"Ling'er, because you took my blood before, at that time my blood also had the effects of the two great immortal products, if you feel any discomfort, you must tell me in advance." Feng Xiaotian reminded.

"I understand, Brother Xiaotian, but can you let me go now." Zi Ling'er blushed slightly.

Feng Xiaotian quickly let go of Zi Ling'er, embarrassedly said: "Ling'er, go and have a look, there are quite a lot of fairy goods here."

Zi Ling'er's reddish face didn't dare to look at Feng Xiaotian, she immediately turned to look at the area where the medicinal herbs were planted in front of Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

"My God, it's incredible that there are so many fairy herbs here?" Zi Ling'er was surprised, completely forgetting the embarrassing scene just now.

Chapter 111 Snowy Swan Kiss, Collecting Immortal Items

Zi Ling'er didn't look at the Binghuo Liangyi Eye at all, her eyes were already filled with a large number of fairy herbs, and she left Feng Xiaotian and went straight to those fairy herbs.

"Ling'er, be careful, there are many fairy products in it that are highly poisonous, especially that snow-colored swan kiss." Feng Xiaotian reminded.

This kind of celestial product is highly poisonous, even Tang San used it cautiously, not daring to contaminate it in the slightest.

He used this highly poisonous fairy product in the evil plasma of the city of killing. He believed that the city of killing was a dark, evil and terrifying world that should not exist. He used this snow-colored snow-colored swan kiss to make the killing capital disappeared.

I don't know how many soul masters died because of the snow-colored swan kiss, and it also harmed his great-grandfather Tang Chen.

After hearing the snow-colored swan kiss, Zi Ling'er immediately stopped.Surprised and said: "Brother Xiaotian, you said there is a snow-colored swan kiss here?"

"That's right, there is a snow swan kiss here, in the innermost open space." Feng Xiaotian said.

This snow-colored swan kiss grew alone in an open space. Feng Xiaotian just forgot it from a distance at that time. He remembered that there was such a fairy plant here in the original book, which was so poisonous that even the title Douluo could It was effective, a poison that even Tang San was afraid of, so Feng Xiaotian remembered it very clearly.

"Brother Xiaotian, take me there quickly, this fairy plant is of great use to my younger brother Ziyun." Zi Linger trotted over and said to Feng Xiaotian.

"Why don't I know this?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Hee hee, the book I gave you doesn't have this content. There are only introductions to immortal products that are effective for humans, and there are no fairy products that are used by soul beasts." Zi Ling'er said.

"So that's the case, Ling'er, you're lying to me, and share what you agreed to share?" Feng Xiao said intentionally. In fact, it's useless for him to ask for some introductions about the soul beast chapter, and he doesn't keep souls in captivity. beast.

Feng Xiaotian looked at Zi Ling'er again, thinking in his heart that Zi Ling'er has already transformed and is no longer a soul beast.

"Brother Xiaotian, don't be angry, just show it to you when you have time, take me there quickly." Zi Ling'er said softly, the business was a little awkward, and Feng Xiaotian got goosebumps when he heard it.

"Let's go, I'll take you there, I was joking with you just now." Feng Xiaotian said with a smile.

Take Zi Linger and walk towards the fairy snow-colored swan kiss.

Feng Xiaotian stopped when he came to a position five meters away from the snowy swan kiss.

There are no plants within five meters of this snow-colored swan kiss, and a lonely one stands there.

It was crystal clear and white, and every blade of grass seemed to be dripping water. It was slender and curved, like the neck of a snow-white swan.

Even Tang San didn't dare to use this fairy plant to refine poison, but Zi Ling'er, who had the inheritance of the God of Medicine, had a way to use this snow-colored swan kiss.

In this world, both poison and tonic have two sides. As long as it is handled properly, poison can also become tonic, and tonic can also become poison.

It was also clearly stated in the book that Zi Ling'er gave herself, but the knowledge in that book was only limited to human beings, and had nothing to do with the fairy herbs needed by soul beasts.

"Brother Xiaotian, can you give me this snow-colored swan fairy product?" Zi Ling'er said with a smile.

"Give it to you, but you have to be careful, picking this fairy is very dangerous." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Thank you Brother Xiaotian, let's see mine." After Zi Ling'er finished speaking, her body emitted lavender light, and she entered the snow-colored swan kiss area.

Zi Ling'er walked very carefully, only moving a step every few seconds, this highly poisonous fairy is really terrifying.

Because in the book of the God of Medicine, this snow-colored swan kiss is ranked at the seventh level, which is very powerful. After all, the combination of star anise ice grass and raging fire apricot jiaoshu can only have the effect of a seventh-level fairy product.

The book also doesn't say how ordinary people pick it, just say a word, using a special technique.

After walking for about a minute, Zi Ling'er came to the side of Snowy Swan Kiss, and saw that she took out a bag that was different from the other fairy goods before.

The purple light on the body flourished, and the soul power was highly activated. Zi Ling'er used another method again. At this moment, she picked off the snow-colored swan kiss, and opened the bag to put it in.

Zi Linger took a minute to walk the distance of these few meters, but it only took a few seconds to pick it up.

After putting back the snow-colored swan-kissed bag, Zi Ling'er turned her head and saw beads of sweat dripping from her forehead.

"Brother Xiaotian, my soul power is a bit low, and it is still a bit difficult to pick this special fairy product, but I still succeeded." Zi Ling'er laughed.

"It's fine, as long as it's picked successfully." Feng Xiaotian said, even if Shi Ziling'er failed to pick it and got poisoned, he can still do it, because he has three winds.

The huge Binghuo Liangyi eyes seemed to be the back garden of the two of them.

"Wow, this is the fairy product of Youxiang Qiluo, as well as the eight-petal fairy orchid, the narcissus jade muscle bone, the cockscomb phoenix, and this is the king of flowers, the acacia heartbroken red? These are all good things, other poisonous ones There are nearly a hundred kinds of celestial products. Brother Xiaotian, this place of yours is really wonderful, no one has ever developed this place before." Zi Linger said in surprise.

"This place originally belonged to the teacher, but now he has given it to me. Linger, you can take whatever you like." Feng Xiaotian said.

Zi Ling'er was so generous before, he will not be stingy.

"Let me see, there are too many celestial products here, I want the narcissus jade muscle bone, which can improve my soul power, and I will choose a few more poisonous celestial products that can match the snow-colored swan kiss. "Zi Ling'er thought.

Twenty minutes later, Zi Ling'er took the narcissus jade bones and four kinds of celestial products that were highly poisonous.

"Brother Xiaotian, that's all I need, and I can help you put away the rest. And some immortal products are not suitable for long-term growth, and some immortal products that exceed their growth limit will even wither. There are already many Immortals are on the verge of withering." Zi Ling'er said seriously.

"Okay, I'll listen to you, pick all the ones that can be used here, and we can breed another batch." Feng Xiaotian said.

Because he has already seen the Anise Mystic Ice Grass and Raging Fire Apricot next to the Binghuo Liangyi Eye have sprouted small tender teeth, and after dozens or hundreds of years, they will be two mature plants again.

About two days later, the surroundings of Binghuo Liangyiyan have become in a mess, not as lively as when they came here before.

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