At this moment, the spirit rings of the people from the Divine Wind Academy began to be released one by one, and the lowest third spirit ability even released the fourth spirit ability.

So fierce from the very beginning?

Just when Lei Peng reacted, Qin Yiran immediately used the fourth soul ability to control all the people he could control, and after that, the rest of the people basically had the fourth soul ability.

Just when Lei Peng wanted to stop him, Qian Lin's third soul skill had already been released, making Lei Peng disappear for three seconds.

In these three seconds, the situation on the field was completely controlled by the Kamikaze Academy.

Three seconds later, when Lei Peng appeared again, there were several wind blades paving the way in front of him.

Lei Peng didn't have time to use his soul skills, this was all Feng Xiaotian's calculation.The moment he appeared, the wind blade would arrive, no matter how powerful a person could dodge with instinct, he could not use soul skills.

At this moment of dodging, Feng Xiaotian had been waiting for a long time for the blast spiral strike.


The Gale Spiral Strike actually directly knocked Lei Peng out of the ring.This blow was inferior to his fourth spirit ability. It took less than ten seconds from the beginning to Lei Peng's appearance.


"too fast."

"How can anyone release all the big moves as soon as they go up?"

But this is what Shenfeng Academy did, and no one expected such an opening.Killed the opponent's strongest point at the beginning.

After killing Lei Peng, the combat power of Thunder Academy was almost reduced by more than half.

Then Feng Xiaotian also knocked Lei Peng into the air, and immediately used the fourth soul skill, Devil Wolf Storm, and saw that the three people under Qin Yiran's control were also eliminated by his soul skill.

In less than [-] seconds, there were only three people left in Thunder Academy, one Yu Xiaomo's forty-level soul sect, and two soul masters left.

"We admit defeat." Yu Xiaomo said. It is no longer necessary to fight in this situation. It is the best choice to ensure that the strength of the remaining people is not injured. After all, losing one or two games can still enter the top five. famous.

"The third round of the qualifiers, the seventh game, the Kamikaze Academy team won."

This battle was really too fast, it really made people guess the ending but not the beginning, it was unexpected, less than a minute, a veritable blitzkrieg.

Chapter 270 Result of Qualifiers

In the following qualifiers, because Kamikaze Academy defeated the Heaven Dou Royal Academy vice team consisting of a soul king and six soul sects.

Many academies chose to admit defeat when the opponent was Kamikaze Academy.

Of course, there were some colleges who were dissatisfied. Chihuo, Tianshui and other colleges that thought they had some strength, after a series of fierce battles, Kamikaze still easily won the victory.

There are also some academies who will challenge the Shenfeng Academy knowing that they have failed and have no chance of promotion. At this time, Feng Xiaotian and other three main players will not play, and they will also give their own team some fighting opportunities.

Just like that, the one-month qualifiers came to an end. During this period, everyone was expecting another genius like Feng Xiaotian and Zi Linger from Shenfeng Academy to appear in this session.

It's a pity that there hasn't been a genius with a good shot in this month. Maybe these are young talents at other times, but compared with everyone in the vice team of Tiandou Royal Academy, and Feng Xiao from Shenfeng Academy Tian and Zi Ling'er are nothing, and everyone's vision has also increased.

At the end of the qualifiers, the final rankings came out, and the top five qualified for the promotion.

The rankings are:

Kamikaze Academy ranks first with [-] wins in [-] matches

Tiandou Royal Academy Shrek team ranked second with [-] wins and [-] loss in [-] matches

Thunder Academy had [-] wins and [-] losses in the twenty-six matches, losing to Shenfeng Academy and Heaven Dou Royal Academy Shrek respectively.

Blazing Academy has [-] wins and [-] losses in [-] matches, ranking fourth.

Tianshui College ranked fifth with [-] wins and [-] losses in [-] matches.

However, the Elephant Armor Academy was eliminated this time. They achieved [-] wins and [-] losses, and met the Tiandou Royal Academy vice team in the third round.

Because they lost to Kamikaze last time, the Tiandou Imperial Academy Shrek team seemed to use the Elephant Armor Academy as a punching bag, severely injured the two soul sects of the Elephant Academy, and had to rest for five days before returning to the arena.

Although they didn't meet Lei Ting and Blazing Huo and other academies in the past five days, there were not two Soul Sects who lost their combat power, and they lost three of the five games.

Although they have soul bones, Zhang Xinglong and Zhang Xingyun demonstrated their martial soul fusion skills in this battle of Blazing Academy, even if they had soul bones, the Elephant Armored Sect could only be defeated.

This is the end of the one-month qualifiers, and there will be a one-month rest period, and one month later will be the promotion competition of the All-Continent Advanced Soul Master Competition.

In one month, the five teams that have advanced are all near Tiandou City. If it is fast, it can be reached in one day, and if it is slow, it only takes two days.

Several colleges chose to go back to the college to practice for a month, but Shenfeng College did not go back, but went to the manor where they practiced this month.

At the end of the qualifiers, Shenfeng Academy gave everyone a day off. Feng Xiaotian and Linger also came to Dugu Bo's mansion.

"Sister Ling'er, you are so good, you won the first place with a complete victory." Dugu Yan said enviously.

After speaking, he looked at Feng Xiaotian and said, "Brother Xiaotian, do you think I will be able to participate in the Advanced Soul Master Competition in five years?"

"Yanyan is a soul master now, so it should be no problem to reach the soul sect in five years. Of course you can participate in the advanced soul master competition, but I hope you will participate in ten years later." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Why ten years later?" Dugu Yan asked a little puzzled.

"Strive to become the soul king in ten years, and then participate in the advanced soul master competition." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Soul King?" Dugu Yan was a little puzzled.

Feng Xiaotian smiled and said: "That's right, the soul king realm, when the time comes, Shenfeng Academy will still need you to lead it."

If there were no accidents, or if Feng Xiaotian didn't take the initiative to sabotage, according to the master's wishes, wherever Flender was, Tang San and Xiao Wu would be there.

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