Early the next morning, Feng Xiaotian, who had already figured it out, was also led by a special person to the competition venue of the Wuhun Temple.

Feng Xiaotian seems to have come to an anime, because everything here is not much different from the anime he watched in his previous life, and this is the place where the senior soul master competition is held in the original book.

This is Wuhun City's own fighting spirit field.

Feng Xiaotian also came to the high platform, because he is the newly promoted bishop in white, and he defeated Wuhundian Academy in the advanced soul master competition.

In their eyes, Feng Xiaotian saw some hostility, but some were friendly.

Those who are hostile may be dissatisfied with his bishop in white, or it may be that he defeated Wuhundian Academy.

Those who are friendly may be because he joined the Wuhun Temple and became one of them. The new stars with great potential will naturally make friends.

Feng Xiaotian had just arrived when Kadina trotted over immediately.

"Xiaotian, you are still here, how are you? Are you confident?" Cardina said.

"I just came to take a look. You see, I am still a soul king. You are all at least at the soul emperor level. I will definitely not be able to get good grades." Feng Xiaotian said.

This Kadina is a soul emperor, with a soul power of level sixty-five, only ranked one hundred and thirteenth.

And soul power does not represent combat power, this ranking match seems to be very interesting.

The minimum strength of the bishop in white is at the soul emperor level. It is really not easy for Feng Xiaotian to get good grades, but he doesn't want to participate, he just wants to come and see.

At this time, Feng Xiaotian had already put on the clothes of Wuhun Palace, with the number one hundred and twenty-eight written on it.

Putting on this dress, Feng Xiaotian couldn't help but think of Qian Renxue who was far away in the Heaven Dou Empire, she had promised to betroth Hu Liena to him back then.

He is fourteen years old now, and Feng Xiaotian is three years older than Hu Liena, that is to say, Hu Liena is still an eleven-year-old little girl, and she should still be working in the Intermediate Academy of Wuhun Temple.

It's a pity that I knew that I had agreed to Qian Renxue. Hey, there should be more benefits at that time.

However, Qian Renxue, who was allowed by him at the beginning, could not do so, so he will have to mention this matter next time he sees Qian Renxue.

Feng Xiaotian really wanted to say to Qian Renxue: The condition for me to join the Wuhun Palace is to betroth you to me, and your mother has already promised me.

Seeing Qian Renxue's expression, although she is still ruthless to Bibi Dong now, it's nothing, she really doesn't know the pain Bibi Dong endured back then.

In the end, the two of them still faced Tang San together, and they also reconciled in the end.

Do you want me to help them in the future?The ending of this mother and daughter is really pitiful.

"Xiaotian, do you want to join my team?" Kadina looked at Feng Xiaotian beside her in a daze, and immediately invited again.

"No need, I can just participate in individual battles, and you can still form a team without me." Feng Xiaotian said.

Individual battles are personal honors, while team battles are a group. If you win, you will be rewarded, and the rewards are all contribution points.

"Oh, that's really a pity." Cardina said.

"No regrets, look, the Pope is here." Feng Xiaotian said.

Kadina suddenly looked at Feng Xiaotian seriously and said, "It's His Majesty the Pope, remember to bring your honorific title when addressing you in the future."

Feng Xiaotian ignored it, and the Pope, surrounded by ghosts, Yueguan and others, slowly came to the chairman's seat in the venue.

There will be a month-long battle here, with the confrontation of the three bishops in white, yellow, and black.

As for the red-clothed and platinum bishops, there is no such a competition mechanism. They must have made great contributions to the Wuhun Temple, or special talents can be awarded such titles.

Some of their strengths are not necessarily the opponents of the black bishops, but they are still cardinals or platinum bishops.

Ordinary people are the limit of being the first bishop in black in the Wuhun Temple. Of course, these people must also be the strong Contra.

Contras can also join the Douluo Hall, but people at the bishop level belong to the Pope's Hall.

To put it bluntly, basically the Douluo Hall and the Elder Hall are the elite figures of the Wuhun Hall, which are relatively streamlined.

The Pope's Palace has many configurations and more people.

These more than a hundred bishops are the strongest elites in the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong, who had just stepped onto the stage, saw hundreds of people knelt on one knee and shouted loudly: "Greetings, Your Majesty the Pope."

And there was only one person present, who seemed out of place, that was Feng Xiaotian, who didn't kneel down on one knee, but stood there.

Bibi Dong glanced at it, but ignored it, and said, "Excuse me."

After everyone stood up, Bibi Dong spoke again: "The annual ranking challenge is about to begin, and the original rules will be implemented, and the challenge system will be implemented."

"If you think you are stronger than the previous ones, then challenge yourself to your heart's content." Bibi Dong said.

Bibi Dong's words caused a round of cheers, it seemed that he was the only one who didn't know the rules.

"Sister Na, what are these rules?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Challenge, that's for those behind to challenge the front."

"Our white bishop's personal challenge only lasts for six days. On the first day, you can challenge the top five opponents ranked before you. If you win on the first day, you can challenge the top five opponents on the second day. Twenty opponents."

"On the third day, you can challenge the top [-]. On the fourth day, there is no limit. That is to say, although you are now ranked [-], as long as you play four games, you can directly get the first position."

"The ranking battle is so simple? What about the auxiliary system soul master? How can it be compared with the attack system and the agility attack system?" Feng Xiaotian said.

Kadina nodded and said: "It's a bit simple, but of course there is no need to compare with the auxiliary system. The auxiliary system will not be accepted as too challenging. The auxiliary system soul masters are ranked according to their soul power level, such as the sixty-eighth level of the auxiliary system soul masters. , and he must be ranked one after the lowest level sixty-eight soul masters, after all, it is difficult for auxiliary system soul masters to judge whether they are high or low, so they can only be directly judged by the level of soul power."

"So that's the case, what about the repetition?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

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