Just after Feng Xiaotian swallowed the liquid medicine, the energy in his body increased again, and the blood flow seemed to be accelerating.

This feeling seems to be back to the feeling of eating star anise black ice grass and raging fire apricot, but this does not have the ice and fire yin and yang eyes.

The body began to feel uncomfortable, and at this moment, another wave of energy came over, as if all the energy had been neutralized, and everything became very comfortable.

Feng Xiaotian immediately felt that the soul power of his body was increasing at an incredible speed, and at the same time every cell in his body seemed to be strengthened under this energy.

It seemed to stimulate the remaining medicinal power before further refining his body, and the two medicinal plants he had just eaten seemed to be an auxiliary effect on him.

Is this really the Immortal Flower of Destiny?

Chapter 95: Land of Inheritance - Medicine

Time passed slowly, and nearly ten hours passed in the blink of an eye.

The blue light on Feng Xiaotian's body has not yet dissipated, and the effect of the medicine in his body has not yet been consumed.

On the other side, there was no light on Zi Ling'er's body, the light on her body had disappeared, and the next moment Zi Ling'er opened her eyes.

Standing up, he glanced at Feng Xiaotian who was absorbing the power of the medicine, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Zi Ling'er wanted to get closer, but Sanfeng, who was yellow and a little purple next to Feng Xiaotian, immediately stepped forward to block Feng Xiaotian's front.

She had no choice but to turn around and leave, came to her younger brother Ziyun, explained a few words in a low voice, and then walked into the darkness.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian felt that his body had reached an unprecedented height, and the soul power of his body continued to improve during the period. Facing the excess energy, Feng Xiaotian compressed the pure soul power again.

Now his soul power has reached level [-], the increase in soul power does not mean that it will decrease at all, and the increase in physical strength is even more obvious. Although it is not as good as the first ice and fire body training, it is at least [-]% more effective.

It can be said that his current physical strength increased by absorbing the increased mental strength of the skull, there is absolutely no problem in absorbing the ten thousand year level spirit ring.

There is no need to bring the ten thousand year soul beast to the Ice and Fire Liangyi Eye to absorb it like Tang San did.

After another hour, Feng Xiaotian compressed and purified all the excess soul power this time, and he was able to stay at level [-] without a soul ring.

Feng Xiaotian opened his eyes and looked around, but he didn't find Zi Ling'er, but the Ziyun Dark Flower Python was still looking at him.

"Thank you, Sanfeng." After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, he took Sanfeng back.

Feng Xiaotian closed his eyes, he seemed to be able to feel where Zi Linger was?

This Flower of Destiny really connects the two of us?

"Go find your sister, you should be able to sense where she is now." Ziyun said suddenly.

"Ziyun, you and your sister have lived here for thousands of years, has anyone taught your sister these pharmacological knowledge? And the words on it?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

A [-]-year-old soul beast, without anyone teaching it, can understand so much by itself, Feng Xiaotian doesn't believe it, especially when it comes to words, where no one can teach it.

And this Zi Ling'er is not as simple as ordinary people, it can be said to be very clever.

"You will understand when you find my sister. If you let me know that you are bullying my sister, I will definitely come back to the human world and will not let you go."

Feng Xiaotian said softly: "Do you dare to come to the human world?"

If a hundred thousand year spirit beast comes to the human world, it will be chased and killed by various titled Douluo.

"Cut, what is a human Titled Douluo? You have seen that titan giant ape before, right? If my sister didn't allow me to fight, I would be afraid of it?"

"To tell you the truth, I've also eaten powerful immortal herbs, as long as I'm not a titled Douluo above level [-], I'm not afraid." Ziyun said confidently.

"Didn't your sister say that she only found six fairy herbs in the past thousand years? She ate one and used one just now, and gave me the remaining four fairy herbs. Why did you eat fairy herbs again?" Feng Xiaotian was curious. asked, could it be that Zi Ling'er lied to herself.

"Cunning human beings, my sister found those six plants. I'm not allowed to find some for thousands of years? Go find my sister." Ziyun said again.

The two siblings are really a little mysterious, Ziyun has also tasted some fairy products, and also possesses extraordinary strength.

Feng Xiaotian didn't find it strange after eating some special immortal products that allowed the hundred thousand year soul beasts to have such strength, after all, the name immortal herb existed like a bug in the Douluo Continent.

It can make people strong, so there are also soul beasts who have eaten the effective fairy product.

Based on the induction in his heart, Feng Xiaotian already knew the approximate location of Zi Ling'er.

It can be said that there is a hall outside, but what Feng Xiaotian came to now is a passageway about three or four meters wide.

Entering the entrance of the passage, Feng Xiaotian looked at the pattern on the wall of the passage while walking.

If the paintings on the walls of the outer hall are immortals, then the patterns on the passage seem to be telling a story.

This may be the story of the establishment of this ruin, Feng Xiaotian looked at the murals as he walked.

The mural is about a person's life. He studied herbs from childhood to adulthood, tried different herbs, and developed an extraordinary physique. During the period, he encountered countless dangers and survived each time.

After a war across the continent, she seems to be guided by a mysterious person.

In the end, she left this world, and before she left, she came here to establish this relic inheritance and pass on her lifelong research.

Seeing this, Feng Xiaotian had already walked about a thousand meters away and saw the murals that were nearly a thousand meters away.

Is this a legacy left by a god, or a god who studies medicine?

In the end, Feng Xiaotian came to such a conclusion, otherwise how could there be so many introductions of fairy herbs here.

With so many years of history in the Douluo Continent, this person may be one of the few who has studied medicinal herbs, and he may also be the most accomplished.

Out of the passage, suddenly see the light.

The position of the passage is gradually downward, Feng Xiaotian estimates that he is already four to five hundred meters underground.

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