In the end, the competition organizing committee announced that more than [-]% of the audience had bet on Wuhundian to win.

There are very few people in this world who have trouble with money and don't want to lose it.

So the [-] viewers at this meeting didn't know who was leading them astray, and they shouted the word "fake" and "fake" at the same time.

The sound of these two words was loud under the shouts of [-] people, and it was related to their own interests, and perhaps only a few people who did not bet did not follow suit.

Faced with the sudden change, Feng Xiaotian didn't speak, and other people from Shenfeng Academy also spoke to explain and prove, but their voices could not be heard by others under the voices of so many people.

"Brother Xiaotian, they are wronging us." Zi Ling'er said.

"I know." Feng Xiaotian said, to be honest, this is really a bit angry, he finally won the victory, since he was born, winning the championship of the Advanced Soul Master Competition can be said to be a step in the future plan.

A small goal, but is it easily obliterated now?

Feng Xiaotian remembered the conversation between Wood and Chu Xiang last night, it should be the ghost of these two people.

Under the instigation of the two of them, the competition organizing committee actually did the same.

The audience stopped calling for the word fraud, and started calling for money back, money back for gambling.

This is the reality of the world, no matter which world you are in, whether it is the previous life or the Douluo Continent, it is the same.

These people don't care who wins or loses, money is the most important thing.

Is victory really that important to them?Compared with money, it is not worth mentioning at all.

At this moment, Qin Qiuyue seemed to be unable to bear it any longer. If Feng Qingyuan hadn't been pulling aside, he might have released his martial spirit to seek justice.

At this time, the chairman of the competition organizing committee, an old man in his [-]s and [-]s, possessed a level [-] Contra Huang Mingde.

Seeing the audience shouting so loudly, Huang Mingde must come out at this time, because this matter must be put to rest sooner, even if Feng Xiaotian was wronged, but everyone, more than [-]% of the people think that you If you haven't been wronged, it's just a fake.

As long as these people take the money, then these people will be witnesses, because he doesn't want to lose the money.

When Huang Mingde walked out, he was also thinking about the sound transmission from Wood and Chu Xiang just now, basically there was no suspense, and he agreed.

Why agree?First, he didn't dare to offend the two major forces at the same time, and second, if he disagreed, they would lose in this year's competition.

Because a few people actually bet more than [-] million gold soul coins on Kamikaze, and at odds of [-] to [-], they would lose to Sanyi.

Don't look at the superficial beauty of the advanced soul master competition, but in fact the income is not very much.

Although the competition organizing committee doesn't need to give too many rewards, a city only holds it once every ten years, and the maintenance costs in the middle, as well as the layout during the holding, all cost a lot of gold soul coins.

However, not all the income from holding the advanced soul master competition is theirs, it can be said that the income is only a small part.

Wuhundian, Xingluo Empire and Tiandou Empire each share [-]% of the profits, while they can only share [-]% of the profits.

The reason is that they are just the organizing committee of the competition supported by the three parties. They don't need to consider the rewards, they just organize the venue and the organization.

Only [-]% is allocated, regardless of this [-]%, it will basically make them earn a lot of money, and at the same time maintain the venues in the two major cities.

But this year is different. Before the start of this game, including today's tickets, I roughly calculated that their total profit was just over [-] million. In addition, after today's game, maybe Wuhundian won. They are giving a part , that can also have an income of more than [-] million.

Calculated, [-]% also has [-] million gold soul coins to give to the organizing committee of the competition.

But Feng Xiaotian's betting changed everything.They lost nearly [-] million gold soul coins.Then their profit is only more than [-] million yuan, and they can only share more than [-] million yuan, which is almost half of it.

That's more than [-] million yuan, such a large amount, would he give up?And there are two major powers, so he agreed without hesitation.

Huang Mingde came out, took out the sound amplification device, and said loudly: "Everyone be quiet, listen to me."

Because he is the chairman of the organizing committee of the competition, the field suddenly became quiet, and it could be said that a needle could be heard.

"About, some of the money you bet, we will arrange personnel to refund this afternoon. There will be a game tomorrow. If you still bet now, you can keep it unchanged." Huang Mingde said.

"Wait a minute." Feng Xiaotian quickly came to Huang Mingde.

"Why do you say that my age is fake? Is there any evidence? Could it be that Wuhundian Academy, your contest organizing committee, and Star Luo Empire Royal Academy can't afford to lose?"

"Or are you people from Wuhundian Academy afraid of going to the Grand Canyon of Death?" Feng Xiaotian came to Huang Mingde's side, and the huge loudspeaker device made everyone in the stadium hear it.

"Feng Xiaotian, do you still have the nerve to make a big noise here when you fake your age? Don't you think you're not ashamed enough?" Huang Mingde said pretending to be righteous.

In fact, he was still a little uneasy. After all, Feng Xiaotian's bone age was verified at the beginning. If it was verified on the spot, Feng Xiaotian should have no problem.

But he was not afraid, he had the support of those two, and said: "It's fine to cheat and cheat, don't you have a little courtesy in front of me? Get out of here."

Huang Mingde suddenly raised his aura and pushed towards Feng Xiaotian.

But would Feng Xiaotian be afraid of your arrogance?Thinking about being suppressed by Dugu Bo, the teacher of the title Douluo, with aura for a month, the aura of Huang Mingde's Contra is simply incomparable.

"Could it be that the organizing committee of the competition is trying to overwhelm people with arrogance?" Feng Qingyuan's eight soul rings lit up, and he went towards Huang Mingde. As Feng Xiaotian's father, he should come forward at this time.

In fact, as the saying goes, you are not afraid of the shadow, so you can't let your son and your college be wronged.

At the same time, Qin Qiuyue also lit up her seven soul rings, and set off with Feng Qingyuan.

Although Huang Mingde has Contra with eight soul rings, facing Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue, they are far from powerful.

"Don't tell me you want to make a fuss in the senior soul master competition? This is a joint study and decision by Elder Wood of the Wuhun Temple, General Chu Xiang of the Star Luo Empire and our competition organizing committee. As for how to fake it, if you want evidence, then you can ask." They." Huang Mingde said.

He definitely couldn't face Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue's couple, so he could only throw this matter out and let them solve it. Anyway, it was proposed by the two of them, and they are very powerful.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Huang Mingde can be the chairman of the organizing committee of the advanced soul master competition, he is not stupid, he is very shrewd.

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