But he doesn't want to fight these people now, although he also wants to know what these people have gained by going to the Grand Canyon of Death, and whether they will also have domains.

Fortunately, he can already control his murderous aura and behavior, otherwise he would have done it immediately.

And that Contra just reminded him with his mouth, but he didn't do anything.

"It's really troublesome."

"Eileenna, you are my assistant, do you want to do something to me?" Feng Xiaotian said loudly, with that powerful mental power, he woke up Elena at once.

He hesitated, but other people did not have such an identity.

"Stop, everyone stop." As the captain, she immediately stopped her team members.

"Captain, why don't you do anything?" Cyril said.

Elena said: "Do you all want to die? This is a bishop in white. If we do something here, wouldn't it be a violation of the taboo of our Spirit Hall? Also, if we do something against a bishop in white, the crime will be aggravated. It’s hard to get out of that place, don’t you think you’re going to die?”

Elena was the first to regain her sanity, it seems that the murderous intent didn't have a great impact on them, they just needed to get used to it for a while.

After Elena's reprimand, the group realized that they almost made a big mistake.

Fortunately, just did not start.

However, Elena came to Feng Xiaotian alone, and said: "Master Bai Yi, since I went to the Grand Canyon of Death two years ago, I am no longer your assistant. We just came back from the Grand Canyon of Death today. I can challenge you, do you dare to fight?"

Chapter 395 The Battle of the Star Dou Great Forest

"Are you sure? Challenge me? Are you coming? Or are you going together?" Feng Xiaotian said confidently.

For him now, even if Elena and the others went to the Grand Canyon of Death, he was not afraid, even if they went together, so what.

"I'm here to challenge you, no, together." Elena seemed a little unconfident when she spoke.

Just when she finished saying this sentence, she suddenly felt a little regretful. She remembered that Feng Xiaotian had completed a seemingly impossible challenge three years ago.

He defeated the number one bishop in white at the time with his spirit power at level [-]. Now that three years have passed, how strong is Feng Xiaotian again?

At this moment, Elena was already very sober, but the desire to fight in her heart seemed to be unstoppable.

Feng Xiaotian smiled and said: "Go together? You can figure it out, whether you go together or alone, I don't accept it. If you really want to challenge me, then you should go and become the bishop in white. It's not too long before the White Clothes Bishop Ranking Tournament, and now you are not qualified to challenge."

Naturally he couldn't agree, there must be many dissatisfied people in the Spirit Hall, after all his soul power is too low, those with high soul power will naturally have a fluke mentality.

They all came to challenge, so Feng Xiaotian would come out one by one?

But Feng Xiaotian also wants it, if he wants to fight, then fight, if he has the ability to pass the ranking battle of the bishop in white.

What?You don't even have the qualifications to become a white-clothed bishop, so sorry, you don't have the qualifications to challenge.

Feng Xiaotian knew that among the white-clothed bishops, it was not easy to maintain a low position, one had to make continuous progress, if one did not advance, one would retreat, and the Spirit Hall would maintain a maximum of ten places to change every year.

Let some young masters in Wuhundian have the motivation to challenge and form a virtuous circle.

After Feng Xiaotian finished speaking, he turned around and left. No one dared to stop him, including him walking from the center of the original Wuhundian Academy team. For some reason, those people gave way to Feng Xiaotian unconsciously. out of the way.

It was only later that I realized that I had stepped aside inadvertently.

How is this possible? I have just come out of the Grand Canyon of Death, and I have experienced many deaths before I can achieve what I am today.

Zeng Jin's opponent was a little timid when he passed by, and his legs felt weak.

What they didn't know was that when Feng Xiaotian walked by, he released some of his murderous aura, and the range of control was very small.

In a year's time, Feng Xiaotian has reached the point where he has perfected his control over his behavior, as well as his murderous aura.

The murderous aura released by Feng Xiaotian was already enough to deal with them.

At the same time, the news that Feng Xiaotian came out of the mind-refining mimicry training environment had reached Pope Bibidong.

But she didn't send anyone to come, after all, the current Feng Xiaotian hasn't grown up yet, so she already pays enough attention.

She gave it a year and a half, and Feng Xiaotian came out in a year, which showed that his problem had been solved and there was no need to ask any more.

After Feng Xiaotian came out, he walked through the bustling street.

Now that the most difficult problem has been solved, his plan is about to begin.

But before this plan starts, he still has to look for a soul ring. He is already level [-], and if he gets a soul ring, he can be promoted to become a soul emperor.

The sixth soul ring, you can already try a [-]-year-level soul ring.

Feng Xiaotian came to the communication office in Wuhun City. If he communicated here, he could deliver the information to Shenyuan's parents in Shenfeng City within a day.

But when he came to the communication office, Feng Xiaotian gave up.

A soul beast of more than [-] years may be able to handle it by himself.

After all, Sanfeng's strength is very close to that of a hundred thousand year old, and with his cooperation, he can definitely kill a soul beast of about [-] year old.

Although he can't use soul skills after releasing the three winds, but after such a long time in the Slaughter Capital, he is also used to fighting people without using soul ring skills.

In his skill pack, the skills he has are enough.

Thinking of this, Feng Xiaotian didn't go back to his other courtyard, but started shopping in Wuhun City.

In one year, he still consumed a lot of supplies.

Mainly for food, but also useful.

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