The Slaughter King stared at Feng Xiaotian, and said: "You may not know the horror of Hell Road, Silver Face Shura, I think you understand that a person has only one life."

Feng Xiaotian also said: "Great King of Slaughter, you told me that life is precious in the capital of Slaughter, isn't that a bit off topic?"

"Then are you sure you want to go to hell?" Circles of light red halos were released from the body of the Slaughter King. If he hadn't been concerned about the person behind Feng Xiaotian in front of him, he would have been able to get rid of this so-called Silver-faced Shura was killed.

With Feng Xiaotian's current strength, he really existed like an ant in front of him.But he is afraid, he is afraid that the killing capital will be destroyed.

He also knew that the person who sent this person to Slaughter City also had twin martial souls, and this person was the same, and the relationship must be unusual, at least it was a teacher-student relationship.

Besides, the person in front of him may not be able to break out of the territory.

The Slaughter King had already made a decision in his heart, and said: "In this case, then you can go to Hell Road. If you can pass the postgraduate entrance examination on Hell Road and become a new generation of God of Killing, please replace me and say hello to your elders."

The Slaughter King's tone became a little cold, and there seemed to be some irony.

Suddenly a thick red color was released from the Slaughter King's body, and the huge aura forced Feng Xiaotian to retreat.After withdrawing for about [-] meters, it was barely able to bear it.

This does not seem to be a murderous aura, but an evil aura of jealousy, which makes the body feel stiff and cold.

The evil, icy red mist began to move away, spreading to the entire killing field in the blink of an eye.

Everyone in the auditorium, the fallen ones, was surprisingly excited.

Feng Xiaotian also knew that the lives of these people had come to an end, and no one except the Killing God and the Killing King had seen the opening of the road to hell.

Because all the people who saw Territory Lu Kaikai died, or they all became sacrifices to Territory Lu.

Feng Xiaotian also felt it, the mist emanating from the Slaughter King also brought him pressure, but these were not for him, but for the fallen people in the surrounding stands.

In an instant, the fallen who were originally cheering became quiet, their expressions gradually became dull, and then they screamed in pain.

They ended their own lives one by one, which was extremely terrifying. Even though Feng Xiao Tianzi, the city of killings, had experienced countless sands, but facing such a terrifying situation, the murderous aura in his body seemed to be about to erupt. It made Feng Xiaotian feel excited.

They became sacrifices for the opening of the regional road.

Except for the King of Slaughter and Feng Xiaotian, there was no living person in the killing field in the entire region.

At this moment, a huge blood-red pattern appeared on the ground.

Feng Xiaotian also closed his eyes and observed with his mental power, but fortunately his mental power was exceptionally strong, so he could see the pattern clearly.

It turned out to be a bat, at this moment, the bat's eyes suddenly lit up, and Feng Xiaotian's spiritual power was destroyed almost instantly.

A huge red light rose from the sky, enveloping Feng Xiaotian, and everything around him seemed to become blurred.

The deep voice of the Slaughter King still came to mind.

"Good luck on the regional road."

Is the Lord of Slaughter really a blessing?He wished that Feng Xiaotian would fail in his journey to hell.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The moment Feng Xiaotian's mental power was destroyed, Feng Xiaotian was engulfed by the blood red, feeling empty under his feet, and everything around him became illusory.

All perceptions are closed at this moment, and the feeling of being unable to control oneself makes people feel an inexplicable pain.

It's just that what Feng Xiaotian couldn't see was that the murderous aura on his body condensed into a layer of faint white ripples to protect his body in the middle.

If it weren't for the existence of these murderous auras, he would have been swallowed up at that moment.

I don't know how long it took, but with a violent shock, all his senses recovered, and the blood around him gradually faded away.

Feng Xiaotian found that he was on a circular platform with a diameter of about five meters.

Except for the platform he was on, everything around him was a faint blood red, and beyond the platform under his feet was an abyss.

And the platform in front of him is connected by a narrow path less than half a foot wide, which can only accommodate two feet standing at the same time.

Feng Xiaotian used his mental strength to look down, and sure enough, it was the same as Zhong, it was all blood, or it would not be an exaggeration to say it was a pool of blood.

This is the Bloody Mary that has been condensed in the Slaughter City for so many years, and it is also the energy source of the Slaughter City. Destroying this place is equivalent to destroying the Slaughter City.

Of course, with Feng Xiaotian's current abilities, it is almost impossible to destroy this place.

But Feng Xiaotian is different because he has a second martial spirit.

At this time, Feng Xiaotian couldn't hide any more, and directly summoned the second martial spirit, the first martial spirit seemed to be of little use here.

The re-summoned Sanfeng seemed very excited after coming out.

What does Sanfeng like?That is devouring energy, isn't there a lot of energy gathered here?

Looking carefully at Sanfeng's neck, four lines have already appeared, three lines are very dark, and one is still very light.

After he killed hundreds of people at one time, few people dared to provoke him, and not many people were devoured in a year and a half.

Just now let Sanfeng reach the level of [-] years, Feng Xiaotian also thought about taking the initiative to kill in the killing capital to help Sanfeng grow.

But in the end he chose to give up, because his goal couldn't be this, and he was also afraid that he would be dazzled by the killing and completely lost in this killing world.

In other words, within a year and a half of the three winds, it was only the third ring that advanced to the fourth ring.

But on this hell road, Feng Xiaotian doesn't have to worry about this problem anymore, the energy accumulated over thousands of years in the Slaughter City, when will it be better if we don't take it now?

"Sanfeng, can these energies be absorbed?"

"Sanfeng groaned and made a very funny gesture, as if to say again, these are trivial things."

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