Akagi raised his brows, what are you doing, it's mysterious.

But she still moved away to let Su Hao enter the room.

She wants to see what this guy is doing.

Chicheng's room was very ordinary, without even special decorations, obviously she didn't plan to stay for a long time.

Su Hao walked in, and after she closed the door, he lifted up the thing in his hand and said, "The cookies I just made are specially brought for you to taste."

The key to a girl's strategy is to make her feel 'special'.

Su Hao also had a flash of inspiration when he was standing at the door just now.

Compared with directly saying "Ah Chicheng, I made something casually, you can try it", the effect is definitely much better.

The same thing, given out in different ways, has a different meaning.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Hao's words, Chicheng's eyes were slightly surprised, "Give it to me specifically?"


"Hehe~ Interesting."

The corner of Chicheng's mouth raised. She was still worrying about how to capture Su Hao.

It's good now, it's delivered to your door.

At this point in time, no one will find out, right?

Why don't you just lock yourself up in your room and train all night...

Chicheng is confident that after her training, Su Hao will listen to her and 'release' Tiancheng.

As for the so-called cookies... hmm?

"Sorry, what happened this time... Well, I didn't mean to target you. To be honest, Akagi, you are a very good ship girl. You see, when you first arrested me and went to the island, you also had a very good attitude. As a Whether it is character, strength or other aspects, Jianniang is excellent."

Take the easy way out!

Deliberately avoid those unpleasant topics, shift the focus, and open up new situations.

While Su Hao was talking, he opened the bag containing the cookies, and the aroma immediately filled the air.

Akagi shook his ears.

"Whether it's because of Amagi or not, I hope our relationship can relax a little bit, as friends or something... What do you think?"

Akagi stared at the bag of cookies.

"For me?"

"Well, I made it for you alone."

"you made it yourself?"

"Yes, just now."

"Did you really do it yourself?"

Akagi doesn't believe it!

The color, fragrance, and appearance of this cookie can't even be made by Fusang, so how could it be made by a mere human commander!

What would a human commander do?

She admits that Su Hao is a little bit better than others, but but...

"I really did it." Su Hao was speechless.

Why don't you believe it?

He just threw himself into the production and made the most perfect cookie ever.

You know, even Richelieu has never tasted cookies of this level!

Chicheng stared into Su Hao's eyes for a while, judging from her experience, the other party was not lying.

Although surprised, this is the fact, the fact is that this guy who stole his sister is really outstanding...

"Try it?" Su Hao handed over the biscuit.

Chicheng hesitated for a moment and asked, "You didn't make it for your sister, did you?"

Nothing to show courtesy?

"Of course not, I said it was specially made for you."

At this time, no matter how stupid Su Hao was, he would not say yes.

Saying good to another girl in front of a girl, even sisters, will definitely have thoughts in their hearts.

Of course, Chicheng has a good relationship with Tiancheng, so there may not be any, but there is no need. Why do you have to do something like 90 points when you can get 80 points?

Thinking about this, Su Hao said with a smile: "I just think that there is no need for our relationship to be so rigid. I have no malice towards you, nor Sakura. I just want all the ship girls in my port area to be happy. That's all."

"It's good that everyone can be happy, no matter whether you pass by here or stay forever, at least from the perspective of the commander, Akagi, you are the best ship girl in everyone's mind."

Akagi's outstretched hand trembled.

The best ship girl...

It seems that no one has ever praised himself so much.

In the past, when my elder sister was around, and I lived under the shadow of my elder sister, everyone would only say that Tiancheng was smart and powerful, and Chicheng was like Tiancheng or something.

Where is Chicheng?

Quirky and stubborn.

where is it?

Akagi doesn't care, even if others think so, yes, it doesn't matter...

But, being praised by others, why do you feel happy in your heart?

Obviously it should be the enemy...

"What's the matter?" Su Hao scratched his head, "I still have confidence in my pastry making skills. I have learned it before, or do you mean you don't like cookies? Or should I change it? You said you like it What to eat, let me make it for you."

"No, no need."

Akagi snatched the bag of cookies.

Holding it in your hand, you can still feel the warm-up coming from the bag. It really is just right.

She took one out and took a bite.

Fragrant, the mild aroma diffuses in the mouth, and the aroma of eggs is mixed with the aroma of barbecue.

Crisp, the moment the teeth are bitten down, it seems to be able to hear the crunching sound. The gap left in the middle of the cookie supports the shape of the whole cookie, which is compact but not sticky, and has a full taste.

The sweet, heart-warming sweetness is completely integrated into the cookies, and melts in the mouth while the tip of the tongue is wriggling, and the sweetness blooms instantly.

Hot, the residual heat of the oven still remains in the biscuits, warming the taste buds.

Mild, dense, hot, and strong, Akagi was more surprised than the taste in his mouth and the feeling in his heart.

She actually likes to eat this!



Su Hao cheered in his heart.

I ate and ate, not only accepted but also ate.

Facts have proved that the plans he thought of when he came here are completely feasible!

What happened to Xiaobai in love?What's wrong with being taken care of by Sister Li?

There are so many gal strategy games, it's not just for fun.

Chicheng's ability to accept the gift proves that there is still room for relaxation in the relationship between him and Chicheng.

Of course, if you just accept it and don’t eat it, then that’s another story.

Now that he ate it, and it was still in front of his face, it proves that Chicheng's vigilance against him is still very low.

If there is no such thing as Tiancheng, then the relationship between the two is at least a friendly level.

But there is no hurry now, take your time, and eat the meal one bite at a time.

Su Hao doesn't expect Chicheng to fall in love with him just because of a pack of biscuits, anyway, as long as the relationship is relaxed, um, as long as the relationship is relaxed, as for what he likes...he hasn't considered it for the time being.

After all, no matter what Chicheng said, there is still a problem with her personality. If she doesn't show it now, it doesn't mean she doesn't have it. Just look at her treatment of Tiancheng.

Although there is Tiancheng, Su Hao still has no idea. If Chicheng really falls in love with him and wants to occupy him, should he resist or accept it?

Huh wait?I want peach by myself.

Su Hao felt that he was thinking too much, so he quickly shook his head and threw away this unrealistic idea.

"How does it taste? It took me a long time to make it, so it shouldn't be too bad." Su Hao tentatively asked.

His words, of course, have a purpose.

Generally speaking, every girl has a proud side, especially when the relationship is not very good.

How it tastes is to give the other party the right to evaluate, unconsciously lower one's own status, and achieve the purpose of apologizing.

Regardless of whether she said it was delicious or not, the answer is not important, the important thing is to continue the topic.

It took me a long time to do it, which means that my attitude is sincere, and it implies that I am so careful because I do it for the other party, which indicates that she is special to herself.

"Not bad." Akagi stuffed the biscuit into his mouth and chewed it lightly.

Her heart is much messier than it looks on the surface.

"That's good." Su Hao scratched his head with a smile, "I'm still worried that the cooking is not to your taste. If you like it, I will make it for you often in the future."

Chicheng tilted his head and looked over, "What conspiracy do you have?"

"Huh?" Su Hao spread his hands, "Didn't my purpose be very clear? I just want to ease the relationship with you."

"Because of my sister? Did she ask you to come?"

"No, Tiancheng didn't suggest me what to do." Su Hao shook his head, "It's just that I want to do it myself. I think we should get along well, at least as friends, regardless of the issue of Tiancheng. Wasn't it the same on Sunset Island before?"

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