There are quite a few people who signed up from outside, and there must be many people who can enter the third level, after all, the requirement is [-]st level.

Although level [-] is not bad, it is not considered a real genius. According to Feng Xiaotian's definition, only those who reach level [-] or above before the age of thirteen are considered geniuses.

Therefore, Feng Xiaotian has a great responsibility. His role is to eliminate some people in this level, and also allow some people to advance. To put it bluntly, this level is very operable.

Fighting him for half a stick of incense time, a forty pair of soul sects and a few people in their twenties must have no problem fighting.

It's just that Feng Qingyuan was afraid that there would be too many battles in one day and not enough soul power, so he assigned Teacher Yunlan to the fourth level. After all, the buns she made had the effect of replenishing soul power, allowing Feng Xiaotian to fight more persistently.

After listening to Feng Xiaotian's words, Yun Lan also looked at Zi Ling'er's scores in the previous rounds. The first round of soul power test scored [-] points, which means a soul power of level [-].

The second stage of the illusion test got [-] points, both of which are high marks.

And the highest score in the third stage is only five points, Zi Ling'er is sure to advance, this battle test is completely unnecessary.

The three levels set by Feng Xiaotian are all calculated with points.

Don't think that completing the three-level test will be successful.

The first level is calculated based on soul power, one point per level, then Zi Linger who has reached level thirty-six gets thirty-six points.

The second level is also tested by a new teacher at the soul king level. The full score is also [-]. If you get less than six points, no matter how many points you get in the first level, you will be eliminated directly.

So the second level will also help people with lower levels. You don't always need a low level, this is only temporary.As long as your character and ambition are high, it will help you make up for all this, so the second test has ten points.

If a genius of level [-] scored [-] points in the first level, only [-] points in the second level and another [-]st level in soul power, the full score of xinxing would also be [-] points.

Then they would think that they were geniuses of the same level. At first Feng Xiaotian's idea was opposed by the academy leaders, but Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue insisted on using this concept, and they all agreed with this method.

After three passes, the ranking will be based on the total score. Only the top [-] can become a member of this special talent class, but don't think that entering the top [-] will securely enter the special talent class.

It also depends on the minimum required score of this genius class, if you don't meet the minimum required score, you don't even think about entering this class.

It is always to ensure the quality of this genius class. Since it is going to be done, it must be done well, and it is necessary to recruit real geniuses.

At this moment, Yun Lan has already got the evaluation forms of the five students who came this time. Zi Linger has already scored [-] points. The advantage is too obvious. As long as there is no accident, she will definitely be the first. After all, the third level The full score is only five points.

"Xiaotian, you're right, Zi Ling'er really doesn't need to take this round of tests." Yun Lan said in surprise, she didn't expect a girl who was twelve years old to have level thirty-six.

But when he thought that there was an even more perverted Feng Xiaotian, the less than thirteen-year-old Soul Sect, he was relieved, and he was also glad that he signed up to be the teacher of this genius class.

In the future, all my students will become the top soul masters on the mainland, and I will be honored with them. What's more, the salary of this college is really attractive, and the salary is not comparable to that of other colleges.

"Okay, I'll give you half a stick of incense time to discuss. The four of you attack me at the same time. If you survive ten moves, you will get three points. Half a stick of incense will get you a full score, five points." Feng Xiaotian said.

Among the four people, three of them are familiar with each other. The only one who is somewhat unfamiliar is Dugu Yan, but he has a spirit power of level [-]. The other three also attach great importance to it and are discussing it in the distance.

At the same time, Dugu Bo was also watching from a distance, and the three-level test enrollment of Shenfeng College also made him feel refreshed.

"Brother Xiaotian, are you scared? If I join forces with them, you will definitely not be an opponent, haha." Zi Linger came to Feng Xiaotian and smiled.

"Ling'er is right, our Ling'er can hit Contra with one hand, and drive Title Douluo away with two hands." Feng Xiaotian laughed.

"Hmph, Xiaotian, you are making fun of me again." Zi Ling'er said.

"Just kidding." Feng Xiaotian said, but with Zi Ling'er's pre-transformation strength, it can indeed be done.

Half a stick of incense time passed in the blink of an eye, and Feng Xiaotian also fought with the other three people led by Duguyan.

When he came here, Feng Xiaotian looked at the pass scores of the four of them. Dugu Yan scored [-] points in the first pass, and only [-] points in the second pass, adding up to [-] points.

Huang Yunxi's two passes add up to thirty-one points, Du Qingqing's is only twenty-nine points, and Wang Lin's is also twenty-nine points.

It seemed difficult for Du Qingqing and Wang Lin to enter the genius class. They had to get full marks in this battle to have a chance.

The battle begins.



After half a stick of incense, the battle was over, Feng Xiao could only use the second soul skill at most, but it could be seen that he was showing mercy.

This can be regarded as a small help for these two, allowing them to get a perfect score of five points. Whether they can enter the genius class depends on luck.

Dugu Bo could also tell that Feng Xiaotian was holding back, but he didn't say anything.

Because he also saw Duguyan's fighting spirit, he had never seen Duguyan have such persistence, stood up again and again after being knocked down by Feng Xiaotian, and his perseverance to join Shenfeng Academy had already moved him.

When this battle was over, four more people who passed the second level came.

"Xiaotian, do you need Baozi to recover?" Yun Lan asked.

"No need, this consumption is nothing." Feng Xiaotian replied.

At the same time, in this practical classroom, a large screen has been lit up, showing the ranking.

Zi Ling'er was first with [-] points, and Dugu Yan was second with [-] points.

The four of them had just gone through a battle and were brought to the lounge by Zi Linger.

The four people who had just arrived took a look at the big screen, and they were also surprised to see Zi Linger who had a score of forty-six.

"You all know the rules, right? I'll give you half a stick of incense time to discuss and get to know each other. When the time is up, the four of you will fight me at the same time. If you hold on to ten strokes and three winds, you will get full marks if you hold on to half a stick of incense." Feng Xiaotian said directly Open your mouth and say.

After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, the four immediately began to discuss.

At this time, Feng Xiaotian also picked up the information in his hand and read it.

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