"Okay, for this challenge, if you lose, you will not be punished, but if you win, you will be rewarded. The reward will be the reward for picking any item in the fourth-class treasure house. There is no limit to the contribution value." Bibi host.

"If you win, you can go to the fourth-class treasure house to choose something, that would be great." Someone said.

But Bibi Dong didn't finish his sentence, he paused for a while and continued: "Because this is the ranking match of the bishop in white, it should also give you some encouragement, I decided that if you rush into the top [-], you can be in the fourth rank." Choose two from the treasure house."

"Rush into the top [-], you can choose one from the third-class treasury. If you rush into the top [-], then you can go to the third-class treasury to choose two items. If you can enter the top ten, you can go to the second-class treasury to choose one item." , if you enter the top three, you can choose one from the second-class treasury, and if you rank first in the end, then I will reward you with a soul bone that is more than [-] years old." Bibi Dong said for a long time, and it has not been said for a long time Too much talk.

"This condition is too generous, a soul bone over [-] years old is a priceless treasure."

"It's too kind to Feng Xiaotian, to give so many rewards."

Facing the dissatisfaction of many people, Bibi Dong spoke again: "Remember, he is a soul king at the fifty-fourth level, and you are at least all soul emperors. If you have the ability, I will reward you as well."

After Bibi Dong finished speaking, all of them lowered their heads, they definitely didn't dare to challenge like this.

Then, Bibi Dong looked at Feng Xiaotian again, and said, "Feng Xiaotian, do you dare to challenge?"

It has to be said that Bibi Dong's offer was really too tempting, and he proposed it in front of so many people, on the one hand, it was to win him over.

From another point of view, she also wants to see how much potential I have, and the number one ranked soul saints are all soul saints with a real body of a soul saint. Martial soul avatar.

But the temptation of this reward was too great. To be honest, Feng Xiaotian was really moved.

He also wants to get spirit bones over [-] years old, after all, spirit bones are really useful.

At this time, they all looked at Feng Xiaotian to see if he was willing to accept this challenge.

"I am willing to challenge." Feng Xiaotian said loudly, not to mention the first place in the impact, even if he is in the top [-], the rewards for the top [-] are not bad, so he wants to give it a try and see where he can go in the leapfrog battle .

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

At the same time, Feng Xiaotian also calculated in his mind how many games he needs to play, according to the rules that Kadina just said.

If you beat two people in a row, you can challenge the top [-]. If you win the first game, you must fight the top [-] who are challenged.

This Yuan Fen is only one hundred and twenty-seven, that is to say, he can only advance twenty at most.

After reaching the top [-], you will be directly eligible to challenge the top [-].After this round, there is no limit, he can directly challenge for the first place.

In other words, to get the best ranking, he would have to fight a maximum of four battles, not too many.

But the more you go up, the more difficult it will be. First, will I have a chance?

Feng Xiaotian also didn't know the overall level of these soul emperors and soul saints in Wuhun Hall, these are all bishops in white, how could their strength be poor?

Feng Xiaotian accepted the challenge, and the whole competition field became lively.

Now this ranking battle has become very interesting.

Because Feng Xiaotian accepted Bibi Dong's method of challenge as an incentive.

But the premise is that today's game can be won, otherwise it will be useless to perform well later.

So this motivational challenge will only start if you win this game today.

After hearing Feng Xiaotian's reason for participating, Bibi Dong also replied, "Come on, hope he can get the first place."

When I came to the competition venue, I felt that the momentum here was very grand, and it was not comparable to the soul master competition venue in Xingyun City.

Feng Xiaotian didn't jump directly into the arena like Yuan Fen did, he still walked slowly on the passage.

There is a skill he can't use today, that is concealment, and he used it twice last night.

But this doesn't affect his fight, it's not a big deal against the sixty-three-level soul emperor, because he sometimes fights with his father Feng Qingyuan.

In addition, I also trained with my teacher Dugu Bo for a month. This month, I was fighting with a Douluo-level person, Soul Emperor?Still can't scare him.

Slowly came to the center of the venue, the distance between the two was about [-] meters.

"It's finally here, kid. I have to say that your courage is really good. You dare to accept the challenge of the Pope's crown, but you can't go on, because you are doomed to fail with me. The soul king of the fifty-fourth level , If you want to defeat me, there is no way." Yuan Fen said with fierce eyes.

"A lot of nonsense, I think people like you who talk a lot of nonsense usually lose quickly." Feng Xiaotian looked at Yuan Fen and said.

He is not very clear about Yuan Fen's information, but Feng Xiaotian doesn't know anything about the soul power level and martial soul he reported just now, especially the soul skills.

It's been a long time since he fought an unprepared battle. After all, he knew all his previous opponents in advance and made countermeasures.

This is also one of the shortcomings of his battle experience, and he needs to improve his resilience in battle.

Yuan Fen's body is very strong, about [-] meters tall, and his arms look stronger than normal. Judging from the Wuhun Iron Wall Gorilla, his soul skills should be related to his arms.

Looking at the host of the qualifying match, he said, "Can we start?"

"Okay, let's start." The host replied.

There is still a special referee for this soul fight.There is also a female host. Of course, this meeting will definitely not use Su Yuntao as the host like in anime.

Level [-] is really not enough to come here.

The host is a beautiful woman named Fang Xue, who looks very young and has high soul power. She is also a soul emperor and looks about twenty years old.

In fact, he is a person in his thirties. People in Douluo Dalu are relatively young, especially soul masters, whose appearance does not reveal their actual age at all.

Fang Xue's martial soul also possesses the flying soul ability. Generally speaking, the host basically has such a soul ability.

Snow-white wings flap above the sides of the playing field.

"You two are ready, please start releasing the martial soul." Fang Xue said.

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