"Well, it's probably about two hours after lunch." Feng Qingyuan said.

Knowing the news of the team's arrival, Feng Xiaotian was naturally happy.

The senior soul master competition is about to start, and I finally met with the team.

This time he left, left the team, and did not participate in the promotion competition. He still felt a little bit sorry, after all, we are a team.

In fact, he has no need to participate in the promotion competition. The promotion competition is actually an examination of the talents of the various academies by the empire.It's useless against Feng Xiaotian, but it's useful with the rest of the team.

Most of them are the children of nobles, which involves their future, or they want to support a family, and it is also their opportunity to be favored by the empire.

Without him, they could still demonstrate their ability. This time they also achieved a good result. Fifteen teams ranked third in the promotion competition.

And everyone in the top three won the title of viscount, and everyone after that won the title of baron.

Although Feng Xiaotian did not participate, he also obtained the title of Viscount.But Feng Xiaotian refused, and Zi Linger also refused.

I really thought that the Heaven Dou Empire would selflessly give you the title. If I overthink it, once I accept it, it means that you have accepted the solicitation of the Heaven Dou Empire.

Feng Xiaotian didn't want to be restrained because of these, thinking that his parents also rejected the title together.

Among these three teams, only five people rejected the title of Heaven Dou Empire, two from Kamikaze Academy.

There are two from Thunder Academy, Lei Peng and Yu Xiaomo. Yu Xiaomo is also a member of the Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect.

After such a long time, he might have joined the Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Sect, it is normal to reject the title of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The other person who refused was Shrek's Delno. These people in Shrek were all born as commoners, and it is very rare for them to become nobles.

Even Qin Ming didn't refuse. After all, in the plot, didn't Qin Ming also join Tiandou Imperial Academy to become a teacher?This is also equivalent to serving the Heaven Dou Empire.

He would not refuse this point, but it turned out that he joined the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy later, and there was no such springboard as the Advanced Soul Master Competition.

Such a springboard makes him more capital and more valued. Can such a person who may be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with Haotian Douluo in the future not be valued?He definitely won't receive the key training from the Heaven Dou Empire.

As for Shrek's only rejection Delno, if nothing unexpected happened, he would most likely join the Spirit Hall.

In other words, Wuhundian only recruited one person among the top three teams this time.

On the contrary, he hasn't got the slightest hint of solicitation yet. Doesn't the Wuhun Palace recruit him?Or has Qian Renxue already given her information?

This is very strange, it should be easy for Wuhundian to find out where he is.

He has also wandered around this Nebula City for ten days.

Two hours passed quickly in the afternoon, Feng Xiaotian, Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue went directly to the place where the team members from the Heaven Dou Empire should live and waited.

At this time, the Tiandou Empire's team entered the city, he didn't want to block the way.

On the carriage of the Kamikaze Academy, the three girls of the Kamikaze Academy team were all sitting in the carriage.

Zi Ling'er kept pulling up the curtains of the carriage, looking out, hoping to see Jiang Feng Xiaotian's figure, but the carriage had been walking for half an hour since entering the city, and she still didn't see it.

"Ling'er, don't look at it, Xiaotian will definitely be waiting for us somewhere." Qin Yiran laughed.

"Sister Ling'er, do you like the captain?" Chen Yu suddenly asked at this moment.

Where would you know that Chen Yu, who usually doesn't talk much, suddenly said such a sentence.

Getting angry and embarrassing, Qin Yiran smiled without saying a word, Zi Linger patted Chen Yu shyly, and said, "How is it possible, he is my brother."

"Right, sister Yiran." After Zi Ling'er finished speaking, she looked at Qin Yiran again.

Qin Yiran smiled and said, "Yes, what Ling'er said is correct, but what? The future is unclear."

"I won't tell you guys anymore, I'll check again, why hasn't my brother come here yet?" Zi Ling'er looked out the window again.

The other two girls looked at each other and smiled without saying anything, the relationship between Zi Linger and Feng Xiaotian could be understood by anyone in the team.

But everyone doesn't talk about it.

Immediately, they drove slowly in the vast Xingyun City. Although this was in the Star Luo Empire, there were quite a few people from the Heaven Dou Empire who came here to watch the finals of the Advanced Soul Master Competition, and each academy also had its own fans.

Along the way, there are also many people welcoming you.

Half an hour later, outside a luxurious manor-style hotel.

As soon as Zi Ling'er got out of the car, she heard the voice of attributes.

"Ling'er, you guys are here, but let me wait a long time." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Brother." Zi Ling'er went up and hugged Feng Xiaotian.

"Well, there are so many people watching." Feng Xiaotian said shyly.

Only now Zi Ling'er let go of Feng Xiaotian, and immediately stood behind Feng Xiaotian.

"Captain." People from Kamikaze Academy came to greet him one after another.

"Brother, have you succeeded?" Zi Ling'er asked.

"Ling'er, it's inconvenient to talk about it here, let's talk about it later." Feng Xiaotian said.

There are too many people, so Feng Xiaotian doesn't want to expose himself prematurely.

But at this time, the people in my team stopped asking, but other people would also pay attention.

"Xiaotian, how are you? I heard that you went to obtain the fifth soul ring. How is it? Did you succeed?" A handsome man with short blond hair came to Feng Xiaotian and said.

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