In the evening, he cultivates his soul power at home, and every day is full of arrangements.

When they came to the center of the actual combat classroom, the two were separated by three to four meters.

"Xiaotian, your spiritual power and soul power are very strong, and you are also the best among your peers in actual combat. In fact, I can't teach you much."

"Your father, Feng Qingyuan, is also an eighty-three-level Contra, and he often fights with you. But your actual combat is just to make fun of it. This time I will fight against you in a dangerous way. That is to say, my attack may be much more ruthless." Dugu Bo said.

Feng Xiaotian knew that Dugu Bo wanted to instruct him to use a fighting method, but who knew he would use this method, Dugu Bo was notoriously ruthless.

The days to come will be very hard, Feng Xiaotian thought, but it would definitely be good for him, so he immediately replied: "I know teacher, just come here."

"Okay, then before the actual battle, I need to understand your strength first. I will release my soul power and aura to see how far you can support it." Dugu Bo said.

"Teacher, come on." Feng Xiaotian said.

While speaking, a huge imposing pressure fell on Feng Xiaotian's body, and Feng Xiaotian immediately felt the physical and mental pressure.

However, this mental pressure is nothing to the current Feng Xiaotian. He is already at the peak of the Contra level. Although Dugu Bo's mental power is at the title Douluo level, it is not enough for him How much damage he did.

Dugu Bo also seemed to remember Feng Xiaotian's mental power later on, after all he absorbed a head soul bone, immediately put away the pressure on mental power, and used his soul power to show Feng Xiaotian.

He knew Feng Xiaotian's strength was strong, so he used other cultivation pressures at the soul king level from the very beginning.

But Feng Xiaotian's strength is more than that, and he can easily resist it.

Slowly, Dugu Bo also began to increase slowly



Fifty-nine and sixty

It has already reached level [-], Feng Xiaotian can still bear it.

Dugu Bo was happy in his heart, as expected of his disciple, Feng Xiaotian was still able to hold on to the sixtieth level of soul power and aura, as if he still had the strength to spare.

Feng Xiaotian is not feeling so well at the moment, the pressure of soul power at level [-] is already very strong, if it wasn't for raising his body to several levels during this period, otherwise he wouldn't be able to resist it.

"Okay, the one below is at the Soul Emperor level, you have to be careful, if you can't hold on, tell me sooner." Dugu Bo said.

"Teacher, come as soon as possible, I can still hold on." Feng Xiaotian said.

At the Soul Emperor level, the aura of soul power at level [-] fell on Feng Xiaotian's body in an instant, far greater than the strength at level [-].

In an instant, Feng Xiaotian immediately released his martial soul. It turned out that he hadn't released his martial soul before, and he was able to withstand the coercion of sixty-level soul power by relying on his physical strength.

Feng Xiaotian felt much more relaxed after releasing Wuhun.

When Dugu Bo saw Feng Xiaotian releasing his martial soul, he immediately increased the pressure of his soul power.



At the sixty-third level, Feng Xiaotian used the second soul ability.

At the sixty-seventh level, Feng Xiaotian used the third spirit ability.

Until the seventy-first level, Feng Xiaotian was completely helpless, he was able to withstand the coercion of seventy-level soul power.

Dugu Bo was also taken aback by Feng Xiaotian, a soul sect who can resist the pressure of soul power of level [-], this is just too exaggerated.

Even if someone said it before, he would not believe it, but today he did all of this by himself.

"Ahem, Xiaotian, your talent is truly unprecedented, and I don't think even a Titled Douluo is worthy of being your teacher." Dugu Bo said, this was an idea that came to him suddenly.

"What are you talking about here, you are my teacher no matter what time it is." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Okay, it's my honor to accept you as a disciple. I'll give you ten minutes to adjust. We will start fighting in ten minutes." Dugu Bo said.

"Yes, teacher." Feng Xiaotian replied, and immediately sat cross-legged, and began to adjust his body, just resisting the coercion of the teacher's soul power, he still consumed a lot.

In Shenfeng Academy, Feng Xiaotian's small courtyard.

"Sister Ling'er, what do you think grandpa is going to teach brother Xiaotian to practice." Duguyan asked.

"I don't know about that either, maybe it's a way of fighting." The only way Zi Linger could think of to guide Feng Xiaotian to fight was to fight.

"Really? There's no point in fighting." Dugu Yan said.

"I'm just guessing. I'll know when I come back and ask." Zi Ling'er said.

While the two were talking, the gate of the small courtyard was slowly pushed open.

I saw Feng Xiaotian walking in with blood all over his body and some tattered clothes.

"Brother, what's wrong with you?" Zi Ling'er asked in surprise.

"Brother Xiaotian, grandpa treats you like this, I'm going to find him." Dugu Yan said.

Feng Xiaotian smiled and said: "It's okay, I will inevitably get injured in battle, it's okay, I'm fine."

Chapter 245 One month, Dugu Bo left

Feng Xiaotian's current body seems to be in a mess, but in fact there is no problem at all. After the battle, Feng Xiaotian used the skill of fist blade to recover.

Those little wounds and wounds were all recovered and healed immediately under the recovery skill.

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