"Silver-faced Sirius, yes, you can go out from the other side here, you can sign up." Han Donglai said.

"By the way, Uncle Han, I won the victory. Didn't I have a marriage contract? At that time, this won't count." Feng Xiaotian said again.

"What? Is my daughter okay?" Han Donglai said a little unhappy, there was a long queue of people who wanted to marry his daughter, and there were quite a few people who came to propose marriage.

This kid is still unwilling.

"Could it be that you fell in love with that girl from the Yang family? He's ten years older than you." Han Donglai asked curiously.

"I think Xiao, Zhan will not consider this matter for the time being. Please tell the people of the Yang family when the time comes. Similarly, the marriage contract does not count. This matter will be troublesome to you, Uncle Han." Feng Xiaotian once again Said.

"Alright, you go first." Han Donglai said.

Watching Feng Xiaotian leave, he murmured: "Such a genius, maybe he can make achievements there."

When Feng Xiaotian left, the old man in his sixties came in through the door on the other side.

"Master, do you really want to tell the location of Fengshen Valley? There is a temple guarded by the Haifeng family! You and I risked our lives to find the address of the temple more than [-] years ago." The old man said.

"Old Wang, although I am also a wind attribute, my aptitude is too low. When I got there, I only got the qualifications for the two wind and god exams. If I hadn't participated in these two exams back then, I would be a soul king at best now. Right." Han Donglai pondered, as if recalling the past.

Chapter 152 Xiaotian should be the younger brother

After a while, the old man surnamed Wang said: "There are not many people in this world who know Fengshen Valley, even if they know, many people won't be able to get out after entering."

"Old Wang, you are right. If I hadn't been lucky enough to pass the two exams, I would be eligible to come out. These two exams also taught me a lot."

"I was twenty-five years old at the time, and my soul power was barely cultivated in the soul master realm of the thirty-third level of the Dao. With my cultivation level, I was not qualified to inherit the hereditary title of the family.

"But I was lucky. I found the secret in the family ancestral hall. I went to the Fengshen Valley and got the two exams of the Fengshen Huang level. It took five years to complete the two exams, allowing me to go from a thirty-three-level soul. Zun successfully promoted to the fifty-level soul king, and when I returned to the family, at the age of thirty, I took the position of the heir of the family in one fell swoop with the soul power of the soul king level."

"But that time, thanks to your care, Mr. Wang, I was able to come out alive." Han Donglai said.

"Master, it's my job to take care of you. You were the one who took me to Fengshen Valley and let you and I take part in the two assessments. Otherwise, I would have no chance to break through to the Soul Sage." Elder Wang also said.

"Both of us have also been taken care of by Fengshen. After all, few people left Fengshen Valley alive before us." Han Donglai sighed again.

"This kid already has the soul power of the Soul Sect at a young age, and he is also of the wind attribute. Like the guardian family of Fengshen Valley, he is a mutated Gale Wind Two-headed Wolf Martial Soul, but even if he is in that family at his age, no one If you can compare, maybe this kid can get the highest assessment."

"Master, do you think this kid has such aptitude?" Elder Wang said in disbelief.

Han Donglai nodded, and said: "Absolutely, if he hasn't, there is absolutely no second person on the mainland who has such qualifications. The soul sect who is less than thirteen years old and at the forty-fourth level is the highest in the history of the mainland." Is there such a genius? If you can’t get the highest test, then no one will get it.”

"No, this kid must be tied to my family. Maybe our family will be protected by God one day." Han Donglai thought silently.

Feng Xiaotian left the private room without knowing what Han Donglai was talking about in the private room.

God is still far away for Feng Xiaotian, at least for now he feels that he is not ready to set foot in it.

Among the Douluo plots he knew, the only gods he could touch were Sea God and Shura God.

Inheriting these two gods also has and must have the necessary conditions. The sea god is the cover of the vast sea and the universe, and the god of Shura needs to walk the road to hell in the capital of killing to obtain the domain of the killing god. At the same time, he must also get the sword of Shura in Tang Chen's hand.

In addition, Feng Xiaotian's attribute is the wind element, so he can go to the mansion of the Fengshen, which is also a first-level god, but it requires luck, and Feng Xiaotian always believes that the deep part of Hurricane Valley is the mansion of the Fengshen.

Feng Xiaotian successfully completed the registration in the Longxing Great Soul Arena, because almost no one knew him because he was wearing a mask.

As for the gold fighting spirit badge, he was not the only one who signed up.

Before him, there were already three Golden Fighting Soul owners signing up, which did not cause any surprise.

There was only one hour of registration time in the morning, and Feng Xiaotian went just in time, and if he was a few minutes late, it would be too late.

And he also has a registration number in his hand, or two registration numbers.

This is also taking advantage of the loopholes in the rules of soul fighting for recruiting relatives. It does not stipulate that one person can apply for two matches at the same time.

Because of this, Feng Xiaotian has two numbers, the first number is No. [-], and the second number is No. [-].

The first fighting spirit platform is owned by Yang Wuying, and the second fighting spirit platform is owned by the city lord's daughter Han Shiyu.

It stands to reason that there are not only a few people who admire these two women, but because of the requirements for registration, they must be under the age of twenty-five, and at the same time, they must obtain a badge of silver fighting spirit or above in the fighting spirit field.

These two points have basically removed most people.

After all, Longxing City is also a big city, and the news spread relatively quickly, and nearby cities also came to participate.

Even so, the number of people who signed up on both sides was less than one hundred, mainly because it was too difficult to obtain the silver fighting spirit badge under twenty-five.

And in the entire Soul Arena, only Feng Xiaotian has the qualifications for both sides. When some people understand, the registration period has already expired, and it's too late to regret.

Fighting souls to recruit relatives is a major event in the soul fighting arena, and there are quite a few people who come to watch. The two soul fighting platforms are watched by tens of thousands of people.

Soul fighting is based on a one-on-one elimination system. There is only one chance, and losing a game is equal to elimination.

Because Feng Xiaotian's number was too late, the order of appearance was also earlier.

After the speeches of the Yang family and Han City Lord announced, the two arenas began to fight souls at the same time.

"Station No. [-], No. [-] vs. No. [-]."

"Station No. [-], No. [-] vs. No. [-]."

The two venues are not far apart and start at almost the same time.

Feng Xiaotian's two numbers are at the back, and it is very likely that when the two sides go to war at the same time, Feng Xiaotian will also tell Han Donglai about it, and it will naturally be arranged.

In the stands, Xiao Qi kept searching, but never saw the figure he wanted to see.

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