Vockland put on a disgusted face.

Su Hao beckoned: "Little Guanghui, come here."

Of course the little angel was the most obedient, he leaned over to his face, and was immediately kissed.

Su Hao challenged Volklan, "Look, it's better for Xiao Guanghui to be good, and I will get her the most powerful ship suit in the future."

How can Maolan, who is just a mere fool, be his opponent?

Su Hao was proud, but Walkeran thought for a moment and said, "When my lord sister comes back, I'll tell her that you always let Xiao Guanghui kiss you."

"Uh..." Su Hao OVO

"Also, you flirt with that fox, that fox named Chicheng."

"How dare you insult people's innocence!"

"You and the business sister are also flirting. I saw that the two of you took a walk together last night, and then Portland ran out of your room this morning with disheveled hair."


Su Hao was silent for a while, and finally said: "Voklan, is there anything you want to buy? I bought it for you, well, I am your commander, of course our relationship is the best, isn't it? "


The mere Voklan also learned how to be a ghost, and obviously her character should be an idiot at the beginning.

Although not as stupid as Firefly, Firefly is the best discipline. She can turn into a caring little padded jacket, but Walkeran is much more troublesome. After all, she is actually closer to a girl, a junior high school student, and it is time for rebellion.

However, it is always true that the commander has the best relationship with the ship's wife.

When Su Hao said that, Vauquelan immediately said that she would not say anything when Richelieu came back.

Look what a relationship is.

Playing in Taoyuan until the evening, Su Hao was carrying a big bucket of peaches when he returned, with a sad expression on his face.

It was very refreshing to pick, but now that there are so many piled up, it is suddenly a little difficult to handle.

The ship girls were obviously not keen on this, even Tiancheng only ate some symbolically, Enterprise ate a few, Dido ate more than a dozen, she was going to vomit, she didn't like peaches very much.

"Cleveland, don't you eat?"

"St. Louis, take some back, don't be shy, take them all away? That's even better!"

Obviously impossible, the rich woman's vision is very high.


"One peach, one painting." Portland clearly marked the price.

The others refused even more. Although they are commanders, there is no reason to force their mother-in-law to eat what she doesn't like.

Just as he was thinking, Su Hao's cell phone rang.

"Hello, Zhu Qiao?"

"Su Hao?"

"Ah, it's me."

"Are you coming to Wujiang tomorrow?"


"Eh? Aren't you coming? Tomorrow is the half-year summary of the situation in Bagui District. You are the commander of the Lingshui Maritime Safety Bureau. I thought you would come."

Semi-annual summary?

Su Hao scratched his head: "No one notified me."

"Well... Maybe it's because you are a newcomer, but it shouldn't matter if you come here, after all, you are now a celebrity in our Bagui District." Zhu Qiao smiled, "It's actually like this, I know you here. Some of the commanders in the group told me about the semi-annual meeting before, and then they knew that I knew you, so they asked, many people want to meet you."

"Uh, why is the semi-annual meeting only held now?"

"Well, isn't something happening all the time? It seems to be delayed because of something. I don't know too well. Do you want to come?"

Su Hao remembered that he had promised to take Xili out to roam around.

"Okay, I'll go to Wujiang to have a look. Participate if you can. If you can't, forget it. Send me a specific message and let me have a look."

After hanging up the phone, Dido asked.

"Master, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing... Well, I'll take a look tomorrow..."

Su Hao looked down at the information on the phone.

The semi-annual meeting... Well, there should be a lot of bigwigs who participated in the past, right?


PS: 12 o'clock, rush!

Chapter 201 Raiding Chicheng Battle?

The Maritime Safety Administration will summarize the management situation of the entire district every six months and a year, and solve problems in a timely manner when problems are found, which is not a special feature. Everyone does this.

Because there will be many commanders gathered together, an idea suddenly popped up in Su Hao's mind.

Of course, he didn't think about drying boats or anything. Although he is a seal, he is also a quality seal and never messes with drying.

I used to not post games in the group, and now there is nothing to post.

The main reason is that there are so many people there, maybe there are one or two people who know the situation in the iris country.

He had gone to Lingshui City to inquire about it before, but it was a pity that he didn’t know anything about the small place. When he asked Nelson, he didn’t seem to be too clear about it. Bagui District is a hundred and eight thousand miles away from the Iris Kingdom. Who is okay to pay attention to this?

The Maritime Safety Administration will not, but the commanders may not necessarily.

Su Hao learned one thing from his short life, never underestimate the power of the people who eat melons.

They may chat inadvertently, and they talked about state secrets.

If you focus on one thing, digging three feet into the ground is not an exaggeration. After all kinds of messy channel news are gathered, the truth will almost come out.

Not to mention, everyone is professional when it comes to piecing together news, you say one sentence, add a little logical inference, and then you have it.

So Su Hao decided to try his luck.

In addition, the time to become a commander is not short. As a newcomer, it is definitely necessary to get in touch with this circle more.

"I'll go to Wujiang tomorrow."

During the meal, Su Hao told everyone about it.

The commander's gathering is not a secret, it's nothing more than those things back and forth, apart from chatting, it's just discussing the latest situation, where to get rich, begging the big boss to take the area and so on.

Not to mention, there is no way to link in the game, and the link between the port area and the port area is not uncommon here.

It couldn't be more convenient to meet each other at the party, add a friend, and then send a message when encountering a situation.

"Rodney, Portland, do you want to drop by and go back together? Or should we stay here for a few more days? I haven't been there for a long time, so I should be back on the same day."

Rodney said that he wanted to take George V with him, and Portland had no intention of going back. She was still waiting for Su Hao's book package. What if Su Hao became lazy after returning?

"Then Xili, come with me. I'll take you there for a walk, as I said before."

"rua! I'm going to have a meat feast!"

Xili is very happy, it's a party, it's just gathering those delicious things together, it's great.

"Ah, Commander, just take Xili, not me."

Firefly protested, she didn't go when she attacked before, and she won't go now.

"Thinking about it, if there is only Xili alone, it will inevitably be lonely.

"Then you go too." After speaking, Su Hao said again: "Actually, it's nothing. It doesn't take long to go back and forth, and it's not a special trip. I'll take you when I go on a trip. I have something to do this time. "

It doesn't make sense for the commander to run around with the whole family when he goes out, he just said that to take care of the feelings of the ship girls.

But everyone was clearly very reasonable.

"By the way, you can go with me in the enterprise."

The enterprise looked over and quickly understood what Su Hao meant, so he nodded.

After dinner, he went back to his room and continued to write Portland's notebook.

In fact, at the end of the day, I only have a little free time at night. During the day, I told Portland that there is no big girl who always runs to the boy's room at night.

I am not Liu Xiahui, and I have to endure the harassment of the beautiful girl while drawing the book, so the difficulty has directly increased by two levels.

That is Su Hao, who has already been tempered by Sister Li. If it were someone else, seeing a beauty like Portland sleeping on his bed, he probably couldn't help but rush forward and rub her on the bed.

Of course, the consequences of jumping on it are absolutely serious.

Maybe it was pressed against the ground and rubbed against it.

After drawing for a while, I remembered what happened today, and I had a frank talk with Chicheng, and the current situation is quite clear.

Akagi definitely wanted Amagi to leave with her.

Sky City will not go.

I will not let Tiancheng go.

2:1, a perfect victory.

But Chicheng's stubborn ideas are always a problem. After thinking about it, Su Hao felt that if Chicheng could stay in the port area willingly, then it would be fine.

Chicheng didn't want to leave, and Tiancheng stayed completely. Su Hao was happy and Chicheng was also happy. Isn't this a win-win situation?

"Well... the question is what method should be used?"

Su Hao took out his mobile phone, opened Baidu and Google.

How to please girls.

1: Understand the character, if you want her to have a good impression of you, you have to understand her character.

"Um... um... Got it, skip it."

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