The next morning, Feng Xiaotian took Zi Linger and set off for the Star Forest again.

The Kamikaze City is still relatively far away from the Star Dou Great Forest, and it takes about [-] days. If you travel all the way quickly and regard this journey as a practice, it is estimated that you can reach it in only ten days.

About two months later, it was just right.

Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger combined these two ways of traveling, traveling slowly for a period of time, and planned to travel back and forth for fifteen days.

Because I don't know what will happen when I go to the Star Dou Great Forest, so I need to reserve a little more time.

After leaving the Kamikaze Academy, the two of them ran at a very fast speed. Passers-by seemed to be blown by the wind. The speed was astonishing, and neither of them had used their soul power yet.

The two of them were like this, galloping for a while, and walking leisurely on the road for a while, like traveling in mountains and rivers.

Just like that, fifteen days later, outside the Star Dou Forest.

Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger came to this familiar place again.

Hearing what happened to his parents and himself before, Feng Xiaotian was angry with a trace of hatred in his heart, and that was the Titan giant ape in the deepest part of the forest.

But the current him, even if there are ten more, he will not be the opponent of the titan great ape.I can only bury this hatred silently in my heart.

Feng Xiaotian looked at Ling'er and said, "Ling'er, when we get to the Star Dou Great Forest, it will be your base, so I will follow you."

"However, this is the outermost area. I don't know how many years I have been to these places. Brother, you should lead the way." Zi Ling'er said.

Just kidding, he is a soul beast of the hundred thousand year level, what is he doing here?So she can't do it on the periphery, and she has lost a lot of abilities after becoming a human.

"Alright then, I'll lead the way." Feng Xiaotian said.

Entering the Star Dou Great Forest, the two of them immediately released their soul power and became possessed by martial spirits. Although many soul masters usually come back to this Star Dou Great Forest, the Star Dou Great Forest is really too big, and the entrance is just anywhere.

So basically these places are sparsely populated, and ordinary people dare not come here, so we don't know if the spirit beasts inside will rush out.

Only soul masters dare to come here, even if there are only a few dozen kilometers around the Star Dou Great Forest, there are very few people.

Even if there is, it is gathered together to form a small town with some souls.

After entering, the martial spirit possesses the body, and also prevents oneself from being injured by the surrounding plants.

This is the advantage of beast spirits. If it is weapon spirits, such as sickles, sticks, etc., it will be more troublesome. You can only wave your own weapons to clear obstacles.

Feng Xiaotian and Linger's speed is very fast, and they can easily avoid or destroy things that block them.

Along the way, he also found that many people were killing soul beasts. Feng Xiaotian had strong mental power and could know in advance, so he led Ling'er to choose other paths early on, and at the same time, there were fewer soul beasts.

The two walked for about ten hours, and they had just reached the soul beast area that was more than a thousand years old.

There is still some distance from Zi Linger's residence.

"Ling'er, let's find a place to rest near here. We can arrive tomorrow." Feng Xiaotian said, it's already dark since we drove in the morning, although we can also drive at night, there's no need to be so anxious.

"Brother, let's go back quickly, I feel a little uncomfortable." Zi Ling'er said.

"Okay then, I'll support you. Let's continue on our way." Feng Xiaotian said, not knowing what Ling'er sensed.

The two continued to walk further, along the way, Feng Xiaotian found that something was wrong with Linger, but no matter how she asked, Linger's answer was the same, she didn't know, and she didn't know why.

But what she always wanted was to go back and see her younger brother Ziyun as soon as possible.

Traveling at night is generally more dangerous than during the day, but Feng Xiaotian is different, this is equivalent to the perception of a Contra's peak spiritual power.

When encountering spirit beasts nearby, they can always avoid them skillfully.

Another two hours passed, and this was not far from the goal.


The earth began to vibrate unexpectedly, and a purple light appeared in the distance.

"It's not good, something happened to my brother." Zi Ling'er said nervously, it turned out that there was a reason for Zi Ling'er's nervousness.

Feng Xiaotian hurriedly said: "I'll take you there, wait for me."

Feng Xiaotian quickly removed all the weight on his body and put it into the soul guide.Easy to touch with heavy loads.

Immediately using the second and third soul skills, Feng Xiaotian's wings were exposed, and he hugged Zi Ling'er. Using these two soul skills together, Feng Xiaotian's speed has reached a sky-defying level.

Take off quickly, and go directly to the place covered with purple light.

Feng Xiaotian held Zi Ling'er in both hands, and Ling'er also took out two pills and put them into Feng Xiaotian's mouth, such a fast journey would definitely consume a lot of soul power.

With these two pills to supplement his soul power, Feng Xiaotian looked at Zi Linger's worried look, and flew with all his strength.

In addition to the purple light over there, there are other lights, which turned out to be blue, and I don't know who Ziyun is fighting with.

"That's actually the direction of the lake of life, could it be that he is looking for a competition with the Sky Blue Bull Python?" Ling'er asked.

"Is this also a soul beast that has been around for [-] years?" Feng Xiaotian asked, still pretending not to know.

"Well, yes, this is an extremely powerful [-]-year-level soul beast. If nothing else, it should be the most powerful in the Star Dou Forest. Even the Titan Giant Ape may not be his opponent." Zi Linger counsels.

"Did they fight?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Their two hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts have never fought against each other, but one thing can be seen, the Titan Giant Ape completely obeys the Sky Blue Bull Python, so they all think that the Sky Blue Bull Python is stronger." Zi Ling'er Said.

"Then what about your younger brother Ziyun? If you fight against the Sky Blue Bull Python, what are your chances of winning?" Feng Xiaotian asked, after all, it is a hundred thousand year soul beast, once it grows to this level, the difference in bloodlines and levels will be narrowed.

"If my younger brother fights him, there is at most a [-]% chance of winning, maybe not." Zi Linger said.

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