On the right side of the gate is a small room that looks like a security room. The concrete road facing the gate is covered with branches and dead leaves, and there are also large craters blown out by bombs. Water, the fallen leaves of ginkgo trees swirl on the stagnant water.

"It looks okay, not particularly serious." Richelieu said, "It should be an accident during the attack."

Su Hao was a little curious: "Will the commander also attack with the ship's mother?"

"Depending on the situation, it's not safe to stay in the port area alone without the guard of the ship's mother."

In Su Hao's mind, a picture of a commander being hugged by the ship's mother and fighting at sea, because he was hugged too tightly and his head was hit hard by a ball, this kind of battle is really hard.

Brave man.

Be sure to come back a few times, I won't give in!

Now that we are here, we must go in and have a look inside. Richelieu 'takes' off the completely rusted iron lock, pushes the door open and enters.

Su Hao swept his eyes and sighed, "This is the port area."

"What's the matter? Sooner or later you will have it." Richelieu said softly, "But do you still want to be a commander after seeing the picture in front of you?"

"Of course."

"Aren't you afraid of dying?"

"I'm not afraid...it's strange, I remember that the ship girl where I worked before asked me such a question."

Richelieu looked over and asked, "How did you answer?"

"I said at the time that fear and decision are two different things, and the thing that is afraid just needs to overcome it." Su Hao changed his tone, "But I don't think so now, at least it's not just like that."


"I think, rather than being afraid, I have a strong desire to live and fight with Jian Niang. Maybe my thoughts are a little too naive, but people grow from naivety to maturity. Before you have experienced it, you can’t say that it must be wrong to do so, right, other people’s experience may not always be suitable for you.”

"You ask if it's right to do this. I don't know if it's right. I just want to do it. If I knew what was right and what was wrong from the beginning, there wouldn't be so many people who scratched their heads and regretted it all day long. gone."

"But even if it's wrong, compared to how many years later I will sigh alone facing the sunset, I think even if I die in the arms of the ship's mother, it's better than being mediocre all the time."

Having said that, Su Hao saw Richelieu walking towards him quickly, then stretched out his hand and tapped him lightly on the head, and said angrily, "What nonsense!"

Richelieu would naturally be angry if he said that he was not dead.

Su Hao smiled, "It's just a hypothesis."

"It's not okay to assume." Richelieu was very strong, "Okay, from now on you are the commander and I am the ship's wife, I should have listened to you, but you are still a rookie, so from now on you have to listen to me .”

"Then I'll call you sister, I'm used to it."

"up to you."

Richelieu took Su Hao's hand and continued walking in.

The port area is very large, and most of the staggered concrete roadsides are some grasslands, which have become very desolate due to the relationship of not pruning for a long time. There are also blooming osmanthus trees and tall elm trees. Drives away the dryness and heat in the air.

Su Hao raised his head and said, "It's very comfortable. Speaking of which, such a large piece of land is used as a port area, and the government is willing to do so."

Thinking about having such a large piece of land by the sea, how much the land price alone is worth.

Richelieu patiently explained: "On the one hand, it is for the protection of the commander and the ship's mother. If the space is too small, the carrier-based aircraft will fly in from a super long distance, and the firepower will cover even without a second round of attack. There is no need to hide in any place. In addition, it can be regarded as giving the ship girl a certain amount of freedom. Not all ship girls like to deal with humans, especially ship girls with commanders. I am merciful, because of this, strangers are generally not allowed to enter or leave the port area."

"Although the port area is nominally for the commander, it is not allowed to use the land for any profit-making purpose. You can build dormitory and canteens in the port area, but you cannot rent them out to others. Every port area There will always be ship maids from the Maritime Safety Administration to help manage, mainly responsible for the order management of the canteen, supplies, and outsiders, but most of these ship maids are responsible for civilian work, not very good at fighting, and will not interfere with the affairs of the port area."

Along the way, Richelieu talked eloquently. Su Hao was surprised by her appearance, and even wondered whether Richelieu had stayed in the port area before.

However, the ship girls have no two masters in their lives. Even the ship girls who came out of the port area, most of them became free ship girls to live on their own. Some went to the Maritime Safety Administration to work, and some even died with the commander. But when it comes to re-finding another commander, such an example seems to have never appeared.

Go further inside and come to an open area.

It has not been developed yet, and it can be seen from the geographical location and the surrounding environment that their destination has arrived.

"Is it here?" Su Hao was a little uncertain. After all these years, and after excavation, except for a vague outline, the exact location could not be determined.

"It's here." Richelieu said with certainty, and then she jumped to a commanding height to overlook, and then jumped off from it after a while, the distance of several meters up and down was no problem for her at all.

Then she landed on an open space, walked back and forth, and finally stopped to look towards Su Hao.

That should be the place where Richelieu picked him up when he was semi-conscious. At this moment, Su Hao walked over and looked down, "It's completely different."

"But I remember, engraved in my heart." Richelieu's expression was gloomy, she avoided Su Hao's gaze, "Xiao Hao, do you hate me?"

"Why did you ask so?"

"I just feel...if it wasn't for me, maybe this battle would never have happened, you wouldn't have been injured, and your friends in the orphanage wouldn't have died, and the people you knew, all of this It all disappeared because of the fighting that took place here."

Richelieu turned her head to look to the other side, her golden hair was stirred by the wind blowing from the sea, but her originally heroic appearance looked a little lonely at this moment.

After a moment of silence, Su Hao said: "Maybe, but it's just a possibility. You say 'if it wasn't for you', none of this would happen, but there are not so many ifs in this world, only what happens in front of you fact."

"To be honest, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have survived that war, and I wouldn't have been able to live in peace for so many years, being taken care of by a gentle sister, and I couldn't stand as a commander like I am now. here."

"Life is not about thinking about what will happen, but it is useless to be upset about what happened. As you said, there are always accidents at the seaside. Who can say such things? This is not the case. It's your fault, even if I didn't witness the situation with my own eyes, I think you, Richelieu, must be fighting hard to protect the people in this coastal area."

Walking up to Richelieu, he hugged her gently, stroked her soft hair, and comforted her softly.

"Just like you know me, I also know you. You must have fought to the end. In order to protect this land, you saved a hundred people. I can't blame you for not saving that one, can I? What has happened cannot be changed, if you still blame yourself for not saving anyone, then I will always be with you, let you slowly let go of this blame, and accompany you to protect everyone here."

"This kind of thing..." Richelieu actually knew that it was so strange that so many sirens suddenly appeared in a place that was not dangerous enough to be classified as Area A, and it was probably because of her.

Because of this, Lingshui City suffered a major blow because of this incident. For those humans who died in the flames of war, Richelieu felt guilty. Although she saved many people and Su Hao in the end, she There is no way to get the ring from the latter with peace of mind.

All she can do now is protect her.

"Okay, don't think so much, anyway, no matter what you say now, I won't let you go." Su Hao let go of her, looked straight at her, and said with a smile, "You are my sister now, my wife."

"Hmm..." Richelieu felt warm in his heart.

Then she blinked and looked at the faces that were close at hand, the breath between each other was patted on the cheeks, and the air was moist with temperature.

Then she said playfully, "Commander, what do you want to do with your arms around me like this?"

"Uh, I..."

"Hee hee~" Richelieu stood on tiptoe and lightly pecked Su Hao's forehead, "Let's go, go to the beach and have a look, there is no one else here."

Saying so, there was a clear sound of artillery fire in the distance.


PS: boki! boki! boki!

Chapter 21 Li!plug!Keep!

Suddenly hearing the sound of artillery fire at the seaside, it was naturally not someone's fireworks factory that exploded, and this dull and substantive explosion sound was not comparable to firecrackers.

"The siren appeared?"

At this time, in the Lingshui City Maritime Safety Bureau, the ship's wife in the command room checked the display on the radar instrument and immediately issued a notice.

"Attention all departments, there are sirens about 00 nautical miles from the coastline in area A-10, and the target position has been locked. Please send personnel from the combat department to eliminate the enemy."

"Repeat, attention of all departments, A-00 area..."

The radio kept ringing in the Maritime Safety Administration.

"How come it's so close?" The war department took action immediately after receiving the notification.

"It may be that yesterday's rain affected the radar monitoring, but there is still a distance of 10 nautical miles, and it is still in time." Pennsylvania, the captain of the war department, shouted at this time: "Assaulter! Assaulter!"

"Here~ Captain." The ship girl named Assaulter raised her hand from the last position in the department office and stood up with a sausage in her mouth.

"Don't eat it, first use the carrier-based aircraft to intercept those sirens, and don't let them approach the shore!"

"Too far."

"Good food, and won't you go over by yourself? And hurry up and swallow the sausage!"


Under normal circumstances, a carrier-based aircraft can fly a dozen nautical miles or even farther under the control of an aircraft carrier, which is mainly affected by the capabilities of the aircraft carrier.

However, the number of carrier-based aircraft controlled by an aircraft carrier at the same time is also limited, and the distance is affected by the capabilities of the ship's mother. In addition, the carrier-based aircraft is equivalent to a part of the ship's equipment. If it is shot down, it means that the ship's equipment is damaged. In the case of serious damage to the ship's equipment Like other ship girls, she will also fall into a state where she cannot fight.

Of course, if the aircraft carrier is powerful, it will be difficult for other people's anti-aircraft firepower to hit her carrier-based aircraft, and the ammunition and fuel are stored in the carrier-based space. It's huge.

Therefore, the role played by a powerful aircraft carrier is unimaginable.

At this time, Pennsylvania appeared at the seaside with some of the ship girls of the battle group.

Each Maritime Bureau has its own components, civilian ship maids manage daily work, and war department ship maids are responsible for daily patrols and eliminating sirens.


As soon as the words fell, a series of chaotic shelling sounds suddenly sounded.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of shell explosions can theoretically be transmitted tens of kilometers across the sea.

Pennsylvania froze for a moment, "Is there a ship girl fighting? Are we still patrolling outside?"

"No more, it's all in the headquarters." The ship girl beside her replied, "It's the free ship girl, maybe the ship girl who is the escort of the cargo ship."

"Well, anyway, let's go quickly."


Just when the ship's wife from the Maritime Safety Administration came to this side, Su Hao, who was in the center of the battle, was completely messed up.

"Li! Se! Stay!"

His yelling melted into the sea breeze and was annihilated in the surrounding explosions.

It's not fear, it's more surprise, shock, helpless Sister Li!

Maybe he should be Miss Li but...

I can't understand the incomprehensible thing Li Jie did!

Wait, wait, I'm stepping on Richelieu, right?

To be precise, it is a physical battleship transformed by Richelieu with a ship outfit.

In terms of size alone, it is not as big as a real battleship, but even if it is a reduced version of the battleship, the shocking power it brings to Su Hao is still extremely huge!

At this time, he remembered a sentence about the introduction of the ship girl that he had read during this period of time: the ship's outfit is the main support of the ship's battle, the ship's girl can summon small miniature naval guns to attack, and can also turn the ship's outfit into a real warship .

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