As for medicinal materials, he really has no shortage of these things, and they are countless times better than those here, and any one he takes out is better than these.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaotian is even more grateful to his teacher Dugu Bo, although he doesn't know many things in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes, so he can't figure out the situation.

However, there are still a lot of precious medicinal materials in it, and there are hundreds of medicinal materials that are tens of thousands of years old.

He didn't know the value of these medicinal materials before, but now it seems that he finally understands the prices.

If you exchange all the items that are not immortal in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, you must have at least tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of assets.

Maybe Dugu Bo is the only one in this world who doesn't care about these things.

"Hey, what's in here is nothing more than that." Feng Xiaotian sighed, ready to get up and get a spatial soul guide, even if you don't need to take it home or put it there, it can be said to wait for the appreciation.

After all, there are fewer and fewer things, and I don't know why there are so many martial souls. Only one thousand exchange points can be exchanged, and only the fifth-class treasure house and above can be exchanged.

"Young man, it's the first time you come here and you actually dislike my fifth-class treasure house." Just as Feng Xiaotian turned around, an old man suddenly appeared in front of Feng Xiaotian and said.

The speed was so fast that Feng Xiaotian didn't realize that he was definitely a master.

You must know that there are not many people in this treasure house, and there is only one patroller on each floor.

The people who came to exchange were even less pitiful. In this fifth-class treasury, besides him, there were only two people who came to exchange. Neither of them was a bishop in white clothes. Looking at the clothes, they were ordinary deacons in the Wuhun Temple. It is an application for exchange.

"Hello, senior, I have already read all the items in the fifth-class treasure house. There is really nothing good or outstanding." Feng Xiaotian said.

The old man stroked the white beard on his chin, and said: "Actually, among the first five treasure houses, there is a special room, which is filled with things that look powerful but don't know their effectiveness. Divide these things roughly, and distribute them between the first and fifth-class treasure houses."

If you don't know the usefulness of something, isn't this just something that can be missed?

"Senior, can I go and have a look?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Of course, you have the right, come with me." The old man said.

"Thank you." Feng Xiaotian followed immediately, seeming to be having some trouble.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Feng Xiaotian followed the nameless old man, it seemed that the process was wrong, the two hadn't exchanged names yet.

But what Feng Xiaotian didn't know was that this old man had been paying attention to him from the beginning until now, and Feng Xiaotian's name had been spread all over Wuhun City in the past two days.

There were rumors from the top down to the bottom, and this old man came to see Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian also guessed who this old man was from his own memories, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in Wuhun Palace, could it be Qian Daoliu?

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaotian not only shook his head, definitely not.

"What are you doing?" the old man asked.

"Senior, I still don't know how to address you?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Name? You can just call me Mr. He." The old man said.

How old?Feng Xiaotian recalled the strong men who appeared in the Wuhun Temple, it seemed that there were no strong men of any nature, but it was okay to know, how could it be possible to describe everyone in the book.

"Senior, my name is Feng Xiaotian, you can just call me Xiaotian, I also just came to Wuhun City." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Well, I know this, well, here we are."

I saw Mr. He waved his hands, and another staircase appeared beside the original staircase.

"There's a fourth floor here?"

After going up, it really is not a cave, but it is not as wide as the three floors below, only less than [-] square meters.

"That's right, it's here." He Lao said.

Feng Xiaotian was a little puzzled, and said: "He Lao, why didn't the fourth floor be opened? Although the things here don't know the usefulness, maybe there are other people who know about it."

"Really? I remember that many years ago, these things were also placed at the bottom. Later, for some reasons, the rules were changed a bit, and these things were placed on the top, only for those who are interested." He Lao said.

interested in?

Am I like such an interested person?

I don't know what their regulations are. Up to now, I feel that the amount of information is somewhat lacking, and I still need to explore by myself.

"Go in, you can exchange for one of the things in it, and if you don't have enough, you can use gold soul coins to make up for it." He Lao said.

"He Lao, if there is something I need, can I exchange it for more? How about I exchange it with gold soul coins?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be quite greedy. Although there are many things in it that don't know their usefulness, they may be far beyond his current value. If you want to exchange them in the future, you can use the contribution value. After all, the rule of the fourth floor is that you can only use contribution points to exchange, remember, this kind of contribution points must be used by yourself, and cannot be exchanged with gold soul coins." He Lao said.

Feng Xiaotian understands that this is to allow himself to make a contribution to Wuhundian.

And it is almost impossible for a bishop in white clothes like him, who is free and has no mission, to get contribution points and work hard for Wuhun?Get contribution value?

"Okay, you can go and choose." He Lao said.

There are really not many things here, there are only twelve pieces in total, and each one is marked with a contribution value of [-], which has reached the limit of this fifth-class treasure house, which is [-] gold soul coins.

All twelve pieces were placed on the table, and Mr. He waved his cuff again, saying, "You can pick up each piece and have a look."

"Thank you." Feng Xiaotian said.

The first thing is a stone.About the size of a fist, oval in shape.

And the place where it is placed is specially reinforced.

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