After Meng Yi and Meng Xue saw it, their legs went limp from fright, they could only go back to their room in silence, not daring to say a word.

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian's spiritual strength is also undergoing transformation, it seems that the Wangchuan Qiushuilu he took at the beginning is still helpful to him.

Slowly Feng Xiaotian's head spirit bone also slowly revealed, because it is due to spiritual power, the head spirit bone will definitely play a role.

"This head soul bone is more than [-] years old, and it has the attribute of spiritual power. No wonder his mental power is so strong at a young age, but even so, he can't be promoted to the title of Douluo. It's strange. Could it be that he not only Excellent soul power, but also unprecedented in spiritual power cultivation?" Bibi Dong thought.

She would never have thought that Feng Xiaotian ate the fairy product Wangchuan Qiushuilu, which enhances spiritual power, and this was the key to his spiritual power transformation.

Feng Xiaotian is already completely in his own spiritual world, completely unaware of everything outside.

"Is this my sea of ​​consciousness? Or is it a spiritual space?" Feng Xiaotian found that he seemed to have come to another space.

This space is filled with a faint cyan color, and there are continuous cyan rays of light passing through it all around.

Let's call him the Spirit Consciousness Sea Space. Looking around, it seems that he can't see the edge.

Slowly, there were more and more light blue lights around him, scurrying around him.

What should I do?After entering the spiritual consciousness sea space, Feng Xiaotian suddenly didn't know what to do?

How to break through?

Regarding this point, Feng Xiaotian also asked his parents and teacher Dugu Bo, but their situations were different, and in the end Dugu Bo also answered Feng Xiaotian's questions.

Because the breakthrough method of each person's spiritual power will be different according to the individual situation, this situation will only happen when Contra breaks through the title-level spiritual power.

This will be a transformation of spirit and soul.

Just when Feng Xiaotian didn't know what to do, he saw those light blue energies suddenly penetrate into Feng Xiaotian's body.

One entered, followed by two or three, dozens of colleagues entered Feng Xiaotian's body.

The light cyan energy is getting more and more, and gradually it completely includes Feng Xiaotian. From the outside, it looks like a cyan egg. As the light cyan energy increases, the color of the cyan eggshell also Gradually deepen.

Finally, when a certain limit was reached, the light cyan energy stopped increasing, and as time passed, the color of the eggshell, which had originally turned dark cyan, became lighter again.

I don't know how long it took, until the cyan eggshell disappeared, Feng Xiaotian reappeared, and the light cyan energy completely disappeared.

Only then did Feng Xiaotian open his eyes, and said, "I made a breakthrough? What happened just now?"

Looking around again, there is almost no change, the only change is that those light blue energy hours are gone.

"But, how do I get out?" Feng Xiaotian was stumped, this was the first time he encountered such a situation, and he didn't know how to deal with it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

This space can be said to be endless, and you can't see the end, but this should be your own sea of ​​consciousness space, why can't you control it?

How to do?

Just when Feng Xiaotian was in trouble, Feng Xiaotian actually heard Bibi Dong's voice.

"Use your heart, use your mental power to feel." Bibi Dong reminded.

This is Bibi Dong reminding herself.

"Thank you." Feng Xiaotian said.

Feng Xiaotian didn't continue to explore his spiritual sea of ​​consciousness space, the first thing to do now is to get out of here, and his own sea of ​​consciousness space will come again in the future.

Sit cross-legged, use your heart, and release your spiritual power to feel this space.

Time passed slowly, under Feng Xiaotian's careful feeling, he soon found a way, and the next moment his consciousness returned to his body.

"Finally back." Feng Xiaotian let out a long sigh of relief.

But the next moment Feng Xiaotian couldn't laugh anymore, he was really hungry.

How long has it been since I ate?Feng Xiaotian quickly took out some food from the Contra.

I don't know how long I've been practicing. It must have been a few days since I looked so evil. Can I miss the ranking match of the white bishop?

Feng Xiaotian remembered that it was Pope Bibidong who reminded him just now to find a way out.

I don't know how much my mental power has improved, Feng Xiaotian felt his mental power and brain cleared up a lot.

It feels great, it seems that his train of thought and mental quickness has improved again.

Let me feel it, Bibi Dong should be nearby.

Feng Xiaotian's mental power immediately spread out from his room, Bibi Dong was not in this courtyard.

Fa and the other two great gods stood in front of the courtyard, while the two maids were waiting not far from Feng Xiaotian's door.

The spiritual power was extending to the outside of the house, and there was a group of people waiting there, at least thirty-four of them. They wore all kinds of clothes, some were full of energy, and some were yawning again and again.

It seems that these people have been waiting here for a long time.

Maybe it was because of the noise of his breakthrough, otherwise there would be so many people coming to the door.

And it turned out that Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were guarding him, and Bibi Dong also reminded him.

It can be seen that Bibi Dong attaches great importance to herself.

After finishing the general situation outside, Feng Xiaotian also withdrew his mental power, joking that this place is Wuhun City, where most of the masters on the mainland are concentrated.

Mental strength used to be easy to discover. If it made the other party unhappy, he would have to walk away. After all, with his current spiritual strength, he must be at the Title Douluo level.

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