It's time to meet up with my teammates, and then I can go back, but the day is gradually getting darker, and I am destined to spend the night in the Soul Beast Forest.

Chapter 217 Fortunately, there is a pill, otherwise it will be over

After observing the surrounding situation again, Feng Xiaotian turned back, and the few people met again after a while.

"Brother, are you alright?"

"Captain, do you want more?"

After they met, they all asked about Feng Xiaotian's situation. Feng Xiaotian smiled slightly and said, "Look at me like this, what else can I do? Are you all okay?"

Several people were wounded, only Ling'er was not injured at all. It seemed that Tang Shi was the most seriously injured, who was surrounded by Qingfengniu and beat him at first.

Feng Xiaotian had prepared a soul beast for him with more than [-] years, if the injury was too serious, he would not be able to absorb the soul ring at all, and there was a risk of death.

"I'm sorry everyone, it's all my fault for putting everyone in danger this time." Tang Shi said.

Feng Xiaotian wondered: "What's going on here? A large number of Qingfeng Niu came to lead the Storm Demon Wolf, and how did you meet them?"

"Laughing God, that's what happened"

Qin Yiran once told how everyone fell into danger, and why Qingfengniu came to the territory of the storm wolf.

They didn't know either, the only clue was that Qingfengniu was chasing several storm wolves.

What caused all this was Tang Shi's seeing a fleeing and injured storm wolf, which was hard to kill in the first place.

Let him take the shot when he finds an opportunity, but it is not surprising that Tang Shi can do such a thing, it may have something to do with Wuhun.

Sometimes he is a little manic, after all he is a stormy lion, and it still has some influence on him, but if this state is in the soul master competition, it may delay a team.

But as long as it is used properly, it is a very powerful instant combat power. Now it is level [-], and it has become a soul sect. It's just that the problem of impatience needs to be corrected, and it will be necessary to find a way to help him correct it in the future.

"Okay, let's discuss this matter when we go back. The most important issue now is Tang Shi's soul ring." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Xiaotian, don't you still have Ling'er's soul ring?" Qin Yiran asked suspiciously, and the others also looked at Feng Xiaotian and Zi Ling'er.

"Hee hee, we were lucky. On the way there, we met a wounded soul beast, which was just suitable for Ling'er, so we killed it." Ling'er said.

"That's right, it's because of Ling'er's good luck. It's also because of this incident that took some time. A battle for the wolf king is taking place within the Storm Demon Wolf. The Qingfeng Niu may want to take this opportunity to attack the Storm Demon Wolf. .” Feng Xiaotian analyzed.

"It's really lucky, it would be great if I also picked up such a soul beast." Tang Shi sighed.

"Tang Shi, your current body is fine. If I bring you a soul beast, can your current physical state absorb it?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"No problem. I'm fine now. It's just that there are some skin injuries. There are soul beasts that can absorb the soul ring now. There is absolutely no problem." Tang Shi assured by patting his chest.

"Okay, then you all come with me." After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, he quickly went to the place where the Storm Demon Wolf was placed before.

Five minutes later, in a mountain depression, not far from the place where the Qingfengniu besieged the crowd just now, Feng Xiaotian threw a storm wolf here after discovering the situation.

"This is a storm demon wolf, at least four thousand three hundred years old?" Tang Shi said pleasantly.

"It's been so long, but luckily he didn't die, now it's up to you. By the way, you take this pill and then absorb the soul ring." Feng Xiaotian said.

He also observed for a while just now, how could Tang Shi not be injured?Just like this to absorb the spirit ring, there will only be one end, and it will definitely explode and die.

There should be no problem after taking this Longzhi Dantang Lion.

"Is it that magical recovery pill again?" Tang Shi asked.

"This one is better than that one, eat it, so you should be more confident." Feng Xiaotian said, he still has a lot of this kind of elixir, so it's no problem to take one out to save the team members.

"Thank you, Captain. I've cost you money again. I'll give you whatever the value of this elixir is." Tang Shi said with some embarrassment.

"Okay, let's end the life of this storm demon wolf first, and absorb the spirit ring. Let's talk about these things when we go back." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Well, I was wrong this time, and I will definitely accept punishment when I go back." Tang Shi said.

Then he came to the side of the Storm Demon Wolf and killed him with a heavy blow.

After the Storm Demon Wolf was killed, the spirit ring immediately appeared, hanging in the air at a height of about three meters.

The purple light is very beautiful. This is the soul ring of a four thousand three-year soul beast. As long as you reach the fortieth level and get this soul ring, you will think it is dazzling, because you get it, own it, and absorb it. Then you are the soul sect.

After Tang Shi sat down cross-legged, he put the pill Feng Xiaotian gave him into his mouth, and the pill entered his stomach, and after a while, he was shocked.

"Captain, your medicine?" Tang Shi asked in surprise, it was too powerful, and his injuries were recovering at an incredible speed.

"Don't say unnecessary words, recover a little and quickly absorb the soul ring." Feng Xiaotian said.

Hearing Feng Xiaotian's words, he didn't talk too much. After the medicine's effect was exerted, Tang Shi felt that it was almost done, so he began to absorb the soul ring.

After a while, the soul ring entered Tang Shi's body, and the soul power in the soul ring of the soul beast began to work on his body.

The expression also gradually froze, and then, the body began to tremble, and his face was ugly, it seemed that he was enduring great pain.

Blood was left on those wounds again. Ten minutes later, the blood on Tang Shi's body continued to drain, turning into a blood man.

It can be seen how powerful the impact of this soul beast is. Although he lost a lot of blood, it seems that Tang Shi is still holding on.

At this time, no one can disturb him, it all depends on him, once disturbed and distracted, needless to say what will happen to him, he will definitely explode and die.

After another half an hour, Tang Shi's condition gradually stabilized.

But at this time, the sky had gradually darkened. Some people were guarding Tang Shi, while others started to set up tents and prepare dinner.

After the situation of absorbing the spirit ring is stable, as long as there is no accident, the absorption of the spirit ring will be successful.

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