"And then?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"That's why I sent me and the old ghost over here. Our Spirit Hall can't afford to lose, so I can help you test your bone age and prove your innocence. If you are really fourteen, promise me one thing." Chrysanthemum Douluo said.

"What's the matter?" Feng Xiaotian said, he didn't expect to win Bibi Dong's attention.

It should be his own experience over the years and his performance in the senior soul master competition, and possibly the information Qian Renxue passed on to Wuhundian, which attracted Wuhundian's attention.

"Just as long as you promise, it will definitely not do you any harm." Ju Douluo said.

"Oh? What is that? I have to know before I can decide." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Well, it's okay to tell you in advance, the advanced soul master competition is about to end, and you will follow me to Wuhun City immediately after the end, the Pope wants to see you." Ju Douluo said.

"What? The Pope wants to see me?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"You should have an honorable title, His Excellency the Pope." Ju Douluo said.

"What are you doing seeing me? I'm not from the Wuhun Palace." Feng Xiaotian said.

"I don't know either, you'll know when you go, are you going or not?" Ju Douluo was still walking at the same speed.

In fact, they have been communicating with Feng Xiaotian through voice transmission halfway through.And others don't know why.

"What if I don't go?" Feng Xiaotian tentatively asked.

"You will go, believe me and Ghost Douluo, you have no reason not to go." Ju Douluo said.

"Are you going to tie me up?"

"You can understand it this way." Ju Douluo said.

"You can go, but I also have a condition. You must invite me to go in front of these [-] people, explaining that the Pope wants to see me, then I will go." Feng Xiaotian said.

These two people are definitely bugs here, if you want to tie yourself up, you might as well go there yourself.

Besides, Feng Xiaotian also wanted to see what the legendary Pope Bibi Dong was like, and whether he looked like the anime he watched in his previous life.

"Okay, no problem, you really are a cunning brat, but the premise is that your age is not faked." Ju Douluo said.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What will happen?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Originally, if you are not over eighteen years old, then you also have the opportunity to meet the Pope, but because of your second martial spirit, as long as you are under twenty-five years old, you can still go." Ju Douluo said.

The most important thing is Feng Xiaotian's second martial soul, that is, two martial souls.

Feng Xiaotian also knew that the pope possessed two martial souls, and the pope also needed to find a successor, so the person with twin martial souls was undoubtedly her best choice.

Chrysanthemum Douluo naturally knew about this, when he saw Feng Xiaotian's second martial spirit, he knew clearly that he had to bring Feng Xiaotian into the martial spirit city to meet the Pope immediately.

That's why he came out to resolve this battle, and used it to test Feng Xiaotian's bone age.

After the negotiation between Ju Douluo and Feng Xiaotian was over, Ju Douluo came to Feng Xiaotian's body in a flash, making people puzzled.

When he came up, he put his hand on Feng Xiaotian's arm and repeated several times before Ju Douluo withdrew his hand.

In addition to being shocked or shocked, Feng Xiaotian's bone age is really only fourteen years old.

At the age of fourteen, the fifty-fourth level turned out to be real, and with twin martial souls, a person who was more talented than the current pope appeared.

This kind of person must be made to join the Spirit Hall as soon as possible.

After Chrysanthemum Douluo's detection, it took a long time to calm down, and he sent a voice transmission to Ghost Douluo, and Ghost Douluo was also in shock.

"Your Majesty Yueguan, may I ask whether Feng Xiaotian's age is fake?" Huang Mingde from the competition organizing committee asked.

"Our Spirit Hall has always done things fairly. I checked Feng Xiaotian's bone age just now. He didn't cheat. He is indeed fourteen years old. The champion of this year's senior soul master competition does not belong to Spirit Hall, but to Feng Xiao God." Ju Douluo said, he didn't mention Shenfeng Academy, in his eyes, maybe only Feng Xiaotian is the champion.

"Wood actually did such a thing, I will truthfully report to His Excellency the Pope." Ju Douluo said.

Although many people at the scene did not want to accept this fact, but because the title Douluo of the Wuhun Temple had confirmed it, they took the initiative to say that the champion was Kamikaze.What else can they say?What dare to say?

After hearing this, Huang Mingde could only announce that the winner of this advanced soul master competition was the Divine Wind Academy.

Wood had no choice but to hand over the reward to Kamikaze Academy, which also received three soul bones.

But it's not over yet.

After the rewards were distributed, Ju Douluo announced again: "In view of Feng Xiaotian's performance in this senior soul master competition, His Excellency the Pope has decided to personally meet this young genius named Feng Xiaotian."

After Ju Douluo finished speaking, he looked at Feng Xiaotian again, and said, "Feng Xiaotian, are you willing to follow me to meet the Pope?"

"Such a good thing, this Feng Xiaotian is very lucky."

"Could it be that the Pope of the Wuhun Palace wants to accept Feng Xiaotian as his apprentice?"

Among the crowd, there was only one very special person, who murmured: "Genius, with twin martial souls, you really won't let it go."

This person is naturally a master, one of the few people who knows about Bibi Dong's twin martial souls.

At the same time, Feng Xiaotian also received voice transmissions from Dugu Bo and Feng Qingyuan, and Feng Xiaotian also roughly talked about the conversation with Ju Douluo before, and it would be impossible not to go.

"Go ahead, they invite you in front of so many people, safety should be guaranteed." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Teacher, shall I go then?" Feng Xiaotian asked, still wanting to ask teacher Dugu Bo for instructions.

"Go ahead, I guess they have taken a fancy to your talent, if you encounter any danger, don't worry about anything, just keep safe." Dugu Bo said.

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