
That's right, it's black.Because the energy of both sides was too terrifying, the space collapsed in pieces, forming a black hole.A huge attraction was born from the black hole, and sand and rocks flew in the field.Some Dou Zun-level powerhouses were affected by this attack, unable to stabilize their bodies, and were swallowed by the black hole in the blink of an eye.

There are flying sand and stones in the field, and you can't see your fingers.When all the dust settles, the black hole disappears, and the space repairs itself.Under this high altitude, the ground is no longer visible, and there is a bottomless abyss that cannot be seen at a glance.

What about the ground?

There is no ground anymore.If the soul's perception is sufficient, it must be able to detect it.On that day, monstrous sea water was pouring into this area.

After practicing Taishang Jiuyuan Jue, Hunhan has a strange perception of this plane.He could sense that the huge Dou Qi Continent had been split into eight continents because of his battle with Xiao Yan.

"Brother Hunhan!"

"Senior brother!"

Gu Xun'er and Yun Yun, wearing phoenix crowns and red clothes, walked up to Hun Han with concern.The corner of Hunhan's mouth was filled with blood.Obviously injured in the battle just now.


Xiao Yan laughed loudly.At this moment, the light on Xiao Yan's body was dim, almost transparent.Gives people a feeling of being annihilated at any time.However, Xiao Yan still smiled, very brightly: "Hunhan, this is not the end, this is just the beginning. Just wait, the day I leave the customs will be the time of shame. Those around you Women are good, tsk tsk, when the time comes, I won't kill you right away. I'll let you see how I pamper your woman."

After Xiao Yan finished speaking, his avatar had already turned into a gust of wind and disappeared into the sky.

"Xiao Yan!" Hun Han clenched his hands tightly.A doppelgänger is so terrifying, if you wait until Xiao Yan is out of the customs, it will be fine.

Not only Xiao Yan, but also the brows of everyone in the field were covered with dark clouds.They all know that the end of the Supreme Immortal Gate is coming.

"Han'er, are you okay?" Hun Tiandi floated in front of Hun Han and asked with concern.

"It's okay." Hunhan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.Said: "But I need to retreat for a while."

"En." Emperor Huntian nodded.

"What about Void Swallowing Flame?" Hun Han asked.

"Run away. Taking advantage of the movement just now, Void Tunyan ran away. The next time I see him, I will definitely kill him myself." Hun Tiandi clenched his hands tightly, and he was actually tricked by the strange fire.

"Everyone, I'm sorry." Hunhan cupped his hands and fisted around.

"Supreme Emperor, you are too polite."

The heads of Taixu Ancient Dragon Clan, Sky Demon Phoenix Clan, Fenglei Pavilion and other forces bowed politely to Hunhan.In their eyes, there was a flash of strange light.

a day later

"Brother Hunhan, are you better?" Gu Xun'er asked Hunhan who walked out of the room.

"Yeah." Hun Han nodded.After a day of healing, his injury has healed.Hunhan glanced at the people in front of him, and asked, "What's wrong with you, why are you all frowning?"

Looking at Hunhan's gaze, everyone remained silent.On the contrary, Baoshan old man from Jianbaoshan replied: "Supreme Emperor, during the time of your retreat, the Yao clan, Fenglei Pavilion, Stone clan, Ling clan, Huangquan Pavilion, Glacier Valley, Yingu, Tianmingzong, and all the former subjects All of our forces have defected to Xiao Yan."

"What?" Hun Han narrowed his eyes.

"Let them go, the reason why these forces surrender to us is just to survive." Hun Tiandi said lightly.

"After this opportunity, you can just see their faces clearly." The old Baoshan of Jianbaoshan didn't look panicked at all.

The actions of the Yao Clan, Fenglei Pavilion, Stone Clan, Ling Clan, Huangquan Pavilion, Glacier Valley, Yingu, Tianmingzong and other forces were completely within everyone's expectations.Especially the Stone Clan and the Spirit Clan, seeing Hunhan, Huntiandi, and Gu Yuan not inferior to Xiao Yan and others, they naturally turned to Xiao Yan for these grasshoppers.

"Old Baoshan, why don't you go?" Hun Han looked at Old Baoshan curiously, he was the only one, the calmest person in the field.

"Master, I will recognize you as master for a day, and I will recognize you as master for the rest of my life. How could I betray you at this time. What's more, the master's exercises have not yet been completed. When the master's exercises are truly accomplished, they will regret it " Baoshan old man said with a smile.

"Do you have a way to make my kung fu perfect?" Hunhan looked at the old man Baoshan expectantly.

The Taishang Nine Yuan Jue finally possesses the power of the Supreme Being.The power of the Supreme is the birth of the plane.In the end, Hunhan will control the birth of the fighting spirit plane.

Now Hunhan already possesses the strange grudge formed by nine kinds of foreign objects, which can detect anyone's thoughts.However, he does not have the ability to dominate like Lin Dong of Profound Sky Continent.Hun Han vaguely felt that he seemed to be missing something.Once he has that thing, he is no longer able to detect other people's thoughts, but can modify and dominate other people's thoughts.Everything will come under his control.

Chapter 259 Yun Yun, I beg you!The secret of Taishang Jiuyuanjue!

"Yes Master."

The Baoshan old man said seriously: "Master, the subordinates are not completely sure. In my Jianbaoshan, there is an ancient book. It records the history of the supreme dynasty in ancient times."

"In ancient times, the Dou Emperor was like mushrooms after the spring rain. The ancient supreme emperor had a bumpy road at the beginning of his dynasty. Even if he established an empire, he encountered many catastrophes at the beginning."

"It's very strange to say that those catastrophes happened very intensively. Every time the ancient supreme emperor encountered opponents, they would be stronger than he imagined. However, the ancient supreme emperor was able to let the supreme dynasty survive every time. catastrophe."

"Does this have anything to do with Brother Hunhan?" Gu Xun'er couldn't help but interjected.The old man Baoshan was just talking about the glorious deeds of the ancient Supreme Emperor. Is it possible that these deeds can allow them to survive the catastrophe that is coming to the mainland.

"Mistress, these deeds are closely related to the master."

The old man Baoshan continued: "If you take a quick look, you won't feel that there is anything strange about these legendary deeds. If you observe carefully, you will definitely be able to find it. Every time the ancient supreme emperor encounters opponents, they are stronger than the ancient supreme emperor. But , why can the ancient supreme emperor defeat his opponent every time?"

"Why?" Gu Xun'er asked curiously.

"Because, every time the ancient supreme emperor also becomes more powerful. There are detailed records in that ancient book, there was a time when the ancient supreme emperor fought with three strong men who broke through the realm of fighting emperors for the first time. Although the final result Killing each other and killing people, the ancient supreme emperor was also seriously injured. Three days later, five stronger fighting emperors came to avenge the three dead people. As a result, the ancient supreme emperor still beheaded the five of them, and, only It's just the price of bleeding from the corner of the mouth." Baoshan old man said seriously.


"Only three days apart, can you fight with five Doudi?"

"In the end, not only did he kill the opponent, but he was only slightly injured with bleeding from the corner of his mouth?"

Severe injuries and minor injuries, the three powerhouses who broke through for the first time and the five stronger Doudi powerhouses are not the same concept at all.What is the reason that made the ancient supreme emperor's cultivation rise so much in just three days!

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