"Is he evolving? At the same time, he will also become a [-]-year-level martial soul, possessing the strength of a [-]-year-level soul beast." Feng Xiaotian said.

"One hundred thousand years, is it just a martial soul?" Ling'er said, she knew Feng Xiaotian's martial soul was powerful before, but she never thought it would be so powerful, a hundred thousand years level, this is no joke.

At this time, Sanfeng's momentum continued to strengthen.

The body keeps getting bigger, the bead of the Dark Devilgod Tiger is really powerful.

Sanfeng has been promoted to more than [-] years in the Slaughter City, and now he can be promoted to the [-]-year level by absorbing a special soul orb.

I don't know what level the three winds will be after being promoted to [-] years, and who is more powerful compared with the titan giant ape and the sky blue bull python.

"One hundred thousand years, is that it?" Ziyun said with some disdain.

"Brother, how did you defeat the Dark Devilgod Tiger? Back then, my brother and I almost died at its hands." Zi Ling'er said.

"Could it be because it was seriously injured after fighting Da Ming Er Ming?" Zi Linger guessed.

He felt the battle between the Dark Devilgod Tiger and Da Ming Er Ming from far away, not to mention Zi Ling'er who was closer, but at that time Zi Yun was inside the formation.

And it is impossible for her to come out to watch the battle, so she can only guess.

"No wonder he died like this. It turned out that he was going to challenge those two guys. Elder sister, those two should have been injured after fighting the Dark Devilgod Tiger. I'm going to deal with them right now." Bright.

I have been holding back in it for three years, and I have long wanted to fight.

"No, you're not allowed to go. Even if those two are injured, I forgot the ten-year agreement you promised brother, and it's only been three years now." Zi Ling'er said a little angrily.

"Here, sister, I understand. Is it okay if I don't go?" Ziyun lowered the dragon's head and said.

It looks very funny.

"Actually, it's right not to go. Those two don't seem to have suffered too much damage after fighting the Dark Devilgod Tiger. There are still seven years left, let's go together." Feng Xiaotian said.

"However, don't you have the strength of a hundred thousand grade? Don't you have to wait seven years?" Ziyun asked.

Feng Xiaotian didn't know how much Sanfeng's strength after evolution would be, but with his cooperation, he was somewhat affected after fighting with the Dark Devilgod Tiger before, so there was still a chance.

But going now, the benefits are not the greatest.

Even if he wins, he can only get two [-]-year-old soul bones, not the soul ring.

After all, if he absorbs a hundred thousand year soul ring now, don't think about it, it will definitely not work.

[-] to [-] years is already the limit, maybe you can try it in the seventh soul ring.

It's still time to prepare to absorb the soul ring of the Dark Devilgod Tiger. At a height of more than one meter above the Dark Devilgod Tiger, a black soul ring has already appeared.

It's a pity that Sanfeng is still there, and he can't summon the two-headed wolf of Gale.

When the soul beast dies, the soul ring can persist for an hour.

The evolution time of Sanfeng is also very fast, and it will definitely be completed.

Seeing the arrival of Ling'er and Ziyun, Feng Xiaotian's last trace of worry was also eliminated.

After all, when he was absorbing the spirit ring, he was the only one there, and there was no one to protect him. When he was attacked by other spirit beasts, he might be doomed. This is a [-]-year Dark Devilgod Tiger spirit ring, which is comparable to a [-]-year-old spirit ring.

Chapter 400 Soul Emperor, Change

It can be said that Zi Ling'er came at the right time, and can protect him when he absorbs the spirit ring.

About ten minutes later, Sanfeng's red light had reached its limit, as if the entire canyon would be covered by this red light.

Fortunately, it is daytime, and at night, it may become a vision in people's mouths again. This light is just a light bulb.

Sanfeng's hair is also slowly changing, gradually turning into light red hair.

Red wolf, red wolf?

Sanfeng is really colorful, and the hair improves with the change of strength.

Feng Xiaotian was looking forward to it. Will Sanfeng be promoted to a million-year class in the future?

The metamorphosis is not over yet, but God knows Feng Xiao, it is about to be completed.

During this period, Feng Xiaotian and Zi Ling'er also briefly told about their respective experiences. It turned out that Ling'er had been out of the mainland for about half a year.

He went back to Star Dou Great Forest, and went back to Shenfeng Academy a year ago, but at that time Feng Xiaotian had just left for a few days.

Missed it, and then Ling'er came back here again.

Feng Xiaotian also briefly talked about the experience of the past three years. Ten minutes is too little time, and he didn't finish talking at all. He just gave a brief overview.

Seeing that Sanfeng was about to succeed, Feng Xiaotian said: "Ling'er, I have to prepare, then I will trouble you and Ziyun to protect me."

"It's okay, bro, you just go and absorb the soul ring, the outside is left to us, you're right, Ziyun." Zi Ling'er looked at Ziyun again and said.

I saw that Ziyun also nodded helplessly at the huge dragon's head.

Afterwards, Feng Xiaotian went directly to the side of the Dark Devilgod Tiger, if he hadn't seen that the spirit ring had come out, he was sure that the Darkmoongod Tiger was dead, so he really didn't dare to come over.

Sitting cross-legged next to the Dark Devilgod Tiger, although his soul power has been consumed a lot, his body is in the best condition, and if he absorbs it by leapfrogging, his body will definitely be impacted by their soul power.

At this time, it happened that my soul power was relatively exhausted, and I was more able to absorb his soul power.

Challenge your state of mind and wait for the success of Sanfeng. As long as Sanfeng succeeds, then you can start.

five minutes later.

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