It was still the original materials, but the heavy knife became [-] jin, twice as much as before.

It can be used to attack, but also can be used to practice.

As for the heavy clothes, Feng Xiaotian didn't add any other materials.

After all, the world was pressing, so Feng Xiaotian smelted the original material again, and then inlaid the gray stone he got on it.

You can put it on when you need it and take it out when you don't need it.

It looks a little ugly, but this is equipment for cultivation, what's the use of looking good?

After finishing all this, Feng Xiaotian put it on, with a weight of almost four thousand catties on his body.

Walking forward step by step, while Feng Qingyuan rode ahead on horseback, the three women were still in the carriage.

Feng Xiaotian walked on foot, almost every step was a footprint.

The weight of four thousand catties might not be possible before he became the soul emperor, but after he became the soul emperor.

Absorbing the soul ring of the Dark Devilgod Tiger gave his physique and strength another qualitative leap, so he was able to do it so easily.

Fortunately, there was Zi Ling'er along the way, and she kept getting him some pills to supplement him, so he was able to persevere.

The journey to the Star Luo Empire is also relatively smooth, Feng Xiaotian avoided those big cities.

Of course, I will also meet some small thieves, as long as any one of them shows their soul ring, these people will keep running away.

After all, the one with the lowest soul power among them is also Qin Yiran, who is a forty-nine-level soul sect.

On the forty-fourth day after leaving Gengxin City, Feng Xiaotian finally arrived at the location of the map, Fengshen Valley.

Coming from Kamikaze City, it took seventy-five days before and after, and because Feng Xiaotian had been practicing all the time, the speed of travel slowed down.

In front of Feng Xiaotian and the others, there was a huge mountain range that stretched continuously.

Where they are, there is a huge canyon in front of them.

There is an entrance about thirty meters wide.

From the inside, it might be even bigger.

Don't look at the [-]-meter entrance, which is really small compared to the mountains on both sides that are at least a thousand meters high.

After checking the map obtained from Han Donglai again, this place is right.

"That's right, it's here. Entering from here should be Fengshen Valley." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Brother, there doesn't seem to be any signs of human activity here." Zi Ling'er said.

Qin Yiran looked at the scene in front of him and said in puzzlement: "Sister Ling'er is right, we have traveled so far, it has always been a virgin forest."

"Maybe it's here, this place, I seem to have a special feeling, that feeling can't be described, it must be extraordinary inside." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Father, you may be from this Fengshen Valley, maybe you can find relatives in it, let's go, let's go in and have a look first." Feng Xiaotian said.

"Perhaps, yes." Feng Qingyuan replied.

As a wife, Qin Qiuyue was a little nervous when she saw her steady husband for the first time, did she really want to return to her hometown?I hope we can all come out safely after we go in.Qin Qiuyue prayed silently.

"Let's go, I'll go in first." Feng Xiaotian was the first to walk over after finishing speaking.

Immediately afterwards, the four of them followed behind Feng Xiaotian.

After entering the canyon and walking through a virgin forest, a road appeared.

But what's strange is that there are no animals or spirit beasts around.

Quiet, it was so quiet.

Fengshen Valley is terrifyingly quiet, it seems that there is no wind at all, is this still Fengshen Valley?

"Everyone, be careful." Feng Xiaotian said.

He didn't ask how to enter Fengshen Valley, only the map here.

After walking cautiously for about two kilometers, they actually reached the end of the canyon.

"Brother, this isn't Fengshen Valley. There's nothing left?" Zi Ling'er said.

"My feeling is getting stronger and stronger. There is something wrong with this place." Feng Qingyuan said.

"Is there some kind of formation or illusion." Feng Xiaotian said.

Feng Xiaotian glanced at the surrounding environment, and then his eyes slowly turned blue.

The Eye of Reality was activated, and the scene in front of him immediately changed dramatically. There was indeed a problem with the canyon in front of him.

At the end of the canyon, there is actually a two-headed wolf lying down, and beside the two-headed wolf is a huge quadruple, engraved with the three characters of Fengshen Valley.

The two-headed wolf is where I lie, guarding the entrance.

After releasing the Eye of Reality, Zi Linger immediately asked: "Brother, how are you doing? What's the matter?"

Feng Xiaotian smiled and said: "This is Fengshen Valley, we are right, everyone just follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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