And Feng Qingyuan can also rely on the divine test to quickly advance to Title Douluo.

Looking at the four elders, if they were all willing to accept it back then, they wouldn't have to separate their wives and children after so many years.

"Of course I know the rules, but I am in control of the rules." Feng Xuanye gritted his teeth and said, if it weren't for this being in his own family, he would have wanted to deal with these elders a long time ago.

"Since you know the rules, please come out and show your martial soul. If it's not the Gale Demon Wolf martial soul, then please don't show yourself as a member of my Gale Two-Headed Wolf family." The elder said again.

The other three elders also nodded in agreement.

In fact, this is also the rule of the nine major families of Fengshen Valley. It has been like this for tens of thousands of years, and few people violate it. It is not that one cannot marry a woman with other martial spirits.

Because once you marry a woman with another martial soul, or if your martial soul is not a two-headed wolf, you will be kicked out of the family directly.

In Fengshen City, one-tenth of the forces are basically composed of these people.

While talking, Feng Xiaotian and Feng Qingyuan had already arrived in front of Feng Xuanye.


"That young man is so handsome."

"Will you be kicked out?"

"Don't worry, since the patriarch dared to call them, it shows that the patriarch has enough confidence."

People in the audience were talking about it, and people from other families were just looking at it. Feng Xuanye asked them to come, in fact, it should be to witness everything.

After all, that incident back then was the pain of Feng Xuanye's life.

"Qingyuan, you choose to release the martial soul." Feng Xuanye said.

Feng Qingyuan nodded and said, "No problem."

After finishing speaking, Feng Qingyuan's soul power was released, and the martial soul appeared, no doubt it was Gale Demon Wolf.

"The eight spirit rings turned out to be a Contra." Someone said loudly.

"That's right, this person hasn't gone through the divine test yet. If he had passed the divine test, wouldn't he have become a Titled Douluo long ago?"

"That's right, as expected of the patriarch's son, the fifty-year-old Contra, if he had been in our Fengshen Valley, he might be a Titled Douluo by now, becoming the fifth elder in the family."

"I don't know, can my martial spirit pass the test?" Feng Qingyuan asked.

The four elders saw that Feng Qingyuan's martial soul was indeed Gale Demon Wolf, so they had no choice but to admit: "There is no problem with the martial soul, you can return to the family."

Feng Qingyuan put away his martial soul, and everyone's eyes focused on Feng Xiaotian again.

"It's my turn." Feng Xiaotian said

Soul power slowly overflowed from Feng Xiaotian's body, and the blue light filled the whole body.

The aura of the whole person is also changing, everyone is holding their breath, it seems that the young man in front of him is a little different.

Immediately afterwards, two wolves howled.

"The two-headed wolf of Gale Wind?" someone asked.

The martial soul was released immediately, and the dark blue Gale Two-Headed Wolf appeared in everyone's eyes.

Seeing this scene, the four elders sitting in their seats got up one after another.

You must know that Feng Xiaotian is a martial spirit awakened from the outside world, the chance of this kind of natural mutation to appear as a Gale Two-headed Wolf is pitifully low.

They also know that this kind of martial soul awakening is also the most powerful.

The Gale Two-Headed Wolf is dark blue, which is what is recorded in the family. This young man's martial soul has evolved into a top-level martial soul.

Just when everyone was amazed at Feng Xiaotian's martial spirit, his spirit rings also appeared in front of everyone one by one.


"What's going on here? What happened to his soul ring?"

"Yellow, purple, black, black, black, black, leapfrog to absorb spirit rings."

At this time, Feng Xiaotian's soul power was also exposed in front of everyone.

"Level sixty-five, Soul Emperor. My God, how old is he?"

At this time, Feng Xuanye said: "My grandson, Feng Xiaotian, who just turned seventeen this year, has awakened the Gale Wind Double-headed Wolf Martial Soul, which is full of soul power innately. From the second soul ring, he can leapfrog and absorb .His sixth soul ring has passed fifty thousand years." Feng Xuanye said proudly.


"Only seventeen years old."

"This still hasn't passed the divine test, if it has passed the divine test, maybe it will surpass the patriarch."

"Okay, Xiaotian, you can put away the martial soul." Feng Xuanye said.

Surprised from top to bottom.

Feng Xiaotian's talent is really too strong, exceeding their expectations.

Feng Xuanye didn't pay attention to those four elders at all, no one can stop his children and grandchildren from returning today.

"Everyone is invited to come today to witness all of this. Do you think there is a problem with Qingyuan and Xiaotian's return?" .

Some people even think that there is still a problem with this, that there will be no one in that family in the future.

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