The one who spoke in front of Xiao Wu was the Sky Blue Bull Python, a powerful hundred thousand year spirit beast with a head and a python body. If the Titan Giant Ape was the king of the forest, then the Sky Blue Bull Python was the emperor of the Star Dou Great Forest.

"Xiao Wu, we already know that you are not safe here, go back with me, you will be fine with me and Er Ming here." Tianqing Niuban comforted.

"Did you and Er Ming go there that day? Why are you not here? If you were all here, nothing would happen to Mom." Xiao Wu blamed.

Xiao Wu said while jumping onto the back of the Thunderbird, under the pressure of the Sky Blue Bull Python, almost the whole body of the Thunderbird was lying on the ground.

Led by the Azure Bull Python, they also headed towards their habitat, the Lake of Life.

Chapter 90

The titan great ape was very fast, holding onto Feng Xiaotian and ran for about ten minutes without any intention of stopping.

From the strength of the titan great ape holding him, Feng Xiaotian felt as if he was about to be crushed, so he could only use his soul power to resist desperately.

The titan giant ape is not a fool either, it seems that it is going to take itself to the lake of life, the highest level soul beast gathering place in the Star Dou Great Forest.

If you bring yourself into the lake of life, you may face two [-]-year-level soul beasts, and you can't handle one of them, let alone two.

"Brother Er Ming, don't you want to see Xiao Wu later? I know he's there, can I take you there?" Feng Xiaotian said, already making a decision in his heart.

But Er Ming ignored Feng Xiaotian, and still grabbed Feng Xiaotian and ran towards the depths of the Xingdou Great Forest vigorously.

Right in the middle of the action.

Now he can't use any skills on his body.

Fortunately, Er Ming took him away, and his parents are safe for the time being, I just hope they don't come to chase him and never meet Er Ming again.

Just walking, Feng Xiaotian found that the place he just passed seemed familiar.

After absorbing the head spirit bone, Feng Xiaotian's memory ability is quite good.

Feng Xiaotian remembered instantly, isn't that the place of the ruins mentioned in the Immortal Grade Secret Record?

And there is also a purple cloud dark flower python that may be [-] years old.

"Er Ming, stop quickly, do you want Xiao Wu to die?" Feng Xiaotian said again.

When Xiao Wu's life and death were involved, Er Ming stopped.

Said: "Cunning human beings, where did you take Xiao Wu? If you don't tell me, you will die."

Er Ming basically believed that Xiao Wu was taken away by the man in front of him, after all Feng Xiaotian knew his name.

"You put me down first. If something happens to me, at the moment of my death, Xiao Wu can't even think about surviving. After all, she is a soft-boned charming rabbit with a hundred thousand years of life. She has not long transformed, and anyone can pinch Xiao Wu to death. Wu, as easy as you want to kill me now."

This Er Ming seldom speaks, it seems that in the original book he only speaks when offering sacrifices to Tang San.

The same two hundred thousand year soul beasts, Da Ming and Er Ming, also fell in love with Xiao Wu at the same time.

In the early stage of this Douluo world, there are basically two men and one woman, basically two men fall in love with a woman at the same time.

The Golden Iron Triangle is Tang Hao, Tang Xiao, and Ah Yin are all the same, full of routines, even soul beasts are full of routines.

So now that Feng Xiaotian threatens Xiao Wu's life, it will definitely work.

On the titan great ape, Feng Xiaotian couldn't find any attack and defense weaknesses, even if he found them, in the face of the disparity in strength, even if it was a weakness, he couldn't do anything about it.

But there is a weakness Feng Xiao knows, and that is Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu is Er Ming's biggest weakness.

"Put me down." Feng Xiaotian said loudly.

Seeing that Er Ming was still a little hesitant, Feng Xiaotian added again: "Xiao Wu, she looks like she's about three years old, with a scorpion braid and pink clothes, see if I'm right."

"Also, your name Er Ming is the Titan Giant Ape, and the other is Da Ming, who is also a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. It is an azure bull python with a bull-headed python body. Do you still think I'm lying to you?"

Feng Xiaotian continued to increase the number of revelations. As a time traveler, his advantages were obvious, and no one knew better than him.

"The place you are anxious to take me to is the lake of life, the place where you live together." Feng Xiaotian said again.

Er Ming was already amazed in his heart, the human kid in front of him must know too much.

Could it be that Xiao Wu really told him?

It must be that this kid did something to Xiao Wu, and it must be his words and deeds to extract a confession.

"Damn human, what did you do to Xiao Wu? Why do you know so much?" Er Ming lifted Feng Xiaotian and put it in front of his eyes.

"Didn't you hear what I said? Let me tell you, if I don't go back before dark, then it will be Xiao Wu's death, and the soul ring and soul bone of [-] years will be a part of someone else's body." Feng Xiaotian continued Said.

Just like facing his teacher Dugu Bo back then, he can only save himself at this time, relying on his knowledge of Douluo to solve the current crisis.

Now he can't talk to Er Ming honestly, and he said these things to increase his bargaining chip.

In order to save his parents, he had already told about Xiao Wu, now to save himself, he had to make a fuss about this matter.

Er Ming was really in a hurry, what Feng Xiaotian said was the truth.It also put Feng Xiaotian on the ground according to Feng Xiaotian's request.

"How can you release Xiao Wu?" Er Ming asked.

"It's very simple, if you let me go, I will let Xiao Wu go. You will meet again soon." Feng Xiaotian said.

"No, cunning human, do you think I'm stupid? Let you go, what if you don't let Xiao Wu go?" said a little angrily.

The air comes out of the nostrils, like a strong wind blowing.

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