"Hey~ I have to talk to Xi Li tomorrow, but does Jian Niang have dreams? I don't get it, chicken legs, I didn't snatch yours..."

"rua! Big bastard, give me back my chicken leg!"


Su Hao rolled off the bed.

(╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

"It hurts..."

He rubbed his old waist and got up from the ground.

Taking a closer look, Xili had kicked off the quilt and was lying on the bed, sleeping soundly.


Su Hao covered Xi Li with the quilt again.

Roll into a chicken wrap.

"It's all right now."

He clapped his hands and lay down again. He just breathed a sigh of relief when Xi Li's voice sounded again.

"Aww! Xili Iron Head!——"


Su Hao: "!@#$%...&*****"

Su Hao lay on the ground, staring blankly at the ceiling.

He swore that he would never sleep with Xili again! !

And please...nor!


The next day, Xili yawned and sat up from the bed.

He rubbed his eyes, turned his gaze, and froze.

"Hey! Su Hao, why are you sleeping on the floor?"

it hurts!

Still hurting!

Being attacked by Xili's feet and an iron head, as an ordinary 'human', Su Hao said that he was really terrified at that time.

"Su Hao, what's wrong with you?"

"No, nothing." Su Hao grinned, "Stiff neck."

"Hey~ Xi Li has never had a stiff neck."

Su Hao thought to himself why you have a stiff neck, you can get drunk when you are so fucking asleep.

"Get up." Su Hao shook his head and said.

In the morning, the second half of the semi-annual meeting was still going to be held, Su Hao went to attend, and the ship girls continued to wait in the Maritime Safety Administration.

However, unlike yesterday, Chicheng is in a very good mood now.

She discovered a problem last night. Although she only pretended to start her plan with the excuse of "walking out of past memories", she thought about it when she went to bed last night, and felt that she still liked this feeling.

Well, Su Hao is obsessed with himself, and the company has a single arrow. After Richelieu came back, his face was ashamed.

Hehehe~ Invincible!

In her opinion, Su Hao is pretty good, and what he said last night really touched him a little.

The more she gets along with Su Hao, the happier she actually feels herself, so much so that she doesn't have much time to recall the good life with Tiancheng and Kaga in the past.

Maybe, my sister is right, I am just bound by memory.

Now that my elder sister is back, it is a happy thing, why should I be obsessed with it?

If... well, it would be nice if it could go on like this, hehe~

If Su Hao likes himself...

"You seem to be in a good mood," Enterprise said suddenly.

"Of course, Commander-sama likes me the most." Akagi raised his lips slightly, "Enterprise, you lost."


"Hehe~ You will know later."

Go ahead and play dumb, stupid guy.

"It's time, Commander, it should be over."

Akagi walked out of the coffee shop with a smile and walked towards the conference room.

As soon as we approached, we saw some commanders leaving with the girls one after another.

Her eyes searched the crowd.

"Where is the Commander, let me see, um... um?"

Chicheng's gaze was fixed in the distance.

Over there, Su Hao was chatting with a strange ship lady, talking and laughing.

Looking up, the sky seems to have white snow falling.


Chapter 212 Changes in Akagi

what are they doingThey are chatting.

Why are you smiling so happily?


Why, the commander clearly said that he likes Akagi!

Although Chicheng didn't really like Su Hao, but ah, this feeling of winning was suddenly kicked off the podium, and then one, two, three or four appeared in the lead one after another Myself, that feeling is really uncomfortable.

It's as if the toy I like has been snatched away, and in the process, I snatch it back and forth, not because I like it so much, but because I don't want to give it up!

Not to mention that Su Hao is not a toy, Chicheng has not forgotten what the two of them said last night.

Hmm... wait, no, no, it's just chatting, you are the winner, right?

Enterprise, Richelieu, whoever it is, will lose, no matter who it is!

So who is that guy?A stray cat on the side of the road?

Because she feels pitiful, let's feed her, hehe~ She really has the style of Commander-sama.

Thinking this way, Chicheng saw a wild cat in the distance turned into several wild cats, and then heard Su Hao's laughter, the laughter of a group of ship girls.

"Those bitches!" she cursed under her breath.

The company suddenly felt inexplicable, "What's wrong?"

Who are you scolding so well?

"Bitch! Sow! Bitch!"

enterprise:? ? ?

Hey, hey, Akagi, where's your elegance?

Xili raised his head and asked, "Sister Chicheng, what is a bitch?"

Chicheng ignored her, and looked into the distance with a gloomy face.

Enterprise was very puzzled, but she had never met a person like Chicheng who scolded people so badly.

After all, why are you scolding people?Obviously, it was fine when I was in Minato.

Besides, I didn't deal with Su Hao before, even if I didn't scold anyone because of Tiancheng's relationship at that time, why are you scolding now?

Why, Su Hao shouldn't have done anything strange, so the problem lies with those ship girls, did they do anything?

Compared with going to rescue Su Hao, the company wants to know why Chicheng cursed people.

She felt that if she could figure this out, the so-called 'Jianniang understands life', she should be able to take a big step forward.

Thinking of this, the Jian Niang who surrounded Su Hao left.

Chi Cheng's complexion suddenly turned cloudy.

"Huh? Su Hao, are you still here? Just right, I have something to tell you."

Sunny to cloudy.

Nelson walked over to say hello to Su Hao, and he didn't look very good. He said something, Su Hao waved his hands again and again, apologizing, Nelson was suspicious and didn't believe it, Su Hao patted his chest and spoke righteously, Nelson finally calmed down up.

She hummed and said with a smile: "Let's just believe you, I'll call Rodney later... By the way, what's going on with your Chicheng? You said that the first flight battle is in your port area, and there is Kaga?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you before?"

"Not at all!" Nelson frowned. "Hey, hey, how big-hearted are you? It was the battle of the heavy cherry blossoms. When it comes to your port area, aren't you afraid of being gossiped?"

Su Hao spread his hands: "Let's just say it, the clearer will clear himself. My connection with Chicheng and the others has nothing to do with the national level, it is our own private matter, and ah, Rimu Island also represents Heavy Sakura, right? The ship girls above are all invincible."

"Then you forgot where the heavy cherry ship girl who fought with us in Amos Bay came from? Don't you believe it?"

"I believe." Su Hao thought of that peaceful town, the things on the island, and the things in the shrine. He nodded, "Even if it's a ship girl, what's the problem if you don't like war? The matter of Sakura does not have to be resolved through war."

"Don't tell me this, I'm just a small member of the war department." Nelson waved his hand, "I only focus on the immediate matter, fight if I want to fight, don't fight if I don't fight, how to deal with the specific general direction, Where is it the turn of us little people to take care of it."

After finishing speaking, Nelson took another deep look at Su Hao, "But maybe you can, if you follow this trend, Su Hao, as a commander, you have great potential and are excellent, but I advise you not to be too naive. After all, our ship girls are not simple, and sometimes an obsession is far scarier than you imagine."

Su Hao shrugged. He has already experienced Chicheng's persistence, the enterprise's persistence, and Richelieu's belief that he has always insisted on in his heart.

He understands what Nelson means, but if possible, he also wants to work hard in his own way, maybe it will work?

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