There are still a few days before the time to get the equipment from the Blacksmiths Association, and he plans to visit all the ore trading areas in the entire Gengxin City in the next few days.

Thousands of stalls, every ore needs to be scanned once with mental power, which consumes a lot.

After entering Gengxin City, Feng Xiaotian first went to the Blacksmith Association and asked Tie Mo to help him make some iron balls. According to his requirements, ordinary blacksmiths could complete them.

After that, he went to the ore trading area and started his journey of Taobao.

In the next few days, Feng Xiaotian bought hundreds of metal ores of different sizes, rare metals in them, or expensive and practical metals.

The ten cubic space soul guide has been installed slowly, although I don't know if it will be used in the future, but it can be regarded as a fortune.

After a rough calculation, the different types of metals in the ten directions, according to the guide price given in the book, must be worth at least five million gold soul coins.

This is just the most conservative estimate. After Feng Xiaotian's sweep, it is estimated that the chances of getting good goods in this ore trading area will be greatly reduced, and it will take a long time to recover.

And these ore Feng Xiaotian generally don't even have five hundred gold soul coins, so it's really a good place to make money.

If you have no money, maybe you can come here and make a lot of money.

After a night of restorative training, Feng Xiaotian's mental power has fully recovered, and his soul power bottleneck is about to break through.

It seems that he is only one opportunity away from breaking through to the forty-sixth level of the Dao. After all, his soul power has improved really fast.

After exercising, it seemed that he could cultivate his soul power a little faster than usual when he meditated at night.

After leaving the hotel, Feng Xiaotian came to the Blacksmith Association.

Tie Mo seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time.

"Xiaotian boy, you are here. I have prepared your things. They are all in three boxes." Tie Mo said.

Feng Xiaotian walked up to the first box, opened it, and found that it contained exactly the equipment he wanted, eight hundred catties of equipment.

Three hundred catties of clothes, one hundred catties of wristbands, one hundred and fifty catties of shoes.

After closing the first box, Feng Xiaotian opened the second long box. There was a heavy knife inside.

"This heavy knife is also supplemented by your cold iron and gold. It is mainly made of black iron. Two hundred and twenty catties of black iron are used, and one hundred and eighty catties of cold iron iron essence are used. There are also other materials. , the total weight of this knife has reached five hundred catties. Ordinary soul masters can't lift it up, even I have some difficulty in picking it up."

Feng Xiaotian has already seen this dark, cool heavy knife, it is definitely a big killer.

Isn't the Haotian Hammer a bull?My knife can reach [-] catties, and with the addition of soul power and special techniques, I may not lose to you.

This heavy sword is not a martial soul, but relying on soul power plus soul skills is not necessarily bad, and his Gale Slash doesn't necessarily use wings, and it will be the same when using this sword in the future.

"Thank you Brother Tie Mo, this knife is very well made."

Feng Xiaotian also used all his strength to pick up the knife, and now he wanted to use it with one hand, but there was almost no way to do it.The two hands can only barely be picked up and waved. If it weren't for the strength of the arms and the strength of the wrists recently exercised with wrist braces, the two hands would not be able to wave even if they were picked up.

"It's really a human-shaped soul beast. I used my soul power to achieve your transformation. I didn't expect that you didn't even use your soul power. It was pure power." Tie Mo said in surprise.

"I'm just a little bit stronger than ordinary people, I'm born with it." Feng Xiaotian said, he is very satisfied with this knife, the blade is about [-] meters long, and the handle is about [-] centimeters. It can be used with one hand or two.

In addition, there were five exquisite daggers in the box. Feng Xiaotian believed in Tie Mo's forging, so he didn't look at it, and then looked at the last box.

Inside are iron balls, about forty of which are hollow.There are twenty or thirty tiny holes in each one.

According to Feng Xiaotian's requirements, some of the hardest cold iron essence was added, even a master of the soul emperor realm would have difficulty breaking through it with soul power.

This is Feng Xiaotian's next practice, his ball rolling soul skill has reached a very high level, but the attack power is still not satisfactory.

It can reach the level of the fourth soul ability, but he is not satisfied with just the fourth soul ability, so he used the iron ball, and he is going to use limited soul power, such as [-]% of the soul power.

He has been running at high speed in this iron ball, reaching the extreme power of his soul power. If one day he can destroy this iron ball, then the power of his attack will be comparable to that of the Soul Emperor.

If the attack of increasing the soul power to reach the soul saint level is not an illusion, maybe this can become his strongest attack.

So he gave this trick a name, Galewind Spiral Strike, the dirt is a little dirt, the important thing is that it is easy to use.

Chapter 190 Returning to Kamikaze, Academy Exchange Competition

The three big boxes were all put into the treasure bag, and the trip to Gengxin City was considered perfect.

"Brother Tie Mo, thank you so much, do you still need to make up the money?" Feng Xiaotian asked, he knew what he was carrying, two pieces of equipment would definitely be more than enough.

But adding weapons and iron balls is not necessarily the case.

"Don't worry, you gave Hanxin Iron Essence and heavy mysterious soft iron, you won't need so many gold soul coins at all, I will help you deal with some of Hanxin Iron Essence, not only your gold soul coins will be returned to you, And gave birth to a hundred kilograms of cold iron essence." Tie Mo said.

"There are so many left?" Feng Xiaotian asked in surprise.

"You boy, the value of this chilling iron is ten times that of black iron. It's still the kind that has a price but no market. Of course there are so many left." Tie Mo said.

Followed Tie Mo to go through the formalities, and got back the paid Golden Soul Coin and the remaining Cold Heart Iron Essence.

Feng Xiaotian naturally had to fulfill his promise. That night, he not only invited Tie Mo, the master blacksmith, to dinner and drinks, but also another master blacksmith who followed him to help build equipment, and several master blacksmiths.

Including Feng Xiaotian, a total of six people ate and drank in the most luxurious restaurant in Gengxin City. Even Feng Xiaotian was a little dizzy from drinking. The wine in Gengxin City is particularly strong, and at the same time Meet the requirements of these blacksmiths.

However, these five blacksmiths were all overwhelmed by Feng Xiaotian, and they didn't have much to say about the gold soul coins, that is, one hundred and thirty gold soul coins.

The next day Feng Xiaotian set foot on his way home. He has practiced for more than four months. It was said that he would return to Kamikaze in half a year. It seems that the time will be postponed. After all, he is going to carry a [-]-jin load while walking. .

The weight is enough, and there is no need to carry the heavy knife on the back, but in the future, when all the weight-bearing equipment is cultivated to the extreme, you can carry the heavy knife on the back, and the weight of five hundred catties can be exercised for a period of time.

Going all the way, two months later, Feng Xiaotian once again stepped into the territory of Kamikaze City.

In two months, Feng Xiaotian has already accelerated, even if it is a horse-drawn carriage, it will still take a month to travel from Gengxin City to Shenfeng City.

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