But Feng Xiaotian is not afraid of being exposed, as long as his strength is strong enough and his soul power is high enough, even if he is exposed, can you handle it?And he has more than one soul skill, you can target one, but it is impossible to target all of them.

In particular, he also has special skills on the fist blade.

Now audiences everywhere are talking about Feng Xiaotian and Lei Peng's fourth soul ability, one is the ten thousand year soul ability, and the other is the ten thousand year soul ability that is just a bit short.

But the fighting spirit is not over yet, both of them are still on the fighting spirit stage.

But Lei Peng saw that his soul skills had been destroyed by Feng Xiaotian, and the soul power on his body was almost exhausted. Group attack skills consumed the most soul power, and nine attacks were quite powerful.

In addition, the thunder balls made before also required a lot of soul power.

But the outcome still has to be divided, even if the soul power is gone, the physical strength and the body must be fought to the end.

"Do you want to continue?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Of course, I haven't lost yet." Lei Peng said firmly.

At this moment, Lei Peng barely completed the martial soul possession.

Such an opponent is still worthy of respect, but there is a winner or loser in the soul fight.

Feng Xiaotian rushed over in a flash, and came to Lei Peng's side in an instant. When Lei Peng reacted, it was too late, and Feng Xiaotian's fist had already hit Lei Peng's body.

Lei Peng's body was blown away by Feng Xiaotian and landed under the fighting spirit stage, and the fighting spirit ended.

Feng Xiaotian's blow seemed to send Lei Peng flying, but in fact it didn't do much damage to his body. After landing, Lei Peng stood up easily.

"You are the first soul master of the same level to defeat me, and I will definitely lead a team to defeat you in the next senior soul master competition." Lei Peng said.

Although he lost one-on-one, he is very confident in his team and beating Kamikaze Academy is not a problem.

Feng Xiaotian said with a smile: "If you lost today, even your academy's team can't beat my Kamikaze Academy's team. As long as I'm with you, you don't even want to win."

"Let's see, see you in the qualifiers in a year." Lei Peng said.

Lei Peng lost, and Yu Xiaoming's face was a little uneasy, and he also exposed Peng's fourth soul skill, which was originally intended to be used in the advanced soul master competition.

To use these academies today, they will prepare in advance. To be honest, in the Heaven Dou Empire, their competitors are basically the first teams of these Elemental Academies and the Tiandou Royal Academy.

In fact, in terms of preparation, their only competitor is the Heaven Dou Royal Academy, and they really don't care about the other four elemental academies.

They are the top three sects, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex with martial souls. Generally, each of them can have two soul sects from each sect, and two top-level beast martial souls. One, the number one in Heaven Dou is often achieved, but the number one in Douluo Continent has never been achieved.

For example, in Tang San's class, if Yu Tianheng hadn't joined Tiandou Royal Academy, Lei Ting Academy would have achieved more than that with Yu Tianheng and Yu Tianxin, at least in the early stage, they still had a chance to compete with Shrek.

Feng Qingyuan said: "Today's soul fighting is over, let's continue tomorrow, Xiao Ming, come on, there is still a chance."

"Hmph, one-on-one soul fighting is nothing, we will see the outcome in the qualifiers." Yu Xiaoming had no choice but to say so.

In his eyes, other than Feng Xiaotian, the Shenfeng Academy is nothing to worry about.

Feng Qingyuan also opened his mouth to respond: "You are the same as that Lei Peng said, so I also say that as long as my son participates, your college will have no chance."

Chapter 208 The exchange match ends, half a year

The first day of the free exchange competition was quite exciting, and everyone showed their strongest side.

But the next two days will not be as exciting as the first day. After Feng Xiaotian participated in the first day, he will never appear on the fighting spirit stage again.

The same Lei Peng did not appear on the Soul Fighting Stage again, which also gave other people a chance, after all, the top five were all rewarded with Golden Soul Coins.

Three days later, the exchange match ended, and the first place was Yu Xiaomo, and the second was Qin Yiran, after all, he was a [-]th-level control system soul master. Apart from losing to Yu Xiaomo, he had no problem fighting other people .

In the five major academies, there are still relatively few soul masters in the control department. As the only soul sect here who takes the route of the control department, he can naturally achieve such results. Soul can win without reaching the realm of Soul Sect.

As for the other people in Shenfeng College, they didn't get good grades, and they were basically occupied by soul sects from other colleges.

Ye Feng also withdrew from the final competition due to his injury on the first day. Except for Qin Yiran, the highest ranking of the entire Kamikaze Academy was only eleventh.

The nearly [-]-day exchange match ended in this way, and all the major colleges knew something about it, especially Feng Xiaotian and Lei Peng became the research objects of the major colleges.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, it’s good to be studied. Others will try their best to find your weaknesses to restrain you, so that you can discover more of your weaknesses and make supplements like this.

I discovered that my own weaknesses are always limited, Feng Xiaotian took all of this very openly, and the same sentence, as long as you are strong, your weaknesses may still be strengths in others.

The academy returned to normal, and Feng Xiaotian also entered his own training rhythm. He would communicate with the team members every once in a while. As long as the training method can help the team members improve, there is no problem. Feng Xiaotian is willing to teach them all.

In fact, the fastest way to improve the strength of the team members is to take immortal herbs, but although there are many immortals, it is still a bit reluctant, after all, there are only so many immortals.

Binghuo Liangyiyan doesn't know when it will be able to harvest again. These fairy products are all used for one plant and one plant is missing.

In the blink of an eye, it has been half a year since the exchange competition between the five major colleges. In the past six months, Feng Xiaotian's soul power has improved rapidly, and he has already reached level [-].

For the past six months, he has been cultivating in the college, either carrying weights on the mountain behind the college or in Hurricane Valley. After returning to the college for a month, his soul power has entered the forty-seventh level, and the soul power of four months has passed. Another level up.

At the same time, he is also researching two soul skills, and he has made great progress in the research of the two soul skills. Under the influence of limited soul power, his Gale Spiral Strike can already split the iron ball.

Then he began to try to combine this soul ability with the first soul ability to form a new soul ability, Spiral Wind Blade.

This move has been developed for nearly three months, and up to now there is still no clue. The difficulty is not ordinary, but the Gale Slash is very easy. Now he has developed the sixty-third cut.

It is no longer appropriate to call Blast Thirty-Six Slash, it is called Blast Blast.At the same time, he is also trying to integrate the previous moves, for example, the first cut can reach the power of the eighth, nine or even tenth cuts.

As for the load on the body, it has now exceeded a thousand catties, reached the maximum load, and can move freely.

In the morning, Feng Xiaotian came to Hurricane Valley early in the morning, and when he entered Hurricane Valley, Feng Xiaotian went directly to the place between [-] meters and [-] meters.

The fastest improvement in the past six months is his comprehension of the wind, which is mainly from the half of the map of the wind god. Now his comprehension of the wind has reached the peak of adapting to the wind, and he is almost able to integrate into the wind.

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