Gale Slash was quickly cast on Cyril's side or behind, and Cyril kept adjusting his body, but he couldn't attack Feng Xiaotian.

This made him anxious, and the time seemed to be passing.

What to do, this Martial Soul Avatar still has such disadvantages.

I want to change back to the original form, the same promotion.

His body is really big, his speed has increased, but relatively, when controlling this martial soul avatar, it has decreased.

It's not that Cyril's speed is slow, it's that Feng Xiaotian's speed is too fast.

Before you could attack, Feng Xiaotian had already hit another part and went to another place.

It seems that this martial soul avatar has no effect on Feng Xiaotian, who made Feng Xiaotian's speed so heaven-defying, and the passive skill of Fist Blade has increased his speed by [-]%, which is extremely terrifying.

No, I can't fail, our Wuhundian Academy can't lose, return to the original state, so that we won't be afraid of Feng Xiaotian now.

Cyril has been thinking about recovering.

Now Feng Xiaotian's attacks are becoming more and more effective, if this continues, he must be the one who gets hurt.

Gale Wind and Fire Slash has performed its thirty-sixth cut.The next increase in power will be even greater, and it will be effective again after the thirty-sixth cut.

Just when Feng Xiaotian used the thirty-seventh slash, Cyril's golden tiger shark made a loud noise and began to shrink.

After a burst of golden light, the golden tiger shark actually became smaller, and finally Cyril turned back to its original appearance. No, this should be a humanoid golden tiger shark.

I only heard Cyril muttering in his mouth: "This is my best state."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Feng Xiaotian didn't expect that Cyril could change his body again at this time.

Cyril actually started laughing, that's great, this ring fusion skill is really good.

"I finally know how to control the power of this ring fusion skill. It's not the real body of the martial soul at all, but the performance of the increased physical attributes, forming a fake martial soul real body." Cyril said loudly.

Fake Wuhun real body?

Feng Xiaotian's attack has reached the thirty-eighth slash, the slash just now was missed because of Cyril's change.

In the thirty-eighth cut, Feng Xiaotian attacked Cyril.

Let me meet your Gale Slash, Cyril's golden tiger shark in human form, with golden arms, boom

Cyril actually resisted Feng Xiaotian's gale and fire slash with his bare hands.

You must know that this is Fengxiatong's strongest move that relies on two pairs of wings, and there is also the own power on the raging fire and green wind wings.

It seems that this move still didn't bring out the power of Raging Fire Green Wind Wing to its best state.

Feng Xiaotian integrated this move into Gale Wind Slash. Although it was successful, it still had some flaws, that is, it couldn't use the full power of Liehuo Qingfengyi.

Now it has only exerted [-]% of the power brought by the raging fire and green wind wings.

Even so, it greatly strengthened the power of this move.

Thirty-ninth cut, Cyril is still the same, with amazing defense.

But Elena immediately reminded: "Cyril, attack quickly, the power of his moves is still increasing, end the battle as soon as possible."

I only heard Cyril say: "I know, I'm waiting for the second increase."

Cyril knew his own soul power, and his soul power consumption decreased a lot after becoming this state. After all, there was such a big golden tiger shark to maintain, but it also used a lot of soul power.

It's less than a minute now, and he knows that he has time, at least one and a half minutes, he is waiting, and his attack power will increase by another [-]% in a minute.

The forty-first cut and the forty-third cut, after this cut, Cyril was finally sent flying by Feng Xiaotian.

When the time was up, Cyril stood up and touched the blood that flowed out.

"It's up to me next." Cyril said.

The next moment, Cyril's aura increased again, another [-]% increase, Feng Xiaotian obviously felt that the opponent's aura was different.

Does Fusion still have such power?

Or is it the soul skill characteristic of Cyril's fusion ring?

How could it increase like this?

Thirty seconds is enough for Cyril to smile slightly, but his smile is a bit weird, after all, he is now a humanoid shark monster.

At least that's how Feng Xiaotian saw it, so now is the time to fight monsters.

Slashing with wind and fire, what about the cheats with fist blades to attack with clones?

It's a pity for Feng Xiaotian that this move can't be used together, when Forty-Four Zhan Feng Xiaotian hits, his right hand also goes out extremely.

Cyril also followed. His improvement is mainly in physical attributes, and now is the time to be tough.


Feng Xiaotian's two skills were used at the same time, the first time Cyril had no defense at all, when resisting Feng Xiaotian's Forty-Four Slash, he ignored Feng Xiaotian's fist.

Hit it with a punch, and the clone attacked again.

Feng Xiaotian's ability to control two attacks at a time is now present. In fact, this is still benefited from the effect of Feng Xiaotian's distracted control of soul power when he was learning Gale Spiral Strike.

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