"Zi Ling'er, I'll just call you that. How do you know the words on the wall after you get these inheritances?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

The characters carved on this wall are all human characters, and it is not easy for a soul beast to understand these characters.

Ziyun'er smiled and said, "Don't worry about it. I've lived for more than [-] years. I haven't seen anything? You kid, you should call me Patriarch according to your age."

"No, we are different. I am a human and you are a soul beast. Even if you are a human now, you may not have been a human longer than me." Feng Xiaotian said.

"You're right, how old are you? What level have you cultivated your soul power to?" Zi Ling'er asked.

"Twelve years old, your soul power is now at level [-], how about you?" Feng Xiaotian also revealed one yellow and two purple soul rings after finishing speaking.

"That's right, I've never seen a soul master with your soul ring ratio in the Star Dou Great Forest for so many years." Zi Ling'er seemed to confirm a certain idea in her heart.

"I am eleven and a half years old, with thirty-fourth level of soul power." Zi Ling'er continued

"What? Eleven and a half years old, with thirty-fourth level of soul power?" Feng Xiaotian said incredulously, this talent must be too high.

Zi Ling'er explained: "I got the inheritance here, can't I not find a fairy product in thousands of years?"

After eating fairy products, it is normal to have level [-] at the age of eleven and a half. After all, Xiao Wu is only [-] or [-] at this age without taking fairy products.

"Feng Xiaotian, can you take me out of the human world?" Zi Linger suddenly asked.

"I lied to you just now, do you still believe me? You should not be mature yet, and I can't protect you even if you go to the human world. I forgot to tell you, my teacher is a master of Title Douluo, are you sure you want me Take you out?" Feng Xiaotian asked doubtfully.

If you want to take this humanoid Zi Linger out, you must have something to hide your breath, such as the lovesickness heartbroken red used by Xiao Wu.

Although Feng Xiaotian knew where the Lovesick Heartbroken Red was, it was similar to Heartbroken Red that needed to recognize the owner, and Zi Ling'er definitely couldn't do it yet.

"Do you think I can't do it? I had a way before, but it couldn't be realized, but if you come, then there is no problem." Zi Linger said with a smile.

"Me? What can I do?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"The method is very simple. It is your blood. Adding an immortal product can perfectly hide my aura."

Zi Ling'er took it out from the bracelet as she spoke.

He muttered to himself, "Let me see how to do it."

I don't know what kind of material this ancient book is made of, but it looks very simple.

"Did you get this book from this ruin?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

Zi Ling'er ignored Feng Xiaotian, and continued to rummage, and finally settled on the last few pages of the book.

"I found it, it's here, find a person with strong vitality, use his blood as the main primer, sprinkle it on the fairy fate flower, and dye it blood-colored destiny blood flower fairy. As long as the person who draws the blood doesn't die, It can always hide any aura of the transformed soul beast, it can be said that the aura of the two people is connected with fate, even a ninety-nine-level Title Douluo can't find it."

After reading out the method describing how to cover up the aura of human souls and beasts, Feng Xiaotian also roughly understood the method.

In terms of feelings, Zi Ling'er is still interested in my body, not me.

I am not the kind of person who can win the favor of all the beauties in the world with a single shock of the tiger's body.

"You have taken Star Anise Mystic Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot Jiaoshu, and after two extreme immortal body training, it is the most suitable." Zi Ling'er laughed happily.

After waiting for so many years, she finally got a suitable candidate.

The book in Zi Ling'er's hand is really very useful, Feng Xiaotian has always believed that the Douluo Continent has a history of many years, how could it be possible that no one has studied immortal products?

"Use my blood? Are you not afraid that I will go out and ask someone to kill you until your soul ring explodes?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

He knew that although the young girl in front of him looked young, she was actually a mature Purple Cloud Dark Flower Python. With a hundred thousand years of experience, how could it be the kind of innocence that Xiao Wu showed.

If you believe in the innocence of a [-]-year-old transformed soul beast, then you are really too innocent.

"You are right, maybe you have the idea of ​​killing me."

"But you also heard it just now, as long as we take this fairy product, our breath and destiny will be implicated."

Feng Xiaotian realized that he had really fallen into Zi Linger's trap.

"Sister, you have to think about it. You trust this human being. I won't be able to go out to protect you after you go out." Ziyun reminded loudly.

"I have already thought about it. I want to visit the human world. I have had enough of staying in the forest for [-] years. I want a different life. I have been preparing for today for too long." Zi Ling After finishing speaking, he looked at Feng Xiaotian again.

"Feng Xiaotian, are you willing to help me? I have spent thousands of years in the Star Dou Great Forest, and found a total of six immortals. I have already used one. Except for the flower of destiny that I will use later, the rest The four immortals are all yours, and I will share with you the inheritance here." Zi Ling'er said again.

Many immortal products may have been seen in the Douluo Continent, more or less like the teacher Dugu Bo, who possesses but does not know its effects, and taking it rashly is life-threatening, which leads to few people knowing the usefulness of immortal products.

The conditions Zi Linger said are really tempting, but it is a big taboo to entrust one's fate to others.

"How are fates connected?" Feng Xiaotian asked again.

"We ate half of the Destiny Blood Flower Fairy at the same time, with your blood on it, my fate and yours are connected, then we will live and die together, if I die, you will die suddenly and immediately. "Zi Linger explained.

"Life and death! If I die, what will happen to you? Will you put your fate on a stranger like me? I don't agree!" Feng Xiaotian said.

"If you don't agree, you will die. You can choose for yourself. I will give you another [-] breaths to think about it. If you don't agree after [-] breaths, you will be my brother Ziyun's dinner." Zi Linger threatened with a dark face.

Chapter 94 The Witch-Like Zi Linger

This is simply a threat from Hong Guoguo, why did Zi Linger fancy hers?

Could it be because the spirit bone of his head is the blue-eyed magic crystal python?This should be the most unlikely point.

And there is still a little problem in Zi Linger's words, that is, the use of the fate blood flower, why only use her own blood, not Zi Linger's?

The time for one hundred breaths is too little, and the time passed too fast, Feng Xiaotian immediately asked: "What will happen to you if I die? Will you die as well?"

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