This man seems to have a relatively honest face and wears a pair of glasses, but this sentence looks a bit wretched.

"Okay, but you have to kill her afterwards, and I'll give you half an hour to find a place to be quicker." Said the mercenary Soul King.

After finishing speaking, he looked at the other person and said, "And you, kill one of them, and this matter will be over."

"I kill?" Another [-]th-level soul master asked doubtfully.

"The boss is still smart. If the two of them kill one of them, they will definitely keep the secret."

"I see, leave which one to me." The soul master also compromised.

"Let's do it, finish it early, leave here early, don't be discovered by others." The mercenary Soul King said again.

"Sister, is this the end for us?" one of the women said.

Similarly, the woman known as the eldest sister is Yang Wuying, the owner of the Wuhun Soul Breaking Gun.

"Sister Ruying, I'm only nineteen years old, and I don't want to die yet. Woohoo"

Among the seven people, only three were conscious, and Yang Wuying's soul power injury was also recovering. The Yang family she was born in not only possessed the top martial soul such as the soul-breaking spear, but also had the family's pharmaceutical skills.

However, no matter how good the family medicine is, it will take a certain amount of recovery time.

The man wearing glasses has come to Yang Wuying.

"You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, but you will belong to me today." The man reached out to hug Yang Wuying after he finished speaking.

But Yang Wuying would let him succeed, she tried her best to summon the soul-breaking gun again, and stabbed at the man.

However, its injury was really serious, and the shot was caught by the opponent without hurting him at all.

"Your injury can still use such strength. It seems that I am still playing a little bit. Haha, I like the way you women struggle." The man stretched out his hand again after speaking.

But at this moment, Yang Wuying was unwilling and waved again.

The man with glasses grabbed Yang Wuying's arm with one hand, but a transparent pouch filled with liquid appeared between her fingers.

Yang Wuying used her last strength and finger strength to hit the small bag of transparent liquid on the man's body.

At the same time as it hit the man, the liquid in the pouch immediately overflowed, contaminating the man's body, and even began to corrode the man's entire body.


The man with the eyes immediately felt the pain, and immediately took a few steps back.

Seeing obvious corrosion on his chest, the man with eyes quickly protected his body with his martial soul, controlled his body, and resisted with his soul power.

Fortunately, in time, the corrosive liquid had lost its effect after being possessed by his martial soul and under the influence of his soul power.

However, his chest was already corroded, and the wound was very scary, but it was not fatal.

"You are looking for death, I will kill you."

The man endured the pain, and now he has no desire to play, he just wants to kill the woman in front of him.

If no one else came to help these seven women, they would all have disappeared without a trace.

Feng Xiaotian didn't think of making a move at first, but he still couldn't bear to see a group of young and beautiful women die in front of him.

"Go to hell with me." The man with sharp eyes stared fiercely, and with his martial soul possessed, this punch was powerful and heavy.

If this was hit, Yang Ruying would have absolutely no chance of surviving.

Slowly Yang Wuying also closed her eyes, and she had no choice.

"Am I going to die like this?"

The feeling of waiting to die was really uncomfortable. She felt that time passed very slowly, and the punch did not land on her for a long time.

When he opened his eyes, he saw a very handsome man who caught the attack of the man with eyes in front of him with his hand.

I saw the man who was counting qi swung his hand vigorously, and the man with glasses flew out.

Yang Wuying felt as if the stone in her heart fell to the ground and was saved. Although the man in front of her looked young, she felt in her heart that the man in front of her would definitely be able to save them.

"You big men are enough, bullying a few women, damn it." Feng Xiaotian said.

"You little brat from over there dares to meddle in my master's affairs, so die to me." After the man with eyes finished speaking, his martial spirit protected his body, and three spirit rings lit up to attack Feng Xiaotian.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian's two spirit rings lighted up, the second spirit ability was activated, and he rushed to this man in the blink of an eye.


Feng Xiaotian's punch was very powerful, this punch pierced through the man's body.

The man with glasses was killed on the spot.

"Did you see clearly? When this kid released his spirit, he had four spirit rings, the second one was purple, and the fourth one was a black ten thousand year spirit ring." Said the mercenary soul king.

"Boss, I saw it too. This could not be the young master of some big family, right? What should we do?"

"Don't be afraid, no matter how powerful you are, it's nothing more than a soul sect. If we go together, can't we kill a soul sect? A disciple of this big family may be able to burst out a soul bone from him. Maybe there are other benefits. Things." Said the mercenary Soul King.

After all, they are not the first to do this kind of thing.They have been longing for the soul bone for a long time, and they still have a chance to kill this boy.

Now they also don't care about their mercenary status and reputation as mercenaries, and they will kill the boy in front of them first.

"Let's go together." After the mercenary soul king finished speaking, the four of them released their martial souls at the same time and attacked Xiang Feng Xiaotian.

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