They are the first to play, but Feng Xiaotian has already made up his mind. In individual battles, their Kamikaze Academy really does not have an advantage. Second, they may still have a chance to fight. win.

Therefore, before the match started, Feng Xiaotian said to the referee and the host: "Our Kamikaze Academy abstained from the individual competition."

"What? Kamikaze Academy forfeited the individual competition?"

There was an uproar at the scene, and everyone couldn't believe it, but they actually abstained in this individual competition.

If a team does not play an individual match, it will become an individual match between two teams, and the loser will compete with Kamikaze Academy for the qualification.

At this time, Kamikaze Academy abstained, so it will be rescheduled.

But Chu Yu came up directly and said, "Our Star Luo Royal Academy also abstained, and competed with Shenfeng Academy for the final qualification."

It was the first time for the referee to experience such a scene, and Shenfeng Academy was also the first team in the history of the Advanced Soul Master Competition to abstain from the individual competition of the Advanced Soul Master Competition.

After they abstained, Star Luo Academy also abstained.

After careful confirmation, the host had no choice but to announce: "Kamikaze Academy and Star Luo Academy have abstained from the individual competition, and today's last match will directly go to the final competition for places in the finals."

The organizing committee of the competition directly arranged the competition for today, which made Feng Xiaotian and You Chuyu, according to the competition schedule, also tomorrow.

Maybe it's because none of the three teams have a match today, and the audience applauded this arrangement.

"Then, next, we will invite the Heaven Dou Imperial Academy Shrek team and the Star Academy to compete for the fourth place in the competition, and invite the two teams to enter." The host said passionately.

Chapter 309 Kamikaze Against Xingluo

The organizing committee of the contest was very clever, and arranged a match between Kamikaze Academy and Star Luo Royal Academy at zero hour.

Feng Xiaotian also knew that if the team couldn't defeat the Star Luo Royal Academy, it would be the same against the Wuhundian Academy.

Abstaining is also the best choice, but I didn't expect the conference to arrange the game for the third game today. If it is fast, it will be the team's turn to play in [-] minutes.

At this time, the entire team was in no mood to watch the game, and all looked at Feng Xiaotian.

"Let's go, let's go to a quiet place over there, our turn will be at least twenty minutes away." Feng Xiaotian said.

Seeing Feng Xiao and his team leave, neither Feng Qingyuan nor Qin Qiuyue followed. They didn't interfere in the usual or previous games, and they didn't plan to bother in this most critical game.

Everything is done according to their usual, after all, in terms of the understanding of all members of the team, they are not as good as their son Feng Xiaotian.Besides, they also believed in their son's ability.

They came to the place behind the players on the competition field, where there were fewer people and it was relatively quieter.

"Captain, what should we do? We haven't discussed how to deal with Xingluo Royal Academy." Ye Feng said.

"Yeah, I thought I would meet them tomorrow." Tang Shi said.

Feng Xiaotian could tell that everyone was a little worried.

"I know what you are worried about. This is an unexpected situation, but what I want to say is that we usually discuss so many tactics, and there is always one that can be dealt with."

"And if there is a problem, in addition to gestures for tactical adjustments, we will also send you voice transmissions." Feng Xiaotian said.

Sound transmission is a method that only high-level soul masters and soul masters with relatively strong spiritual power can carry out. Feng Xiaotian's soul power has already reached the peak of Contra, so there is no problem.

In addition, Zi Ling'er's soul power has also reached the level of Contra, and she can also perform sound transmission. She and Feng Xiaotian took ordinary Wangchuan Qiushuilu.

And he also absorbed a [-]-year-old soul bone from her sister, so his spiritual power also has the Contra level.

"Then captain, who did our team send to play this battle?" Qian Lin asked.

"In this match, me, sister Yiran, Ling'er, Ye Feng, Tang Shi, Yinfeng, and Chen Yu will play. As for Qian Lin, if we win this match, then it's up to you to play in the next match." Xiaotian said.

Qian Lin understood and nodded in agreement.

Zi Ling'er has been looking forward to playing for a long time, the competition here is much more exciting than before, and the opponent is also stronger.

"Next, let's briefly talk about the martial arts and characteristics of the opponents who have already played, and their strengths and weaknesses. Time is limited, so I will start with the important ones."

After about twenty minutes, the second game ended.

There are only two games left in the entire competition, and these two games are the highlights of this advanced soul master competition.

At this moment, Feng Qingyuan has sent a sound transmission to inform Feng Xiaotian to let him return, because the game is about to start.

"Next, we invite Star Luo Royal Academy's Yuzhan Shenfeng Academy to play. The two teams have shown strong strength in the previous competition."

"Let's take a look at Shenfeng Academy's entrance plastic surgery first. Captain Feng Xiaotian, everyone already knows him. The fourteen-year-old captain is a peerless genius in the Douluo Continent. He already has a soul power of level [-]. What will Feng Xiaotian do with Chu Yu, the mutated martial soul of the two-headed wolf? Let's wait and see."

"The team of Shenfeng Academy has also attracted the first change. It seems that they also attach great importance to this game. The new Qin Yiran, the forty-fourth level control system soul sect, and Zi Linger's forty-three level agility attack system Soul sect, plus they also have a forty-level soul sect and two forty-one soul sects, which means that the team of Shenfeng Academy is all composed of soul masters of the soul sect level. Their strongest strength." The host introduced.

At the same time, Star Luo Royal Academy has already entered.

"Now let's see how the Xingluo Royal Academy's team will be adjusted. In the last game, the captain Chu Yu played very well and defeated the two strongest points of Tiandou Royal Academy, one soul king and one soul sect. Now Chu Yu Yu's opponent is another mutated wolf spirit, what will happen to Feng Xiaotian and Qin Ming? Are you impatient?"

"Hey, the Xingluo Royal Academy's lineup hasn't changed. It's still the team from yesterday. Could it be that the Shenfeng Academy is not worthy of their change, or is this their strongest lineup?" the host asked in surprise.

In fact, Feng Xiaotian already knew when he saw his opponent enter the arena, that Xingluo Royal Academy didn't change their players, it was still the same team as the one that played against Shrek last time.

Chu Yu, a soul sect of level forty-five, plus three soul sects below forty-five level and two soul masters of level thirty-nine.

When all the contestants entered the competition on the first day, Feng Xiaotian noticed that in addition to these people in the Star Luo Royal Academy, there were also two Soul Sects above the forty-fifth level. come out.

There are two kinds of situations where this happens. The first one is that Chu Yu is too crazy and thinks that he can be easily dealt with, then this lineup is enough, and the two are reserved for fighting against Wuhundian Academy.

The second is that there are still some people in this team who have not exerted their strongest strength. For example, the forty-five-level soul sect did not use his fourth soul ability in the last match, and there is another soul sect The fourth soul skill was not used either, which meant that they still had hidden strengths that had not been brought into play, and Chu Yu believed that this was also a way to defeat them.

If it is the first type, then the Star Luo Royal Academy will be easier to deal with.

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