The two girls could see that they were hardworking, so they were even more grateful to Feng Xiaotian.

At the same time, on the entire continent, the news of Tiandou and Star Luo Empire spread.

The champion of the Advanced Soul Master Competition, the captain of the Kamikaze Academy, a fourteen-year-old super genius at the fifty-fourth level, has joined the Spirit Hall.

Gradually spreading to the entire continent, Spirit Hall also has a special way of conveying news. In the few days Feng Xiaotian joined Spirit Hall, he notified all the branch halls of Spirit Hall. Notified where the people stationed.

After all, in this world, every large-scale village has a Wuhun Temple, but there is no dedicated person to manage it. Building it in a village will still enhance the prestige of the Wuhun Temple.

Therefore, Feng Xiaotian's joining the Wuhun Temple has become known throughout the continent under the publicity of the various branch halls. Unknowingly, Feng Xiaotian has become the most famous person on the mainland at this time.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Feng Xiaotian's fame spread throughout the mainland, and their parents naturally knew about these things.

However, Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue were not dissatisfied with joining Wuhundian, and Wuhundian was not that bad in their eyes.

It's just a bit of a surprise, it turned out that Feng Xiaotian told them that he didn't want to join any forces, it's better to be free.

But now he joined, and it came so suddenly, maybe there may be something unspeakable.

At the same time, Qian Renxue, who was returning to Heaven Dou City, naturally also knew the news.

"Unexpectedly, you really have a way." Qian Renxue said to herself, of course the you in her mouth were Bibi Dong.

Qian Renxue wanted to go back to Wuhun City once, and ask Feng Xiaotian why she couldn't recruit him like that at the beginning, but she agreed to that person now.

After all, it was Pope Bibi Dong who invited Feng Xiaotian, so she was the only one she could think of.

At the beginning, she promised Feng Xiaotian a lot of benefits, but she was unmoved. She was curious, why did Feng Xiaotian join like this, is it just a position of a white-clothed bishop?

But this position is not high in the Wuhun Temple.

And Feng Xiaotian's teammates were also basically happy for Feng Xiaotian, and they got the position of bishop in white after joining the Wuhun Temple.

Just like that, in the blink of an eye, another two days passed, and the time came to the fourth day of the Ranking Tournament. The news of Feng Xiaotian was widely known through the deliberate dissemination of the Spirit Hall.

Then came the news that the Pope wanted to accept Feng Xiaotian as his disciple. As for the result, this was not reported, but it also gave rise to many folk rumors.

Some said that Feng Xiaotian refused, some said that Feng Xiaotian accepted, became the holy son of Wuhun Temple, and would become the next pope in the future.

In Wuhun City, on the second day, Feng Xiaotian easily defeated the [-]th Ming Bishop in white.

On the third day, Feng Xiaotian challenged the ninety-first soul master and successfully advanced to the top [-].

According to the rules, Feng Xiaotian's challenge on the fourth day would be unlimited.

That is to say, he can challenge the first place, the [-]rd-level Soul Sage, the [-]th-level Soul King challenge the [-]rd-level Soul Emperor, there is a difference of [-] levels, no one believes that Feng Xiaotian dares to go challenge.

However, many people were also looking forward to Feng Xiaotian's challenge on the fourth day.

Restricting Feng Xiaotian into the top [-], then he can get the reward from the pope, he can choose two items like the fourth-class treasury, there is no contribution value limit, all for free.

But if you really want something good, you have to challenge to enter the top [-] to get good things. You can go to the third-class treasure house to choose, but the best thing is to challenge the first and get a soul bone that is at least [-] years old.

I have to say that Bibi Dong's reward was so good that Feng Xiaotian wanted it.

In the fighting spirit field of Wuhun Field, these bishops in white came to the field very early, almost all of them wanted to see a person appear.This person is Feng Xiaotian.

And Feng Xiaotian has already conquered them after three soul fights, defeated three powerful soul emperors in a row, and ranked ninety-one, which has been recognized by everyone.

Even some people admired it very much, after all, Feng Xiaotian defeated all real soul emperors.

There are more than a few soul emperors in the entire Wuhun Temple, who doesn't have the strength to be a bishop in white?

Therefore, Feng Xiaotian's ability to defeat the Soul Emperor with the fifty-fourth level of soul power can be regarded as overturning the cognition of these people.

It turns out that you can really leapfrog to fight, and you can surpass so many levels, which is a great realm.

Before Feng Xiaotian came, the competition venue was already buzzing, almost everyone was discussing who Feng Xiaotian would challenge.

As for the white-clothed bishops before the ninety-one, some people who think that their strength is not dominant are also worried.

If Feng Xiaotian challenged himself, it would be fine if he won, but it would be miserable if he lost. The loss would be a lot of money, and the people in front would not be so ashamed.Because the loser has a higher ranking and the more he loses.

For example, the [-]st-ranked bishop in white that Feng Xiaotian defeated, and the [-]th-ranked two who had defeated before, and the [-]th-ranked Yuan Fen suddenly felt a lot less humiliated.


Because Feng Xiaotian defeated people who were stronger than them, and people who were much stronger than them lost, and it was normal for them to lose.

I don't know that person said: "Look, Feng Xiaotian is here."

"Really come?"

"It seems that he is really going to challenge, will he challenge the top fifty today?"

"It should be. After the Pope's incentive challenge, after the top [-], you have to enter the top [-], top [-], top [-] and top [-], and the first to get different rewards. If you continue to challenge after fifty, you will get the same thing. It's better not to challenge." Someone analyzed.

"Then which stage will he challenge?"

"Since we are here, we must challenge them. It should be between thirty and fifty."

"Do you think he will challenge for the first place?"

"First? Are you kidding me? The boss is a Soul Sage of level [-], and he wants to attack the bishop in yellow clothes. The difference is [-] levels, two great realms."

"I think so. It's not a joke. I guess there is no such person in this world."

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