The middle-aged man with the flying soul ability said disdainfully: "So what if you are discovered, just you two dolls, I can solve it with one move, the second child, the third child, you two, first get this boy killed."

I saw the soul rings of the thin and strong man light up at the same time, the thin man's soul ring was one white, one yellow and one purple, while the tall and strong man's soul ring was one white and one yellow.

"Brother Xiaotian, let me do it." Zi Ling'er said.

"Okay, be careful, the skinny guy on the opposite side should also have a soul power of level [-]." Feng Xiaotian said, the two of them didn't look too young, they were almost forty years old.

How long have I known Zi Ling'er, Feng Xiaotian has never seen Zi Ling'er fight, nor has she seen her show her soul skills, so today I can practice with these two.

"Boy, let a woman stand up first, then I will teach this woman a lesson first, and you will be next." The skinny man said.

His martial soul is already possessed, and it is really a monkey. The other man's martial soul is actually a weapon martial soul, a mace, but his mace looks relatively low-level, and the material does not look good. How about it.

Zi Ling'er's soul ring lit up, two yellows and one purple shining abnormally.

"What? This little girl is actually a soul master, the second and third child, kill this woman first, and I will deal with this person." The middle-aged soul master said in surprise.

The two soul rings before brushing Zi Linger had already lit up. She was a soul master of the agility attack department, and she was very fast. She had already come to that tall and strong soul ring in the blink of an eye.

He held up the mace and threw it at Zi Ling'er, but his speed was relatively slow. At this moment, Zi Ling'er's foot had already kicked him.

With a sound of bumping, Zi Linger kicked the two-meter-tall man into the air.

Immediately afterwards, the thin soul master quickly attacked Zi Ling'er, and he was also a soul master of the agility attack department, very fast.

"Linger be careful." Feng Xiaotian reminded.

But Feng Xiaotian's worry was superfluous, Zi Ling'er followed the inertia of the action just now, borrowed a little strength from it, and kicked the fist of the skinny soul beast in front again.

I saw that thin soul master flew a few meters away under Zi Linger's attack, but still couldn't resist Zi Linger's attack.

"While you are worried about others, you should also worry about yourself. Hurry up and hand over the golden soul coin card and password." The middle-aged man threatened again, and at the same time the soul ring on his body lit up.

It turned out to be four soul rings, one white, one yellow and two purple soul rings.

"You're actually a Soul Sect? Why do you do this kind of thing when you have a strength of level [-]? You can get a viscount title if you serve in the Heaven Dou Empire, and you can get a good general title if you enter the military camp." Feng Xiaotian said. road.

This man seemed to be forty-one or twelve years old at most, and he was already a soul sect.When one reaches the age of fifty or sixty through cultivation, one has every chance to become a soul king.

"Work for the royal family? So what, as long as you kill you, you will have tens of millions of gold soul coins, and you will be a rich man, so you will have more freedom." The middle-aged man said.

"It can be seen that you have some relationship with Shenfeng Academy. As long as you hand over your Golden Soul Coin card and password, I may be able to let you live." The middle-aged man said again.

"You are from the wind element, and you are a bird soul beast. Could it be that Zeng Jin is also a student of Shenfeng Academy?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"You know too much. I will give you ten breaths of time to think about it. If you don't tell it, you will die."

The middle-aged man was a little angry, and approached Feng Xiaotian step by step.

He doesn't seem to want to be said to be a student of Kamikaze Academy, because he was expelled from the academy when he was [-] years old. At that time, he was only [-]th grade and did not meet the graduation standard. After he came out, he practiced for [-] years Only then was promoted to become a soul sect.

At this time, Zi Ling'er had already knocked those two people to the ground, and looked at the middle-aged man who was threatening Feng Xiaotian.

"Brother Xiaotian, do you need help?" Zi Linger smiled.

"Even if you are two soul masters, you are not my opponent." The middle-aged man said confidently. He is a forty-one soul master. How could he be afraid of a soul master? He didn't believe the twelve or thirteen-year-old boy in front of him. Also a Soul Venerable.

"Then let me try it alone." After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, the soul rings lit up, one yellow, two purple, one black, four soul rings.

At the moment when the soul ring was lit up, the middle-aged man couldn't help but backed away.

"One yellow, two purple and one black, four-ring soul sect, how is this possible?" The middle-aged man seemed to have trembling hands.

He had heard that the second soul ring of the son of Feng Qingyuan, the dean of Shenfeng Academy, was purple, and that the second and third soul rings of the man wanted by the imperial capital were also purple, and one was killed with a soul master. The peerless genius of the soul king, now that he has become the soul sect, it's okay.

"Come on, didn't you say you want me to die?" Feng Xiaotian said.

At this moment, the three soul rings of the middle-aged man lighted up, and a pair of wings appeared behind him, and they flew up, apparently wanting to escape.

Feng Xiaotian's wings spread out at the same time, and he soared into the sky, blocking the middle-aged man who wanted to escape.


Feng Xiaotian punched the middle-aged man, and he fell straight down.

After landing, the middle-aged man endured the severe pain, four soul rings lit up, and he quickly attacked Zi Ling'er. He knew that he could not defeat Feng Xiaotian, so he turned to attack Zi Ling'er who was the soul master.

Feng Xiaotian could make it succeed, and sent out ten wind blades at the middle-aged man at a time.

And Zi Ling'er would not stand there waiting for the middle-aged man to attack, only to see that Zi Ling'er's eyes turned purple again, and two rays of light shot out from the eyes and penetrated the middle-aged man's abdomen.

At the same time, Feng Xiaotian's wind blade also arrived, and there was a continuous sound of wind blade hitting, the dust was flying, and after the smoke passed, the soul master had already fallen to the ground motionless, with wounds all over his body, very tragic.

Chapter 122? The Mysterious Patron

This is a special soul skill, and it doesn't seem to be Zi Linger's soul ring skill, which means it may be her own soul skill.

I remember what Zi Linger once said. She seemed to have changed when she transformed into purple eyes. She didn't expect to be able to exert such an attack effect.

A forty-level soul sect was beaten like this by the two of them.

"Hey, you two don't pretend to be dead, take your accomplices and leave quickly." Zi Ling'er said.

After the two fallen soul masters heard that they were going to let them go, they recovered from pretending to be dead, and limped to their boss.

"Let's go. In order to avoid other troubles, let's go back to the Kamikaze Academy as quickly as possible. Let's see who can run faster without using soul power."

As soon as Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, Zi Linger ran out, and Feng Xiaotian immediately chased after her.

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