"Don't worry, there's no problem with Xiaotian's strength." Feng Xuanye said, just now Feng Xiaotian sent a voice transmission to him, so he said this to reassure everyone.

"The most difficult thing now is the fourth point, integrating the nine major families. Although each family wants to see the outside world, the nine major families have been in Fengshen Valley for thousands of years. If they could be integrated, they would have been integrated long ago. Already." Feng Xuanye said.

The nine major families restricted each other, and there was a dark time in history, and a series of struggles took place among the nine major families, resulting in many casualties.

It can be said that the nine major families seem to be peaceful, but in fact there will be more or less conflicts.

There are at least [-] people. With so many people living in this space, it is strange that there are no conflicts.

Harmonious development, the Fengshen Valley has already had hundreds or even tens of millions of people in tens of thousands of years. There is a certain reason for maintaining a certain number of people for so many years.

Feng Xuanye also told everyone about this powerful relationship.

It can be said that this point is more difficult than the previous ones.

Unless Feng Xiaotian really became a god and reprimanded Fang Qiu as a god of wind, it would be foolish to ask Feng Xiaotian to integrate the nine families just as a god test.

After Feng Xuanye's narration, everyone felt that this was extremely difficult, and for a while they forgot the battle with the storm evil dragon.

Feng Xiaotian is also thinking about how to integrate the nine major families, and there is only four years. To be honest, it is very simple to spread the might of the Douluo Continent.

In Fengshen Valley, apart from the nine great envoys, there are already more than twenty Titled Douluo.

In terms of top-notch combat power, even the Wuhun Temple can't match it. Even if it's not top-notch combat power, there are at least ten thousand masters above level [-] in the nine major families of Fengshen Valley.

It's not inferior to Wuhundian at all. With such a lineup, it's the easiest to show off the Douluo Continent.

The difficulty lies in integrating the nine major families.

There must be a complete strategy, and failure may break the existing balance.

"Grandpa, since you still have the support of your family, are there any families that fully support you?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

The Haifeng two-headed wolf family naturally supported Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian felt that as long as he won the support of most of the families, he could then integrate and solve the remaining families in a targeted manner.

Feng Xuanye didn't answer immediately, he thought for a while before opening his mouth.

"Maybe the fourth envoy of the nine great families has a good relationship with our family. I can at most convince them with [-]% confidence. As for the other families, it will definitely not exceed [-]%." Feng Xuanye said after weighing the pros and cons.

"Then what should we do? Couldn't Xiaotian fail the eight exams?" Feng Qingyuan said.

"It's not impossible."

"Xiaotian, who do you think has the most weight in Fengshen Valley?"

Feng Xuanye looked at Feng Xiaotian and asked.

"You mean the number one envoy?"

Feng Xuanye nodded, and said: "That's right, if the first envoy is willing, and our family will work together to promote it, then there is at least a [-]% certainty in integrating the nine major families."

Feng Xiaotian also knew that the real leader in Fengshen Valley was Feng Ao Wuyue, without her nod, even if other families were integrated, it would be useless.

It seems that this has to be considered in the long run, the time is still early, there are five years, Zi Ling'er needs to reach the Title Douluo, there is still plenty of time.

Several people discussed for a long time, and felt that in addition to thinking about how to integrate the plan, improving one's own strength is the most important thing. As long as the strength is enough, it will be easy to do things.

In the following time, Feng Xiaotian also began to practice in Fengshen Valley, and Feng Xuanye wandered among the various families, looking for ways to integrate the nine major families.

Because apart from Feng Xiaotian, Ao Wuyue also knew the content of his divine test, so Feng Xiaotian and Feng Xuanye also searched for it.

Ao Wuyue did not get an accurate answer either.


In this way, another two years passed, and Feng Xiaotian was already twenty-two years old.

Everyone has made great progress.

During these two years, Feng Qingyuan finally reached level ninety and passed the final test of Fengshen. Unfortunately, Fengshen did not bestow a soul ring.

You still have to go out to find the soul ring by yourself. Qin Qiuyue and Qin Yiran also passed the divine test. Qin Qiuyue was at the eighty-ninth level, and Qin Yiran also passed the last divine test to reach the seventieth level, and obtained a [-]-year divine gift. Soul ring, successfully reached the seventy-first level.

Passing the Fengshen test meant that they also had the qualification to leave Fengshen Valley, and they had already left Fengshen Valley three months ago.

In two years, Zi Ling'er also passed the seven tests, and her spirit power reached level seventy-eight.

But she had some problems in the eighth test of the god test, and she actually entered the map of Fengshen a month ago.

Feng Xiaotian only knew that Zi Ling'er needed to enter Fengshen Tu to accept the real eight tests, but he didn't know the content of Zi Ling'er's divine test.

Zi Ling'er couldn't get along with Fengshen at all, so how could she take care of her like this?Even Feng Xiaotian sometimes teases Zi Linger, saying that the God of Medicine is actually the wife of God of Feng.

As everyone knows, Feng Xiaotian was really right.

In two years, Feng Xiaotian's soul power has grown by leaps and bounds, and has reached level eighty-nine.

Zi Linger went to the Fengshen space to conduct the mysterious Eight Tests of Fengshen.

My soul power has reached level eighty-nine, and I have been away from the mainland for more than five years, so I should go back.

Fengshen Valley exit.

After his battle with the Gale Two-headed Wolf two years ago, the Taniguchi of Fengshen Valley has no guards.

However, the mouth of the valley has been completely closed.

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