You must know that in Xinfeng Town, it is very difficult to obtain the qualifications for the God Examination, and the soul power you practice every day must be injected into the temple.

The whole family definitely wants to guarantee him the divine test as soon as possible, but even if they work together, it will be impossible in a short time. After all, there are thousands of people here, and some of them came more than ten years ago.

There must be more accumulation than them.

With Feng Xuanye's relationship and returning to the family, it must be much easier to participate in the divine test.

So Feng Xiaotian replied: "I think what Grandpa said is right, this is what you have always hoped for."

"Xiaotian, what did you say?" Feng Xuanye asked.

"Um, let me say that I think what Grandpa said is right." Feng Xiaotian said, since it's like this, it's better to be more straightforward.

Feng Xuanye didn't expect that Feng Qingyuan didn't call him, but this grandson with peerless talent recognized him first.

In fact, the reason why Feng Xiaotian called him so quickly was because he didn't think it was anything at all, maybe his father still had a hurdle in his heart.

Could it be that he kept it in his heart? He called it to help his father pass this hurdle, which is beneficial to his practice.

The other thing is that Feng Xiaotian's soul doesn't belong to this world at all, that's where he came from, so what's the name?

In order to survive, the rich are the masters, the powerful are also the masters, the men are all handsome, the brothers, and the women are all beauties, and they are also young ladies.

a title?nonexistent.

What's more, the person in front of me is really my grandfather in this world. He is over [-] years old, even if the age of the two lifetimes is added, he can still be called a grandfather.

"Xiaotian, my good grandson, based on your words, I will definitely train you well and support you to become a real god." Feng Xuanye said.

Feng Qingyuan didn't expect his son to be called so soon, he always felt that it still needed a stage of adaptation.

"Sorry, I can't call you at the moment, let me call you uncle first." Feng Qingyuan said.

Feng Xuanye nodded, feeling very satisfied, and said: "No problem, as long as you like it, I will arrange it immediately, and the announcement will start tomorrow."

"You have just come in now, so you should still live in Xinfeng Town. It just so happens that today Qingyu will take you into Fengshen City and walk around. Leave tomorrow's affairs to me and Xuanlin to arrange." Feng Xuanye said.

"Qingyuan, Xiaotian. Come on, I will be half a month away from the competition for the most recent God Examination. With your strength, it will be very easy." Feng Xuanye said.

"But, there are three of us?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

Feng Xuanye smiled and said: "Don't worry, I will arrange for those of you who come. Although the number of places is limited, as an envoy of God, I have some privileges. Just prepare well. Xuanlin, Qingyu, come in."

(End of this chapter)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Feng Xuanlin and Feng Qingyu came in, Feng Xuanye said, "Qingyu, this is your elder brother Feng Qingyuan, and this should be your nephew, Feng Xiaotian."

Feng Xuanye found out that his daughter was actually one year younger than his grandson, and couldn't help but blush.

"Haha, Xiaotian, come and call me aunt." Feng Qingyu laughed.

"Isn't that old? You see, my dad is almost sixty, wouldn't it be nice to call you a young lady?" Feng Xiaotian said.

"Forget it, you juniors can communicate whatever you want, and what you call yourself is up to you." Feng Xuanye said.

"Qingyu, take your brother Qingyuan and Xiaotian, and head to Fengshen City, and then live in my mansion directly. Tomorrow, we will arrange to recognize our ancestors and return to our clan, and the identities of you and your mother should also be announced to the world. Already." Feng Xuanye said.

After hearing this, Feng Qingyu said excitedly and happily: "Great, we have finally waited for this day, then let's go."

Feng Qingyu didn't seem to have the slightest discomfort with the sudden addition of an older brother and a nephew.

"Then let's go first." Feng Qingyuan said.

Feng Xuanye said: "Go, I will arrange it. You can play today."

After Feng Qingyu took Feng Xiaotian and Feng Qingyuan away, they naturally wanted to go back to find Qin Qiuyue and Zi Ling'er first.

In the temple, only Feng Xuanye and Feng Xuanlin were left behind.

"Brother, have you decided yet?" Feng Xuanlin asked.

"Don't worry, it may cause dissatisfaction among the elders in the clan, but don't forget that Qingyuan still has the talent of Xiaotian."

"That's right, one of them is level eighty-seven, and the other is even more astonishing. We have never had such a talent in the history of Fengshen Valley. Do you think he is qualified to inherit the position of god?" Feng Xuanlin said.

"Of course, when they came in, the great envoy had already been instructed by Fengshen. Maybe Xiaotian is the one who will inherit the god's position predetermined by God Fengshen." Feng Xuanye said.

"Doesn't that mean that the mission of the nine clansmen of Fengshen Valley will be relieved?" Feng Xuanlin said.

"Maybe, I don't know how the outside world has developed, but the envoy who went out said that there are two great empires, seven sects, and a Wuhun Temple outside. If we, the entire Fengshen Valley, join forces , should be ranked in the forefront of these strengths." Feng Xuanye said.

"So, don't worry about tomorrow's affairs at all, just make arrangements now."


"Hehe, Xiaotian, you are seventeen years old." Feng Qingyu laughed.


"It's amazing. I'm sixteen, and I'm still a soul sect. You're already a soul emperor. How did you cultivate?" Feng Qingyu asked curiously.

"This is just cultivation, just keep practicing and work hard." Feng Xiaotian replied.

"Liar, I also worked very hard, but I'm still not that strong. Among the people under the age of twenty in our Galewind Two-Headed Wolf Clan, my strength is only ranked third." Feng Qingyu said.

"By the way, I heard that there is a limit to the number of places in the God Examination, and there is still a need to compete?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

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