At the foot of a hill outside Kamikaze City, the environment here is beautiful, surrounded by ancient trees, and a small stream of three to four meters flows slowly.

On the edge of the creek, among several old trees, there are huts, all built of wood, about five or six meters above the ground.

By the stream, a young man dressed plainly was sitting by the stream.Holding a fishing rod in his hand, the young man is fishing in the stream.

And beside him, there was a small basin with fish in it.The basin is half filled with water. Generally speaking, as long as there is water in the small basin where the fisherman puts the fish, then most likely the fisherman has already harvested.

But when I walked in, I saw that there was not a single fish in the fish basin, it was just clear water.

However, the young man was not impatient, and still watched the fish float motionlessly.

Time passed slowly, an hour, two hours

Three hours passed, and the young man did not pull up the fishing rod once, nor did the float move once.

Could it be that there are no fish in this creek?

The young man seemed to be unable to bear it anymore and lifted the fishing rod.

"I don't know if this method is right or not, it's really boring." The young man said.

But on the fishing rod he lifted, the fishing line was straight, and there was no hook.

This young man is exactly Feng Xiaotian who has been fishing for three months.

Sighing a few times, Feng Xiaotian also knew that Jiang Taigong was not easy.

Feng Xiaotian looked not far away, the forest and small hills seemed to have been severely damaged.

Yep, that's what he did.

Did it more than once or twice.

If you are really irritable, you will occasionally lose control.

Sometimes he can hold it in time, but sometimes he can't hold it back and destroys it.

"Xiaotian, is your method going to work?" Feng Qingyuan stood up from a distant tree and came to Feng Xiaotian.

Indeed, fishing is inherently annoying.

"Am I wrong?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"Let's find another way, do you want you to go back to Wuhun Palace? Maybe there will be a solution there?" Feng Qingyuan said.

There must be a way to go to Wuhundian, at least Bibidong walked out safely.

But Feng Xiaotian doesn't want to go back now, but if it continues like this, it definitely won't work.

"Father, I want to go to Heaven Dou City and ask the teacher, there may be other ways." Feng Xiaotian said.

Dugu Bo must have a lot of knowledge, maybe there will be a good way, one person's wisdom is weak and others' wisdom is strong, and the resources around him are used rationally.

"That's not bad, when do you plan to leave?" Feng Qingyuan asked.

"Just these two days." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Well, I'll go with you." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Well, then I will trouble Dad." Feng Xiaotian said.

"What does the family say is troublesome or not? Since this method is not suitable, let's go home. Qiuyue has already prepared a lot of delicious food." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Okay, I just happen to have two things to give to my parents." Feng Xiaotian said.

Back home, after lunch, Feng Xiaotian took out the soul bone Bibidong gave, and a bunch of soul bones obtained in the Slaughter City.

What Bibi Dong gave was a [-]-year-old right arm bone, and the spirit bone he got in the final battle in the Slaughter City was also a wind attribute, a [-]-year-old left arm bone.

If the opponent's soul bone age was higher that day, Feng Xiaotian would have some troubles if he wanted to win.

Feng Qingyuan and Qin Qiuyue saw that his son took out two soul bones.

"Son, the soul bone is so precious, you should use it." Qin Qiuyue said first.

"Father, Mom, I prepared these two soul bones for you, and the last soul bone, you can use it too." Feng Xiaotian said,

The last soul bone was a right leg bone that was over ten thousand years old.

"Xiaotian, do you have any soul bones from these parts?" Feng Qingyuan asked.

Feng Xiaotian shook his head and said, "Not at all?"

"There are also three soul bones from the last high-level soul master competition. In the end, two soul bones were left for me and us, and one was used by Ling'er. He used a [-]-year-old left arm bone, which fits perfectly. He still has a [-]-year-old head spirit bone left." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Father, that means our family has four soul bones that have not been absorbed." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Yes, exactly four pieces, the [-]-year-old right leg bone, your two spirit bones, and one head spirit bone." Feng Qingyuan said.

"That's just right, these parents should be separated." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Xiaotian, you really need these." Qin Qiuyue said again.

"I already have the head spirit bone, you can absorb it. As for the rest, I decided that it might be better for me to go there in the future. Mom and Dad, don't forget, the blue-eyed magic crystal python emperor in the setting sun forest is still there. I want the giant ape that has the Star Dou Forest." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Are you sure you want to kill them? They are [-]-year-level soul beasts, especially the Titan Giant Ape, whose combat power is beyond the reach of ordinary titled Douluo." Feng Qingyuan said.

"I'm sure. I can absorb [-]-year spirit rings now, and I can absorb more than [-]-year spirit rings for the sixth spirit ring. I think the seventh spirit ring will kill that guy in the Sunset Forest." Only." Feng Xiaotian said.

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