Feng Xiaotian also knew that it was definitely not easy to control the murderous aura.

Bibi Dong smiled and said: "It is indeed not an easy task to control the murderous aura."

"At the beginning, I also searched for various methods and read various classics before finding a suitable method." Bibi Dong continued.

"As for the God of Death domain you obtained, I feel that it is a bit different from ours. Not only is your murderous aura stronger, but there is also a trace of evil intentions in it. I think your killing in the capital of killing must not be small." Bibi Dong said.

Of course, Feng Xiaotian knew what he had done. Apart from the killing fields in hell, these killings were done in other places, in order to help Sanfeng evolve.

You must know that the evolution of the three winds requires too much energy, and there must be a lot of people.

"Yes, I did kill a little more, otherwise the Killing City wouldn't just disappear." Feng Xiaotian explained.

"Although you have not apprenticed with me as a teacher, you have already joined our Spirit Hall, so I will also give you the method of controlling murderous aura." Bibi Dong said.

"Thank you, Your Majesty the Pope." Feng Xiaotian said.

"In addition, the Slaughter City has been destroyed. Do you know that there are other people alive inside? For example, the number one expert in the Slaughter City, the King of Slaughter?" Bibi Dong continued to ask.

Feng Xiaotian thought about it, and decided to tell the Pope about Tang Chen's news. Although it is not so easy for the Pope's Palace to deal with Haotianzong, at least it is a piece of useful information.

"Besides me, there is another person who survived, and this person is the King of Slaughter." Feng Xiaotian said.

"He didn't blame you for the destruction of the Slaughter City?" Bibi Dong asked curiously, she knew that the Slaughter King attached great importance to the Slaughter City, and she would definitely go crazy if it was destroyed like this.

"No, he should also thank me, because the Slaughter King is actually just a controlled puppet, and because of the destruction of the Slaughter City, the Slaughter King recovered." Feng Xiaotian said.

Bibi Dong didn't expect that the king of the Slaughter City was actually controlled.

"I'm curious, who is this Slaughter King?" Bibi Dong continued to ask.

"He said his name was Tang Chen, and he wanted me to ask about the situation of the Haotian School after he came out," Feng Xiaotian said.

Just when Feng Xiaotian blurted out these words, Bibi Dong actually stood up from the Pope's chair.

"You mean, his name is Tang Chen, and he asked about the situation of Haotianzong?" Bibi Dong confirmed again.

"Yes, his strength should have been damaged. According to what he said, he needs to recover." Feng Xiaotian said again.

"Do you know who Tang Chen is?" Bibi asked.

Feng Xiaotian turned his head away, deliberately said: "I don't know, but his surname is Tang, and he is looking for the Clear Sky School, so he should be from the Clear Sky School."

In fact, very few people in the mainland know about Tang Chen's legend. After all, it happened a long time ago, so Feng Xiaotian pretended not to know.

"Is he very powerful?" Feng Xiaotian asked again pretending to be curious.

"Before the information about him disappeared, he was already a rank ninety-nine Title Douluo. Are you serious? The news you brought is very useful. Go down, and I will arrange someone to take you to a place. It will help you control your murderous aura." Bibi Dong said.

Feng Xiaotian seemed to sense that Bibi Dong was a little nervous.

A ninety-nine-level Title Douluo reappeared in the mainland, of course we should pay attention to it, and this person is also the Haotian School, a hostile force in the Pope's Palace, so Bibi Dong would not be nervous.

Feng Xiaotian didn't speak any more, releasing this news made Bibi Dong and some people in the Pope Palace nervous.

Although there are not many people in the strength of the Clear Sky School, the ones left are all elites, and there may already be several Title Douluo.

A Tang Hao has already made Spirit Hall very sad, and the Clear Sky School also has a Tang Xiao whose soul power level is similar to Tang Hao's.

With Tang Chen's return now, the Haotian School was undoubtedly at its peak.

When Feng Xiaotian went out, Bibi Dong disappeared in the Pope's Palace.

But Feng Xiaotian didn't go there, and went back to his other courtyard. After returning, the two maids really listened to his advice, and now they should also go to find the soul ring.

The first soul rings of the two women are both white, and the second must be a yellow soul ring.

In the blink of an eye, Feng Xiaotian has been in Wuhun City for five days.

From the second day after he came back, he found that Wuhun City seemed to have a different taste.

It's just that this feeling disappeared after two days, Wuhundian is actually not afraid of Haotianzong, after all they still have a ninety-nine-level Qiandaoliu.

Even against Haotianzong, he still has an advantage.

But now they dare not be as unscrupulous as before.

Once the war starts, it will definitely be a catastrophe for the Spirit Hall, and the opportunity that Bibi Dong has planned for many years will probably be delayed indefinitely.

And Feng Xiaotian came back just at the right time, he happened to be away for almost two years, and when he came back, he caught up with the ranking match of the bishop in white.

After disappearing for two years, he also accumulated [-] contribution points.

He can't fight this time, or he might die.

Nor has the Pope asked him to attend.

"Feng Xiaotian, come out with me." Ju Douluo's voice sounded again.

"Are you here?" Feng Xiaotian knew that he was here to arrange for him.

Feng Xiaotian set off immediately, following Ju Douluo, shuttled in Wuhun City.

Not long after, Ju Douluo brought Feng Xiaotian to the place where the mimetic cultivation environment hit in Wuhun City.

"Am I going to live in a mimetic environment?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Basically, His Majesty the Pope also controlled the murderous aura inside." Ju Douluo replied.

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