor's wedding!" The Great Elder of the Soul Clan shouted softly.The voice used battle energy, and slowly moved towards the distance.

"That's... the area of ​​the Wild Ancient Territory!" Hun Han thought and frowned.With his current state, he couldn't see through what that red glow was.Faintly, that red glow gave him a very uncomfortable breath.

"Only you dare to yell at me!"

A voice that was extremely familiar to Gu Xun'er, Hun Han, Nalan Yanran, and Xiao Yu floated out of the blood-red glow.

"Xiao Yan?!"

"Xiao Yan?!"

"Xiao Yan?!"


The owner of the voice was none other than Xiao Yan who had disappeared for a long time.

The sound turned into a burst of energy and came from afar.The Great Elder of the Soul Clan, who possessed the realm of Dou Sheng, was instantly wiped out of his body.

At the same time, a blood-red energy condensed into a figure above the Lingxiao Palace.It was Xiao Yan.

At this moment, Xiao Yan, with red hair and red eyes, looked like a devil from hell, with fierce and ferocious eyes.

"Xiao Yan?" Xiao Yu looked complicated, looking at Xiao Yan in front of him.

"Xiao Yu, I didn't expect you to become his running dog. I haven't seen you for so many years, but your legs are still so round, so slender, and so white!" Xiao Yan said with evil eyes.

If it wasn't for the coldness of the soul, Xiao Yan would have already touched Xiao Yu's long legs.

"Xiao Yan, what do you want to do?" Gu Yuan asked in a deep voice.

"Gu Yuan, you are not qualified to speak. You made so many promises with my ancestor Xiao Xuan, but you broke your promise. You also arranged for Gu Xun'er to enter my Xiao family, trying to steal Tuoshegu from my Xiao family. Fragments of jade. Do you think we don't know?" Xiao Yan mocked.

"Boy, above the Lingxiao Palace, don't be presumptuous!" With a thought in his mind, Emperor Huntian made an attack, and a huge invisible palm formed beside Xiao Yan.

Emperor Huntian narrowed his eyes slightly, and the huge invisible palm distorted the space to the point of deformation, pinching Xiao Yan's body fiercely.

However, the Huntian Emperor, who is currently in the Doudi realm, did not instantly kill Xiao Yan in front of him as imagined.Look at Xiao Yan's relaxed appearance.Hun Tiandi's attack seemed to be giving him a tickle.

"This..." Hun Tiandi thought in his heart.The attack just now used [-]% of the attack power of the Dou Di, which is enough to kill a Dou Sheng level powerhouse.However, Xiao Yan was fine.

"A mere Doudi, dare to fight me!"

Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the red light on his body, like a surging tsunami, surged towards Emperor Huntian.Wherever the red glow passed, a terrifying aura erupted.Some of the Dou Sheng level powerhouses who were closer were wiped out in the blink of an eye.As if, never existed.

Chapter 257 Extraterrestrial Evil Clan, Blood Demon Clan

As soon as the energies of Emperor Huntian and Xiao Yan came into contact, Emperor Huntian staggered back a step.

One step, although only one step away.But for the Doudi powerhouse, the outcome of the two sides has been divided.Hun Tiandi, who is now in the realm of Doudi, is not Xiao Yan's opponent at this time.


Two extremely heavy words popped out from the mouths of everyone present.Xiao Yan in front of him has also broken through to the realm of Emperor Dou.

"how is this possible?"

"The cave of Emperor Tuoshe has already been entered by us. The young emperor pill inside is already in the hands of the soul clan. How did he break through to Emperor Dou?"

"Could it be that there are other places on the mainland that still have the origin energy to be promoted to Emperor Dou?"

The patriarchs of the Yao Clan, Yan Clan, and Lei Clan, who have dominated the Dou Qi Continent, would certainly not submit to the Soul Clan if they had a choice.The Xiao Yan in front of him seemed to have opened a door of hope for them.If they also break through to the realm of Emperor Dou, then they will not have to continue to surrender at the feet of the soul clan.

It's just that Dou Zhe's search for source qi is no longer a matter of a day or two.In previous searches, the eight ancient tribes, plus other forces on the Dou Qi Continent, did not find the origin qi.Although they thought so in their hearts, their rationality told them that this conjecture was not necessarily correct.

They looked at Xiao Yan again.Moreover, Xiao Yan in front of him had white hair and blood-red pupils, making him look very pervasive.In addition, on Xiao Yan's cheeks, there were two red streaks of blood, spreading from the corners of his mouth to the corners of his eyes.Xiao Yan's whole body was filled with a disgusting evil spirit.

"Guys, I can't think of it. One day, I can also become Emperor Dou." Xiao Yan smiled triumphantly.

"On the day of Xun'er's big wedding, don't be presumptuous." Gu Yuan sternly shouted.He and Hun Tiandi looked at each other, and there was a message communicating in their eyes.With a movement of their bodies, the two sides attacked the fierce Xiao Yan.

"A mere ants dare to be unreasonable to my emperor!"

As soon as Emperor Huntian and Gu Yuan moved, ten red figures floated out from behind Xiao Yan, stopping Huntiandi and Gu Yuan.

"Gore Demon King!"

Three extremely heavy words popped out from Hunhan's mouth.

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