"Then let me talk about my eldest brother, Feng Xuanye. When he first awakened, he became the first Galeful Two-headed Wolf Martial Soul in our Gale Demonic Wolf Clan in the past five hundred years."

"He is only five years older than me. He started preparing for the body test when he became a soul master at the age of twelve, and the eighth test of Fengshen was triggered. He passed the third test at the age of sixteen and became a soul emperor. At the age of [-], he passed the five tests to become a Soul Sage, at the age of [-], he passed the seven tests and became the second youngest Contra expert in Fengshen Valley at that time, and at the age of [-], he passed the eighth test of God and obtained the A [-]-year god-bestowed spirit ring allowed him to break through to Title Douluo in one fell swoop. Now at the age of [-], he is already a [-]th-level Title Douluo, second only to the [-]th-level Great Envoy. "Feng Xuanlin was very excited, as if it was his own experience.

This kind of experience, for Feng Xiaotian who is already familiar with Tang San's later plot, he is very clear, and he doesn't find it strange.

It is normal for someone who is born with full soul power to go through eight tests and become a Title Douluo at the age of [-], and another point is that there are no immortal herbs.

If there were immortal herbs, he should have become a Title Douluo even earlier.

At least he thought so.

But all this overturned Feng Qingyuan's cognition, this person is talking about his father?

If this is taken outside Fengshen Valley, who can compare?Twenty-six-year-old Titled Douluo.

"Actually, the [-]-year-old Titled Douluo is not the fastest in our Fengshen Valley. In the tens of thousands of years of our Fengshen Valley's history, the fastest is [-] years old. The eldest brother Feng Xuanye can rank Enter the top five." Feng Xuanlin said.

"Uncle Xuanlin, can you tell me why I was abandoned outside Fengshen Valley?" Feng Qingyuan asked curiously.

Calculated according to his age, when he was born at that time, Feng Xuanye should have been [-] years old, why did the [-]-year-old Titled Douluo leave himself outside.

Feng Xuanlin paused for a moment, thought for a while, and said, "You should ask your elder brother about this, I don't know everything."

He still decided to let Feng Qingyuan ask himself about this matter. After all, his own strength was too low at the time, and he might not have contacted all of them. up.After all, he felt that Feng Xiaotian in front of him already had the qualifications to be the successor of the next Gale Wind Two-headed Wolf God Envoy.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In fact, Feng Xiaotian didn't feel much about this aspect, after all he was originally from outside, but Feng Qingyuan was different.

In the past few decades, in order to find out his life experience, he traveled all over the families of the two empires that possessed the Gale Demon spirit.

They even gave up looking for it, but just a few years ago, their son Feng Xiaotian brought news that their martial spirit might come from Fengshen Valley.

Hope was ignited again, and less than two hours after entering, he was recognized by the people inside.

At least Feng Qingyuan, who has been fifty-six years old, has been recognized. On the one hand, it is the name, but on the other hand, it is the unchanging Wuhun.

The combination of the two is easy to recognize.

Feng Xuanlin didn't want to say anything, Feng Qingyuan and Feng Xiaotian didn't ask in detail, instead they asked some things about Fengshen Valley.

Among them is Fengshen Shenkao who is most concerned about.

"Why does Feng Qingyu call you Uncle Xuanlin? Didn't he call you Erbo?" Feng Xiaotian asked curiously.

"Actually, it's because few people know that Feng Qingyu is my elder brother's daughter. My elder brother only got a daughter in his early seventies. The baby is tight. He thinks that as few people as possible know about it, so he hides it. Come down, people outside only know that Qingyu is just an ordinary disciple with high talent in the clan, and his father has always been a mysterious existence, so they call him uncle." Feng Xuanlin said.

If it weren't for the fact that he had completely confirmed the identities of the two people in front of him, he wouldn't have said it.

Fortunately, in the world of Douluo, their family has lived for so many years, and many of them only got married and had children at the age of thirty-four.

Some of the generational gaps are huge, and some are even nearly sixty-seven years old, and they still have to call a newborn child an uncle or grandpa.

It is not too much for Feng Qingyu to call an eighty-year-old man an uncle.

The three of them talked for about twenty minutes. Feng Qingyu came in with a man in black clothes. He was basically fully armed, and the state of the people inside could not be seen from the outside.

From the outside, you can't see the state of the characters inside, they are very ordinary, but there is a feeling of something extraordinary.

This man in black was brought in by Feng Qingyu, this man may really be unusual.

After the man in black came in, Feng Xuanlin immediately stood up and nodded to the man in black.

Feng Xuanlin said to Feng Qingyu again: "Qingyu, let's go out first."

"Okay." Feng Qingyu said.

After Feng Xuanlin and Feng Qingyu left, Feng Xiaotian immediately sensed that there were only three people left in the temple in Xinfeng Town.

Feng Qingyuan, Feng Xiaotian, and this mysterious man in black.

After everyone walked away, I saw the man in black, with a wave of his hand, it seemed that a soul guide broke out of the door, after that, Feng Xiaotian felt that his mental power could no longer go out of the whole room.

Obviously this is a formation that can isolate everything, even Feng Xiaotian's spiritual power is the same.

After doing all this, the man in black took off his black clothes.

At first glance, Feng Xiaotian could tell that the man in front of him was really similar to his father, Feng Qingyuan.

This person should be Feng Xuanye, a super strong Titled Douluo at level ninety-eight, and a Titled Douluo with a [-]-year soul ring.

The difference from Feng Xuanlin is that Feng Xuanye looks very young, after all, he became a Titled Douluo at the age of twenty-six, and he is also an envoy of God, so he doesn't look much older than Feng Qingyuan.

That Feng Xuanye glanced at Feng Qingyuan and said: "Are you Feng Qingyuan? Show off your martial soul, and give me that identity badge."

Feng Xuanye's words were very flat, as if there was an invisible force that made Feng Qingyuan take out the identity badge that he just showed Feng Xuanlin without thinking about it.

Then the martial spirit also began to be released, and the Gale Demon Wolf appeared again.

At this moment, Feng Xuanye became excited and wanted to step forward, but stopped his movements again.

This is also seen in Feng Xiaotian's eyes.

"Okay, you can stop." Feng Xuanye said.

"Qingyuan, I have suffered for you these years. I am Feng Xuanye, and I am your father. You can just laugh at Feng Xiaotian. It is really amazing that you have awakened the two-headed wolf spirit of Gale with full of soul power." Feng Xuanye road.

But Feng Qingyuan was already fifty-seven years old, and he finally found his biological father, so he hesitated at this time.

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