"Sister Wuying, I understand."

"Thank you benefactor, I wrongly blamed you just now." The girl apologized to Feng Xiaotian, and Feng Xiaotian felt a trace of pity on her pale face.

"Hurry up, the others probably won't last an hour. You are a healing soul master, and their lives depend on you." Feng Xiaotian said.

Although Feng Xiaotian could use the healing pills given by Zi Linger to help the others, but there are healing soul masters inside.

As long as the healing soul master recovers, then the other few people will be easy to deal with. The other few people are just injured and comatose, and there is no serious problem for the time being.

Under the action of the medicine, this woman named Xiao Qi was the most seriously injured one, but she was the first to get up an hour later.

Even the healing medicine that Yang Wuying gave her couldn't compare to it.

Feng Xiaotian's pill is mainly refined with ten thousand years of medicinal materials, how can it be compared with the healing medicine refined by the Yang family?

The degree of cherishment of Wannian medicinal materials is no less than that of immortal products.

After Xiao Qi got up, her injuries hadn't fully recovered, but her soul power had recovered a lot, and she could already use soul skills.

Chapter 146 Brother is really eighteen years old

Xiao Qi also didn't expect that with such an injury as her own, she would be able to recover a certain amount of mobility within an hour, and she could also use soul skills.

This healing pill is really amazing, it can be compared with ordinary healing soul skills.

At this moment, Xiao Qi's martial soul appeared again, her body exuded a light green light, her martial soul was a scepter.

But unlike ordinary scepters, hers is more like a branch.

Xiao Qi's three soul rings lit up, two yellow and one purple. She was using the third soul skill. Within five meters of the scepter, the other six women could all receive the pale green light from the scepter.

These light green lights slowly merged into other people's bodies. Xiaoqi's spirit ability lasts for a long time, and the time of this healing ability can be controlled by himself. As long as the spirit power is sufficient, it can be used indefinitely .

Time passed slowly, and under the effect of Xiao Qi's light green light, the first to recover were the three conscious women.

Now that they have recovered their ability to move, the consciousness of the others has also been awakened by the three of them, and they have taken Yang Wuying's healing medicine under the healing light.

At this moment, Xiao Qi was relieved, all the recovered soul power on her body was exhausted, and beads of sweat appeared on her forehead.

"Xiaoqi? Xiaoqi?" Yang Wuying shouted.

"Sister Wuying, I'm fine, you go and save the others." Xiao Qi said.

His injuries are recovering pretty well, but now he is just a little bit collapsed due to the exhaustion of his soul power.

After another hour, Feng Xiaotian had already killed and expelled more than twenty soul beasts, many of them were thousand-year-level soul beasts.

Yang Wuying also knew that she couldn't let this handsome little benefactor wait indefinitely, she had to rely on this person if she wanted to get out.

Why is it called Xiao Engong?One is that Feng Xiaotian is still young, and the other is that in terms of height, although she has grown a bit in the past few months, she is still a little shorter than Yang Wuying who is [-] meters.

Several people have gradually begun to recover, but there are only four of them who can really move, but they can only barely move.

"Engong, what should we do next?" Yang Wuying walked over slowly, unexpectedly asking Feng Xiaotian first.

"It's definitely not suitable for you to stay in the Star Dou Great Forest in this state, you'd better go out." Feng Xiaotian said.

First ask me to make a decision, obviously wanting me to send them out.

The three winds evolved, his soul power increased, his goal in the Star Dou Great Forest had been achieved, and he had also arrived on the land of the Star Luo Empire.

You can go out, anyway, wouldn't it be more beautiful to go out with seven beauties?

This is different from the women he met before, those were very young, only eleven or twelve years old, not even ten years old.

Now among the seven people, it seems that the youngest is over [-] years old. The combined age of his two lives is more than [-] years old. How can the previous ones make him interested? They are simply love beasts.

Sending them out is Feng Xiaotian's experience.

"Can you trouble Mr. En to send us out? You see, our current combat power has basically been lost, and the speed of our journey is not fast. We will have to walk for at least three days from here." Yang Wuying said.

Her injuries have not yet recovered, and her temperament has not diminished at all, giving Feng Xiaotian a feeling of embarrassment to refuse.

"Save people to the end, let's go and send you out." Feng Xiaotian replied.

Seeing that Feng Xiaotian agreed, Yang Wuying was overjoyed. Although the man in front of him was only a soul sect, his strength was comparable to that of a soul king.

He's sure to be safe with his escort.

"Thank you benefactor, we will definitely thank you again after we get out." Yang Wuying said with a courtesy to Feng Xiaotian.

"It's not necessary to thank you again, but it's still okay to promise with your body." Feng Xiaotian said in a low voice.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Wuying's face darkened, she didn't know what she was thinking.

"Haha, I'm just kidding, let's go." Feng Xiaotian walked over, and once again helped Xiao Qi up, who was second only to Yang Wuying in appearance. Yang Wuying is a temperamental beauty, so this Xiao Qi is a cute beauty.

"Xiao Qi, are you alright, I'll help you go." Feng Xiaotian said, although he had his healing pills, Xiao Qi's injury was already the worst, just now his soul power was exhausted, and walking was extremely difficult.

Yang Wuying glanced at it, but didn't speak.

If this person wanted to do anything wrong to them, the seven of them would have no ability to resist at all. After all, the team that almost wiped them out was wiped out by the person in front of them in the blink of an eye.

Yang Wuying and the other two helped the other three up, and walked outside.

"Thank you, benefactor, in fact, I can go by myself." Xiao Qi said.

"You are a healing soul master, you must recover first, so that everyone can recover faster."

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