"Brother Feng." Han Donglai also called.

No matter how old they are, their strength still allows them to interact with each other.

Yang Wudi is still a soul sage now, but his strength is already at the Contra level. Feng Qingyuan is a Contra, so he is not afraid.

Feng Xiaotian also greeted the two and the two girls.

After several people were seated, the rich dishes began to be served.

During this period, Qin Qiuyue also carefully looked at the appearance of the two women. She was actually quite satisfied with the way a mother admires her daughter-in-law, but she still had to listen to her son's opinion on all of this. will be reluctant.

The talents of these two girls are also good, among them, Yang Wuying is already at level [-], and the girl next to her, Han Shiyu, is also at level [-], one is a healing soul master, and the other is a very strong attacking tool soul master.

After meeting, Han Donglai gave him a wink, and saw Yang Wuying and Han Shiyu immediately bid farewell to Feng Xiaotian and left the room.

They also don't want to talk about it in this room, it's embarrassing.

Seeing the two girls leaving, Zi Ling'er also went out together.

Then there were only five people left in the room, the three of Feng Xiaotian's family, Yang Wudi and Han Donglai.

Before Feng Xiaotian could open his mouth, Han Donglai said first: "Xiaotian, we know what you are going to say. Although I promised you at the beginning, this kind of soul fighting is not considered in private."

"However, after all, this is a marriage arrangement arranged in public, and the whole Longxing City knows about it. If you refuse, how can my daughter and Brother Yang's daughter gain a foothold in Longxing City? So Well, I suggest that this engagement should continue."

"Uncle Han, you made a good deal at the beginning, and if you keep it up, won't you delay Xiao Qi and Sister Wu Ying?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"Xiaotian, you also knew about the situation of Fengjianzong in Longxing City. Because of this relationship now, Fengjianzong has to think carefully about doing things in Longxing City." Han Donglai said.

"Uncle Yang, even if you don't have this level of relationship, you can unite together." Feng Xiaotian said.

I saw Han Donglai shook his head and said: "Xiaotian, you also showed a strong talent at that time, and even participated in this senior soul master competition. You know, when you met yesterday, your identity was already It was exposed, and everyone knew your true identity."

"Now the two companies have joined forces to become three companies. Although they are far apart, they will also give us a power boost." Han Donglai said.

The last time Han Donglai sold his information, the old and cunning guy is the uncle of the second prince of the Star Luo Empire. This relationship relies on the royal family, so are you afraid of the Wind Sword Sect?

"Dong Lai is right. Besides, my granddaughter has no objection to Xiaotian. You want it. In the world of soul masters, it is very rare for you to marry such two beautiful wives at the same time." Yang Wudi laughed. .

"Actually, Sister Wuying and Xiaoqi are both very good, but I'm really young now, so let's wait and see. I don't want to worry about these things now. They will still be waiting for me when I become a Titled Douluo. Then We can be together." Feng Xiaotian said, if the two women are willing to wait for him for ten years, it would be bad for him to refuse.

He also wants to strive for ten years to become a Titled Douluo. Besides, the two girls are willing to wait for him for ten years, so it would be nice to marry them.At the same time, time will dilute everything, and they may also meet better ones during this period.

"Title Douluo?" Han Donglai asked in surprise.

How difficult it is to be a Title Douluo, although Feng Xiaotian is already a genius enough, but it is easy to become a Soul Sage, and easy to become a Soul Douluo.

Titled Douluo is very difficult, Yang Wudi knows best, a genius like Tang Hao also became a Titled Douluo at the age of forty-four.

Feng Xiaotian was already several years younger than the two girls, even if he and Tang Hao became Title Douluo earlier, he would be almost forty years old.

Aren't the two women at the age of forty both in their forties or fifties?Feng Xiaotian was obviously refusing.

Just then, the door was pushed open.

The three women were just outside the door, obviously eavesdropping.

"Feng Xiaotian, do you really think we like you? We're not married yet. Don't let us meet in the finals, or I'll make you look good." Yang Wuying said angrily.

After speaking, he dragged Han Shiyu away, followed by Yang Wudi and Han Donglai.

Why did you leave so soon?

"Brother, the two older sisters are actually pretty good." Zi Linger said suddenly.

Chapter 290 Finals, Game [-]

Originally, I wanted to make things clear, but I was a little surprised that there would be such an ending. The more I talked, the more confused I became.

It would be good if they let them give up in this way. He knew exactly what Han Donglai was up to, but he was actually a little bit entangled.

But when he thinks about the next high-level soul master competition and the opponents he will face, there is nothing wrong with it.

"Brother, I chatted with the two sisters outside for a while, they are very nice." Zi Linger said.

I don't know what Ling'er was talking about outside, this attitude change is a bit quick.

The next day, the first day of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Competition officially started.

Under the cheers of the audience, the lively people on the field, the participating teams appeared one by one under the introduction of the host.

"The Divine Wind Academy of the Heaven Dou Empire will be invited to appear below." After the host announced, Feng Xiaotian led the team out.

"Kamikaze Academy, won the first place in the qualifiers with [-] victories in the budget competition of the Heaven Dou Empire, and won the third place in the next promotion competition. The soul sect in the team has at least There are six, and the captain is a forty-ninth rank, only fourteen years old in age, so it can be said that he is a genius in this world."

The organizing committee of the soul master competition must know the information of each academy, and each academy will introduce it when it appears.

"Is it that strong?"

"He's already level forty-nine?" Yang Wuying glanced at Feng Xiaotian and said.


In the center of the main stage, Wood looked at Feng Xiaotian, recognized it at a glance, and murmured: "It turned out to be him."

"Does Elder Wood know that boy?" Chu Xiang asked.

"I met once." Wood said, but he would not say how to meet.

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