Zi Ling'er said it now, as if she still had some lingering fears. A soul beast has to live for [-] years. I don't know how many people it will face. Those who can survive are the best among them.

While speaking, tears welled up in Zi Linger's eyes.Weeping: "More than [-] years ago, my parents were also [-]-year-old soul beasts. In order to protect me and my younger brother, they were killed by three titled Douluo."

"It's a pity that my brother and I were less than [-] years old at the time. There was a big battle between the four of us and two Title Douluo of level [-] and one of level [-]. In order to protect us, Mom and Dad They're whining." Zi Ling'er cried very sadly.

It has been more than two thousand years, if these titled Douluo hadn't become gods, they must have already been buried in the ground, Feng Xiaotian stepped forward and hugged Zi Ling'er, and said: "Ling'er, don't be sad, we are a family now, we And mom and dad will protect you."

"Thank you brother Xiaotian, I am very happy now, let's not talk about this, you should see if these cards are useful." Zi Linger choked up.

Feng Xiaotian let go of Zi Ling'er, and took over dozens of gold soul coin cards, these should all be killed by those soul masters by their siblings.

But most of these cards have never been seen by Feng Xiaotian, but some of the logos on them belong to the Heaven Dou Empire, some of them belong to the Star Luo Empire and Wuhundian, and some have three logos coexisting, so they should be usable. If Ling'er took out some cards from tens of thousands of years ago, there was nothing that Feng Xiaotian could do.

"Ling'er, when did you get these cards?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"The nearest one is about a hundred years old, and the furthest one is probably two or three hundred years old. I didn't collect these things at first, but later I thought that human things might be useful, so I put them away." Zi Linger said.

"Let's go, let's go see how many gold soul coins there are." Feng Xiaotian said, no matter what time it is, you can try it and you will know, anyway, the Tiandou Empire has existed for more than two or three days century.

Come to Kamikaze City, go to the place where the Golden Soul Coin card was found. This is also the bank of the Douluo Continent. Of course, the Golden Soul Coin is also managed by the Heaven Dou Empire, which can be called the Tiandou Bank.

"Both, are you here to apply for a card? Or to deposit and withdraw gold soul coins?" a beautiful shop assistant greeted.

"We are here to withdraw money." Zi Ling'er said first.

"Okay then, please give me your golden soul coin card."

Feng Xiaotian had more than a dozen cards in his hand, but one thing was very difficult, that is, he didn't know the password.

He simply took out a dozen cards at a time and said, "Try them all, I don't know the password either."

The beautiful clerk saw it and understood in his heart that the feelings were obtained from other places, or stolen or possibly murdered.

People often take out a stack of gold soul coin cards and send them here to try. If they can try a few without passwords, they may send them out. After all, gold soul coin cards are all counted in gold soul coins.

For those who have a password, they will definitely not be able to get the gold soul coins inside. This is their rule, only the card and password are recognized but not the person, and no matter where you get it, you can get it if you have the password.

Those gold soul coin cards without a password can also be taken out directly, provided that you take out the card without setting a password.

After receiving Feng Xiaotian's card, the clerk was a little surprised and said, "Your cards don't seem to be less than a hundred years old. In addition, the logos of these cards are the Golden Soul Coin cards of the Star Luo Empire. The Heaven Dou Empire can't be used. Only the symbols of the two great empires and the Hall of Spirits are universal cards for the entire continent."

"So that's the case, try them all and see if they can be taken out." Feng Xiaotian said.

The clerk took out one of the Golden Soul Coin cards with the logo of the Heaven Dou Empire, swiped it lightly, and a long series of numbers unexpectedly appeared on the screen in front of Feng Xiaotian.

Ten million million one hundred thousand million, a full seven digits, this card actually has more than [-] million gold soul coins.

"Is there a password?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Sir, your card has a password." The beautiful clerk said excitedly, such a large number is really hard to see.

"It's a pity, there is no way to take it out, so let's replace it with another one." Feng Xiaotian regretted, this card actually has so many gold soul coins, but it can't be taken out, this is cheaper for the Heaven Dou Empire.

After all, the original owner was already dead, so these gold soul coins also became bad debts, and in the end they belonged to the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Sir, this card has a history of one hundred and sixty years. According to the rules of the Heaven Dou Empire on Golden Soul Coin Cards, all Golden Soul Coin cards that are more than one hundred years old can be withdrawn without a password." Ren said with excitement, this is a lot of wealth.

Chapter 120 Tens of millions of assets, nouveau riche

Feng Xiaotian was overjoyed that there were such humane rules, and he said immediately: "Then I will take them all out and put them on this card."

Take out his golden soul coin card, a card can help him solve his urgent needs.

"Sir, because many Golden Soul Coin cards over a hundred years old, the cardholders who applied for them at the beginning may have died. In order to avoid too many bad debts, only the Golden Soul Coin cards over a hundred years old can be withdrawn without a password, but it also requires There is a certain handling fee." The beautiful clerk explained.

"How much is the handling fee?"

"Well, fifty percent of the handling fee."

The voice of speaking is very small, which is really a bit high, [-]% directly takes half, which means that it is directly divided into half with the Heaven Dou Empire.

But being able to redeem it is better than not having one point.

"Then exchange all the items here." Feng Xiaotian decided.


The balance of gold soul coins is 32350, a password is required

The balance of Golden Soul Coin is 5682, and no password is required.

Feng Xiaotian took out a total of twelve golden soul coin cards, four of which were golden soul coin cards from the Star Luo Empire, and the other eight were golden soul coin cards from the Tiandou Empire.

The highest is [-] million, and the lowest is only more than [-]. The strength to dare to attack Zi Linger and the other [-]-year-old soul beasts is definitely not low. It's just that there are more than [-] gold soul coins in it. poor ghost.

All the gold soul coins that deducted [-]% of the handling fee amounted to more than [-] gold soul coins, which was less than one million.

In this case, then all of them should be exchanged. Feng Xiao took out the other Golden Soul Coin cards, there were more than [-] cards, six Star Luo Empire cards, two universal cards, and twenty-six cards.

Almost everyone looked at Feng Xiaotian. At this time, the person handling Feng Xiaotian's business was also replaced by the person in charge of Tiandou Bank.

After all, the amount is too large.


The balance of gold soul coins is 135204, a password is required


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