"No problem, it's settled like this." Feng Xiaotian smiled, he not only poached the corner of the future Tiandou Royal Academy, but also poached the senior advisor of the future Shrek. For Poison Douluo, Tang San Just forget about it.

This time creating a kamikaze special genius class will definitely be a success, and maybe it will be famous throughout the Douluo Continent.

The strength of publicity can also be strengthened again when going back. A Contra master will give lectures, and a Title Douluo will give lectures twice a year.

This is such a great temptation for ordinary students and even noble students.

May I ask, apart from the three academies of the Two Great Empires and Wuhundian, which other academies have such a faculty?

After negotiating with the teacher Dugu Bo, Dugu Yan has no intention of ending the absorption of the soul, and she can clearly find the fluctuation of the soul power in her body, which is constantly improving.

This is the effect of absorbing the fairy product yesterday, such as Jasper Green Dew is a very high-level fairy product, and its effect is much better than the fairy product that Dugu Bo ate.

Dugu Yan lasted for about six hours and ended in the afternoon.

"Yanyan, how is it?" Dugu Bo asked with concern.

"Grandpa, I really want to thank Brother Xiaotian and Sister Linger this time. Guess how many levels I have reached after absorbing the spirit ring?" Dugu Yan pretended to be mysterious.

"I guess, Yanyan should have level [-]." Dugu Bo said.

"Teacher, level [-] is too small to underestimate the efficacy of immortal products. I think there are at least level [-]." Feng Xiaotian reckoned, after all, improving the quality of the martial soul would also consume a lot of medicinal power.

"Sister Ling'er, what do you think?" Dugu Yan smiled, it seemed that she could hardly hold back anymore.

"I guess your soul power has been raised to at least level [-]." Zi Ling'er said.

"Hehe, Sister Ling'er knows best, my soul power is indeed at level [-]." Dugu Yan said excitedly.

"Twenty-seventh level? Yanyan, you didn't lie to me, did you? How is it possible to be twenty-seventh level?" Dugu Bo said in disbelief.

Dugu Yan immediately released his soul power and two yellow soul rings.

The strength of a person's soul power cannot be deceiving.

"Grandpa, you should believe it now." Dugu Yan laughed.

Dugu Bo repeatedly confirmed that his granddaughter was right.

It is true that there is a soul power of twenty-seventh level. He just broke through and obtained the second soul ring, so it is twenty-seventh level.

It won't be long before you can prepare for level [-].

Dugu Yan now also has the aptitude to become a soul master before the age of twelve, and his genius level is already comparable to that of Feng Xiaotian and Zi Ling'er.

"Grandpa, you see, I can go to Brother Xiaotian's academy now." Zi Linger said.

"Haha, of course, I have already discussed with you brother Xiaotian, you can go, but you have to use your own strength to pass all their tests." Dugu Bo said with a smile.

"Thank you Grandpa, I will definitely pass the assessment." Dugu Yan said confidently.

"Yanyan, what is your new soul skill?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"The Datura snake is highly poisonous, with paralysis and toughness effects. I think Yanyan's soul skills are also related to these." Dugu Bo said.

"Hee hee, I call my second soul skill Biphosphorus Blue Poison, which is also a paralyzing poison. After using it, it can eliminate pain and increase defense by 60." Dugu Yan said.

"That's right, with your first soul ability, it's also considered a balance of offense and defense. Yanyan, you don't need to take the control system route, your current one is more suitable for the agility attack system." Dugu Bo said.

"Well, I think so too, it seems that the current agility attack system is more suitable for me." Dugu Yan said.

While talking, Feng Xiaotian also gradually discovered that the teacher Dugu Bo's personality seemed to be slowly changing, and he deviated more and more from the cruel and merciless Poison Douluo in the original book.

However, Dugu Bo faced his granddaughter and disciples naturally differently. In the eyes of outsiders, Dugu Bo was still ruthless.

At the same time, in Kamikaze City four hundred kilometers away, Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue were also discussing the special genius class with the senior management of the college.

There were also intense disputes at the meeting, which belonged to the struggle between the diehards and the reformers.

Feng Qingyuan's innovation has also been greatly hindered, and the biggest obstacle is the vice president who has been in office for less than two years, a soul saint of the older generation of kamikaze who is nearly seventy years old.

Chapter 108 Thousand Years Soul Beast, Dugu Bo Shot

Dugu Yan finished absorbing the soul ring, and Dugu Bo also led the crowd out of the Snake Valley, walking towards the depths of the sunset forest.

A normal soul master, after absorbing a soul ring that matches the corresponding level, can only be promoted to the next soul master level.

In Dugu Bo's eyes, there were only two ways to improve the level like Dugu Yan before.

The first is to stay at the level of absorbing spirit rings for a long time to accumulate cultivation and then obtain spirit rings. This can also improve, but this can only increase by about one level at most.

The other is to absorb spirit rings by leapfrogging, but this kind of thing exists in theory, and few people really dare to try it.

The higher the level of soul power in the soul ring, the higher the level of absorption, the body simply cannot withstand the corresponding soul power impact.

But today he saw a third way, taking immortal herbs.

Not only did the granddaughter Duguyan increase by six levels at a time, but she also changed the evolution of the martial soul.

This also made Dugu Yan more reassuring to follow Feng Xiaotian to Shenfeng Academy, maybe in the future Dugu Yan's achievements would be even higher than his own.

Dugu Bo was in a good mood, and said with a smile: "Xiaotian, have you thought about your fourth spirit ring? What age spirit beast do you need?"

"Teacher, I think that with my current physical condition, any soul beast within [-] can try it." Feng Xiaotian said.

The soul ring limit for being promoted to a soul king at level [-] is [-] years, and the limit for a soul ring to be promoted to a soul emperor at level [-] is [-] years.

With the help of Zi Ling'er, Feng Xiaotian had absorbed all the medicinal effects of the Star Anise Mysterious Ice Grass and Fiery Apricot.

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