The two faced each other at a distance of about 50 meters.

At the same time release the martial spirit, as well as the soul ring.

The aura of the two was at full strength, Feng Xiaotian was not inferior to the eighth angel under the blessing of the seventh spirit ring.

"Boy, very good. This kind of divine test is enough to prove that Lord Fengshen attaches great importance to you, but it is not so easy for you to pass the sixth test. I will try my best to stop you." The eighth divine envoy said.

After finishing speaking, the eighth divine envoy immediately activated the spirit avatar, and a huge black wind dog appeared in front of Feng Xiaotian.

Heifenggou is at least two meters high and four meters long.

The opponent's Title Douluo has already used the Wuhun Avatar, and Feng Xiaotian can't let go.

Feng Xiaotian directly activated the seventh soul skill, the martial soul avatar, and a gigantic Gale Two-Headed Wolf appeared on the field all the time.

This is the second time he has released his martial soul avatar. During the previous hour of adaptation, he also released it, and it has really improved a lot.

There is no need to be afraid of Title Douluo.

"Sure enough, it's a [-]-year spirit ring, powerful enough." The eighth god emissary said, fused with the spirit to become the real body of the spirit, and immediately felt the suppressing power of the spirit.

The moment Feng Xiaotian released his martial soul avatar, his martial soul trembled instinctively.

Originally, this kind of situation would not happen if the levels of Wuhun were similar, it would only be possible if the difference was huge.

Even when he was facing the second envoy, Feng Xuanye who possessed the two-headed wolf Gale, this situation never happened.

Some of them are like facing the great envoy, no, it should be a greater threat than the storm dragon brought by the great envoy.

Fortunately, he is also a Title Douluo, so he reacted in an instant.

Immediately rushed towards Feng Xiaotian, Feng Xiaotian responded immediately.

Followed up to meet, a two-headed wolf and a dog fighting, fighting together in an instant.

The entire playing field began to vibrate.

The confrontation between strength and speed is not speed, but strength. Feng Xiaotian was even on par with the eighth angel.

With Feng Xiaotian's own strength and the influence of the hundred thousand year spirit ring, he is no worse than this Titled Douluo.

(End of this chapter)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Fighting against a Titled Douluo, the two of them used their spirit avatars to wrestle with each other, competing for speed, and gradually the Titled Douluo was still at a disadvantage.

The leapfrog absorption of Feng Xiaotian's sixth and seventh spirit rings made his body no longer inferior to any Title Douluo.

"It's amazing, Xiaotian is so fierce, and it's too strong to compete with the eighth envoy." Feng Qingyu was surprised.

This is the first time it has seen Feng Xiaotian fight, with the [-]th level fighting the [-]rd level.

"That's right, brother's combat strength is definitely more than that." Zi Ling'er said.

For Feng Xiaotian's combat power, it was quite impressive.

But at the same time as this battle, it's not just them who are watching, in an unknown place.

"God Shura, are you trying to snatch my successor?" Fengshen looked at God Shura and asked.

Originally, he had already confirmed that Feng Xiaotian would definitely become his successor, but who knew that Feng Xiaotian would not go anywhere, but chose to go to the City of Slaughter to obtain the inheritance of the God of Death.

This time, he was favored by God Shura again. This time, he had finally waited for someone who could inherit the position of God, and now someone came to snatch it.

Fengshen wants to cry but has no tears, now it is up to Feng Xiaotian's choice, but it is not that simple to obtain the god position.

Feng Xiaotian now has the Killing God domain, it is very easy to inherit the killing god position, the current Feng Xiaotian has only passed the sixth test in the Fengshen exam.

Fortunately, he is still in his own area, so Fengshen Valley is under his control, and even Shura God can't intervene.

At this moment, the eighth envoy had already used the eighth spirit ability, which was also blocked by Feng Xiaotian.

But blocking the opponent's eighth spirit ability, Feng Xiaotian's spirit avatar was about to reach its limit, and his physical strength had already made up for the difference in spirit power to the limit.

As expected of an envoy of God, his ability is really extraordinary.

After the eighth soul ability, the eighth spirit envoy was also a little anxious, the eighth soul ability was useless, so he could only use his strongest ninth soul ability.

The eighth god made nine soul rings light up at the same time.Feng Xiaotian immediately released the external spirit bone, and like this, the Gale Two-Headed Wolf had a pair of wings.

The effect of the external spirit bone was brought into play again, increasing by fifty percent.

But it is still difficult to defeat in this way.

At this moment, the fist blade imprint on Feng Xiaotian's right hand slowly lit up.

I saw that the other party seemed to form a huge storm and swept towards him. The storm power of the ninth soul ability was like a tornado.

But is the opponent's ninth soul ability really that simple?

Immediately, a total of eight such storms appeared in all directions of the arena.

"If you can resist this soul skill of mine, you will win." The Eighth God Envoy said confidently, this is also his strongest soul skill, if Feng Xiaotian can resist it, then he has no stronger one Tricks come to fight.

Each of these storms is at least a hundred meters high.Feng Xiaotian was besieged in the middle, at the same time, Feng Xiaotian immediately used the fist blade skill to hide.

Disappeared in the arena in an instant, when these eight storms happened to come, Feng Xiaotian disappeared unexpectedly.

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