Could it be that he is looking for a chance to use the fifth soul skill to defeat me with one blow?Feng Xiaotian thought about it, his brain was running fast, and the next countermeasure was to preemptively strike himself.

Feng Xiaotian also calculated, he has already consumed a lot of soul power, after using the fourth soul ability, he can only have [-]% of his soul power left at most, and it may be [-]%, which is not enough to use the magic wolf storm once .

After all, using this soul skill once would consume about [-]% of his body's soul power.However, Gale Wind Slash only takes one time to complete.

Instead of waiting for the opponent to find an opportunity to attack me, then I will take the initiative to find an opportunity to attack him.Thinking of this, Feng Xiaotian charged up again.

The two went through a few more moves, and Huanglong actually made an obvious mistake, regardless of whether the other party did it on purpose or not, Feng Xiaotian immediately used the fourth soul skill Demon Wolf Storm.

At this moment, all five of Huanglong's soul rings lit up, and he said loudly: "What I'm waiting for is your move, Flood Dragon Nine Flashes."

A huge storm attacked Huanglong.And the yellow dragon rushed over like lightning.

Unexpectedly not affected by his demon wolf storm, like a dragon, nine dodges, forming nine golden phantoms in Feng Xiaotian's demon wolf storm, coming to Feng Xiaotian in the blink of an eye.

I only heard Han Donglai say loudly in the stands: "It turned out to be a body skill soul skill that ignores soul skill attacks."

Chapter 167 Fist Blade Skill Reappearance

At that moment just now, Feng Xiaotian didn't have to use the fourth soul ability, but this is another rare opportunity.

Unexpectedly, this flaw was deliberately exposed by Huang Long, in order to induce me to use the fourth soul skill.

Don't think that I will be weak after using the fourth soul skill Demon Wolf Storm, Feng Xiaotian raised his right arm, and the fist blade pattern on the back of the hand appeared.

Because of Sanfeng, the shape of the fist blade is also different from before. It was exposed before, but now it has become a tattoo-like thing on his arm.

He punched out with all his strength to meet Huanglong's punch.


At the moment when the two fists met, one and the shadow flashed past and hit Huanglong's body directly, and the next moment they both flew out at the same time.

This Huanglong's fifth soul ability, named Jiaolong Nine Flashes, can ignore soul ability attacks, and use it at the same time when Feng Xiaotian is trying out the fourth soul ability.

If ordinary people have no way to react at all, and the speed is lightning fast, at the same time, every flash of the dragon's nine flashes seems to be more powerful.

As if it was the same as his Gale Slash, after reaching the ninth flash, the speed and attack power reached the limit.

The two punches met, Feng Xiaotian flew out directly, and once again came to the edge of the fighting spirit platform, if Feng Xiaotian hadn't controlled it, he would have fallen down.

And Huang Long is not feeling well at the moment, originally he thought that he could completely suppress Feng Xiaotian by using his unique move like the fifth soul ability, but he didn't expect his opponent to hold back.

Feng Xiaotian's fist blade attack just now was a real deal, when it hit Huanglong's body, the attack power was the same as that punch Feng Xiaotian just sent out.

There was a picture of both sides being injured, and both of them fell to the ground at the same time.

"I didn't expect you to have a second hand. Isn't this the skill of the soul bone, is it your own soul skill?" Huang Long's two arms have returned to normal at this moment, and one hand is touching the hand that was just hit by the fist blade. in the chest area.The other propped itself up on the ground.

"Barely count it." Feng Xiaotian replied.

"You are very strong, and if you give you a little more time, you may surpass me, but today, I am still a [-]th-level Soul King, and you are just a [-]th-level Soul Sect. The winner is me." .” Huang Long roared, changing his previous state.

Enduring the severe pain in his body, he leaned towards Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian had just fought with Huang Long, and the most seriously injured part was naturally his right arm, the fist blade was neither a spirit nor a spirit bone.

There is no special strengthening effect on his right hand, just a few more special skills, how much strength he can exert depends on his own ability.

His right arm was already trembling a little, but fortunately his body was close to the level of a soul emperor, otherwise he would have been defeated.

Standing up again, Feng Xiaotian's second and third soul skills lighted up again, his arm was the most injured part, and his wings were mainly used for this Gale Slash.

Facing Huanglong directly, this skill may not be effective against Huanglong at first, but Huanglong has already suffered a lot of injuries from Feng Xiaotian's blow just now.

At this moment, there is no combat power that can interrupt Feng Xiaotian's soul ability at once, and Feng Xiaotian is also taking some risky actions at this moment.

He is also betting that the opponent can't destroy his soul ability this time, if he can't destroy it, once he uses the Gale Slash, the soul fight will be stable.

Huang Long looked at Feng Xiaotian to perform the same trick again, and felt a little bit of difficulty in his heart. He was able to destroy it in his prime before, but now his combat power has been greatly weakened, so it is very difficult.

But he won't just admit defeat, since he entered Wuhun Temple, he has almost never lost.

Both arms turned into dragons again, and Feng Xiaotian's Gale Slash continued to attack him.



When Dijiu fell down, Huang Long couldn't hold on anymore.

"No, I can't lose." Huang Long roared, the fifth soul skill was activated again, and the opponent's soul skill had to be stopped.

Both of them are very fast, but Huanglong's speed is really not slow.Feng Xiaotian's tenth slash met Huang Long's fifth soul skill.

Feng Xiaotian took over Huanglong's fifth soul skill and tried it again, but this was really difficult for him, even with Long Zhi Dan and his recovery skills, it would be difficult for his next opponent, Feng Yi.

After all, Feng Yi is probably the same as Feng Ping, possessing a soul bone. For people of the same level, having one more soul bone makes a huge difference.

No matter, after using the finishing skill, Feng Xiaotian's fist blade tattoo lit up again, Huang Long just reached the ninth flash of the flood dragon just now.

An inexplicable energy appeared in his body, eroding his body in an instant, Jiaolong Jiushan hadn't used up his last move, at this moment all the power was hit, and he was about to be released, suddenly he was hit by a Injured by a strange force.

The power gathered by that strong flood dragon Nine Flashes actually began to bite back against him.

"Too bad, this move of mine might kill him." Feng Xiaotian wanted to take back the move, but the tenth slash has already been used, and there is no way to take it back.


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