Feng Xiaotian conquered all the students present in the first battle, and confirmed the captain's position with absolute strength.

Chapter 128 Successful team formation, beating Kamikaze hard

Defeating Ye Feng and Tang Shi also won the approval of all advanced class students, and it can be regarded as the chief position and the captain of the soul master competition team.

The academy also entrusted him with full authority over the formation of the Soul Master Competition, and he was the one to decide who would be selected.

The first thing Feng Xiaotian was looking for in selecting this team was not combat power, but whether you wanted to participate, so the first thing Feng Xiaotian asked was whether he would like to participate in the advanced soul master competition.

In addition to Fengge Xiaotian, there were [-] people who came to No. [-] practical classroom, and all of them expressed their desire to participate.

The twenty-six people answered relatively neatly, and Feng Xiaotian said again: "Generally speaking, a team of soul masters is at most eleven or two people, and fifteen people may feel a bit too much, but what I want to say is that this is only Alternately, the teams that have entered these fifteen people will not all enter the final team."

"Captain, according to what you said, do you want to eliminate the drafter?" Ye Feng asked.

Feng Xiaotian nodded and said: "That's right, it's an elimination system, all the soul masters sitting here are above the [-]rd level, there is still more than a year before the senior soul master competition, everyone's strength has changed a lot. "

"Among you, there is one person in the thirty-ninth grade, one person in the thirty-eighth grade, one person in the thirty-seventh grade, two people in the thirty-sixth grade, four people in the thirty-fifth grade, six people in the thirty-fourth grade, and the remaining eleven Everyone is a thirty-three-level soul master."

"There are exactly fifteen people above the thirty-fourth level. You will all enter this candidate list. I will rank these fifteen people, and of course I will also rank the sixteen people. The top ten Entering the list of participating in the advanced soul master competition, everyone understands."

Feng Xiaotian turned the selection of senior soul master contestants into a competitive system.

"Captain, those of us at level [-] will have a chance to surpass them as long as we work hard, can you give us some chances?" said a beautiful woman among the eleven members of level [-].

"I didn't finish talking just now, let me add that there are still eleven of you who have not advanced, and you have a chance to challenge every three months. As long as you defeat one of the candidates, then you will directly get his ranking, his ranking will automatically drop by one, and the [-]th place will be eliminated."

"Before the Advanced Soul Master Competition, each of you has at least five chances to challenge, and you can make good use of it. At that time, we only look at the ranking and not the level of soul power, that is, your actual combat ability." Feng Xiaotian said.

Among the twenty-six people, all are wind-type soul masters, and there is only one person in the control-type, that is Qin Yiran, and there is no other auxiliary-type.

There are too few wind attribute martial souls of the control system, and other auxiliary ones are even scarcer, it can be said that there are almost none.

Except for Qin Yiran, these twenty-six people either took the sensitive attack route or the strong attack route of Ye Feng and Tang Shi.

After all, these two are both high-level martial spirits like tigers and lions, so it would be a waste not to take the aggressive route.

This is the flaw of the single-attribute academy, and the upcoming special talent class will solve all these problems.

At the same time, Feng Xiaotian also knew that if he wanted to lead the Kamikaze Academy to win the championship, he had to strengthen himself, maybe in the future it would really be a one-vs-seven situation.

Try to promote the other members of the Divine Wind Academy and create a competitive mechanism. Before the senior soul master competition, my team will have at least four soul sects. If these people work hard, all seven members will be soul masters. Zong is not impossible.

After all, if the golden generation of Wuhundian is many years later, the opponents of this generation should not be too strong. There will definitely not be three opponents at the soul king level, otherwise there will be no golden generation.

Because of the holiday, Feng Xiaotian just confirmed this matter and formed a team. The specifics of how to practice will have to wait [-] days after the start of the next school year.

Time flies, twenty-two days have passed in a blink of an eye, and there are only three days left before the college starts and recruits new students.

Although it was only three days, the hotels and hotels in the streets and alleys of Kamikaze City were already overcrowded, reaching the point where it was hard to find a room.

Many people even set up tents in the open space not far from the Kamikaze Academy, waiting for the admission of the Kamikaze Academy.

There is no other reason, the main reason is that the enrollment of Shenfeng Academy is too tempting, and various benefits do not limit the status, and the highest one can get the guidance of Titled Douluo.

Anyone in the Heaven Dou Empire who knew the news and those who met the admission requirements also came to sign up and participate in the assessment.

Not only that, although the Kamikaze Academy was famous in the past, it could not attract all the wind geniuses in the entire empire, but this time it also brought many people who were not planning to join the Kamikaze Academy.

They all want to enter the Kamikaze Academy, after all, there are too few academies with title fighting souls and Contras.

The Kamikaze Academy is also starting to enroll at the moment. This time, the number of people is quite large, and the senior management of the Kamikaze Academy seems to be discussing the expansion of enrollment. After all, the more students, the more income.

At the same time, Shrek Academy, which is thousands of miles away, enrolls students seven days earlier than Shenfeng Academy, but four days have passed, and none of the students who meet the requirements have signed up.

There were only a few people who came to inquire about joining Shrek, and basically none of them met the requirements, or they were [-]st level, and they were over the age.Or it is less than twenty-one.

In the past, although sometimes not one could be recruited, there were probably more than a dozen people who signed up to enter the assessment, but now there are not even those who enter the assessment.

The teacher who helped recruit students and the colleges all looked melancholy, and Kamikaze Academy really ruined their hope of recruiting students by doing so.

Sitting in the dean's office, Flender felt as if his heart was pierced. The college has been in operation for more than ten years, and has trained several talents. Qin Ming and Delno of the college are nothing more than leaders in it.

It is still possible to achieve such an achievement without any resources for practicing in a pseudo-environment, but if a college has no students, it is destined not to be a real college.

They can't register with the qualifications of advanced colleges, and he can't help these children's wishes to participate in the advanced soul master competition. If they miss this time, they really have no chance.

After thinking for a long time, Flender stood up and made the most difficult decision, that is to go to Heaven Dou City, follow Delno's method, join the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, and get a place in the second team.

On the playground of Shrek Academy.

"Everyone, teachers, and all the students here, I have already decided, according to what Delno said, to join the Tiandou Royal Academy. Delnuo will contact your friends as soon as possible to fight for good conditions for us."

"Qin Ming, since we have entered the Tiandou, according to what Delno said before, you also have the opportunity to participate in the advanced soul master competition. Since we Shrek will participate, we must win the highest glory. You have the confidence to lead everyone to win the championship ?"

"Master Dean, don't worry, I, Qin Ming, swear that I will definitely win the championship of this soul master competition." Qin Ming swore.

"Yes, Mr. Dean, please rest assured, we will definitely win the championship, and beat up the Kamikaze Academy that our academy cannot enroll, and let them lose face." Shrek and several students shouted loudly.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian, who is thousands of miles away, doesn't know that this special genius class he personally supervised and established has added a strong opponent to Shenfeng Academy in the advanced soul master competition.

Chapter 129 Early admissions, three-level test

There are still three days before the enrollment of the Kamikaze Academy, and the Kamikaze Academy is gradually getting busy.

On this day, Dugu Bo also brought Dugu Yan to Shenfeng Academy.

Dugu Bo's identity will also be announced on the first day of school. In the eyes of many outsiders, the title Douluo mentioned by Shenfeng Academy is still a mystery.

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